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Everything posted by CasperSabe

  1. lol I thought it was rachel in the commercial? I didn't see sarah.. I voted for Ashlea .. she reminds me of allison season 4 .. holly didn't really bother me .. she was just gifted with an unfortunate voice .. there were times when she didn't act as stupid ... so I think it was a bit of an act .. so, so far Janelle doesn't bug me ..
  2. I seem to remember the first HOH comp being held each year on the first show .. it usually closes without letting us know the winner .. but my guess is -- if someone ISN'T evicted the first night that the HOH winner gets to sleep in the HOH bed, which would explain why 3 people are without beds .. as there are 3 beds in the secret bedroom.
  3. I keep seeing this word in threads and I don't know what it means.. ?? :roll:
  4. Well .. I think it's pretty different .. the way they designed the second floor longue area to sorta 'over look' the livingroom is kinda cool.. I could not figure out where the hidden bedroom was .. HOH is MUCH bigger.. with their own private bath .. I think that it will seem a lot different once the HG's are living in the house ..
  5. maggie has a manish face .. but it could just be the photograph
  6. I posted this elsewhere .. but what if the HG is evicted the first 3 HG's are not truly evicted, but are living in the scret bedroom .. to be voted back in for a chance to play later??? That would explain why Arnold said no Sequester house, and why they said it would be more like season 3 .. and the people would DEFFINATELY have a motive to want their partner to come back in the house ..
  7. Well there is a secret room .. And they did say they wanted it to be like BB3 (where they voted someone back in ..) maybe the evicted house guests would get voted back in.
  8. Who do you think will already get on your nerves?
  9. I really like (based on their profiles which isn't much to go on) Ivette, and Rachel.
  10. For those who wanted to speculate .. here's the freeze frame of the ET overview. I was anxious to test my new ability to screen cap last night lol
  11. Ok .. what's the deal. CBS's picture of him makes him look like a dork. But all of his survey questions made him seem kinda interesting .. (hey -- he likes Pete Yorn he can't be that bad). And that picture ranster posted .. Oi. Makes him look like a farm boy, I wouldn't mind having a litle fun with .. Why is CBS making him look like a dork? Why god why?
  12. I totally had to open another browser in order to look at the HG's pictures on Mortys site before I could answer this .. still don't have all the names with the faces yet, only know 'beau' because his was the first profile I looked at .. and 'ashlea' because she seems like another allison type personality to me .. I voted for eric. He mentioned rum and diet coke (yum) and he's a dad + fire fighter .. he doesn't seem like he could be evil. But we shall see.
  13. Ok .. So they do not all look white to me. Looks like 1 or 2 are indian, 1's black (and gay -- I think), and a few of the girls look hispanic.
  14. That was an 'America's Choice' .. not a 'luxury' compeitioin type thing ..
  15. good night Am watching the rainbows, and one black feed in your place ..
  16. Hmmm.. That's not the new one that I saw ..so there must be like 3 of them out there .. The one that I saw was in the same vein as the one that there is a clip for
  17. heh .. you might be right about that .. but let's agree to disagree .. shall we? You made a good point .. new faces are entertaining, and it's fun to observe them adjust to the house for the first time .. I think it would be as interesting to watch them adjust to other players .. would the people from the same season, even if enimes during their season join forces... would they try to evict that person, before the people they don't know .. So many possabilities .. lol.
  18. I don't think storming her site would be very nice.. it's not her fault if CBS changes when it gets aired.
  19. maybe it will be on tomorrow? I am in central time zone .. am watching it now thinking maybe it will be on during the EST 8 o clock hour .. Stories this hour ... Katie and Tom ... Natalie Holllowell .. vanished teen on graduation trip info ... Coming up -- Can Viagra cause blindness?
  20. at 7:25am quad cam .. just black screen .. the divider however is doing a funky psychedlic thing .. and periodic flashes of lights flash on various cams .. Thank you CBS for the free eye test so nice of them to provide free hearing tests too with that periodic humming sound ..
  21. So they can be extra lazy? There are 2 floors to the house .. perhaps the 'loungue' is upstairs with the HOH bedroom? Thanks for the pictures.



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