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Everything posted by CasperSabe

  1. I can't confirm or deny .. but was Ashlea on the Early Show?
  2. As much as I hated what happened. We weren't truly there. I do not think the decesion should be America's .. but rather the producers and the House Guests who were there.
  3. lol I do think that there will be an inviction this year .. at least I am hoping. It's the perfect twist for summer of sercrets
  4. Sigh .. I don't have much hope. But I am trying to have some.
  5. I knew it too .. God I am hoping that Cappy can convince them to keep Mike if he gets mad enough about Jenny .. lol I never thought of Eric swinging this way .. but man, I am just hoping .. lol
  6. My favorite HG's are always out by the 7th week usually .. they don't even make jury.
  7. Mmmm. I don't think so. Might create paranoia. That you could out them at any time. I want someone to out everyone so badly .. lol
  8. In the rainbow room this afternoon, Jenny, April, Rachel and Kaysar were all talking (they were joined later by beau) about relationships, and how you know a guy is the one, etc .. And Jenny told April and co that she was crying about her bf when she was in the gold room -- that no one asked her why she was upset they just assumed .. she told April this because April was saying she was crying in the HOH BR about her husband when listening to James Taylor .. April told Ivette .. who told Cappy. When eric said, maybe we were wrong about Michael? James said no .. because of the Sarah thing. But many on this board have disputed whether the Sarah thing actually happened .. let Sarah confess to James that maybe she's not sure it happened .. that she was just hyper aware of the situation because of all the paranoia the girls were spreading based on Jenny's lie.. Come on HG's!! Figure out this was all BS and ralley the troops to keep Michael!!! Come on!! Use that VETO!! Put Jenny up. Vote Jenny out!! Please. Oh. Please. Oh. Please.!!!!!!!!!!! I think they can't not show it .. but as with the sexual harrasment thing, they will deffinately put their own spin on what happened ..
  9. Noooooooooooooooooo!!! I mean that if you are HOH and you know the other pairs .. that you OUT the other pairs sort of .. by putting their keys side by side in the box .. so they each have to draw each other's key out that they are paired with .. lol Let them wonder if your on to them.
  10. I say no. Look what happened during the presidental election .. :roll:
  11. lol .. Wasn't she telling Ashlea to sleep with Michael originally to stay in the game.
  12. Say for example Kaysar is HOH (positive thinking!!) He puts Janelle's first .. then Howie + Rachel, James + Sarah .. etc.. in order so that they each pull each other's key.
  13. Ok .. who could switch from the main alliance to kaysar and Janelle's side once Michael is gone? I say -- Howie and rachel possibly .. and possibly James and Sarah .. If Kaysar and Michael were thinking, they'd try to work April .. about Janelle .. get them to decide to vote Janelle instead of Michael .. saying she was the mastermind, etc .. It would keep them in the game. Although I doubt that Janelle will be going.
  14. If I were HOH .. and I thought I knew who the pairs were .. I'd put their keys in that order, just to keep them guessing if I knew ..
  15. Kaysar doesn't have that kind of support in the house... He could put up April if POV gets used .. accomplishes the same thing .. at least in part.
  16. I want kaysar to win it .. put up ivette and cappy
  17. would it not be funny if he gets evicted .. and then there is an in-viction and he comes back to take Cappy out? That would be sweet!!! And that would allow him and my big brother boyfriend (haha) kaysar another chance to win!!
  18. But the point is everyone says rules are rules. Physical contact like that is against the rules,etc. Ok it was April...I said I was not sure who it was. My point is if one is wrong they are all wrong. I was pretty sure that the rules state you can't attack another house guest, or desplay physical violence on another house guest .. the houseguests who have been removed have all been deemed a physical threat to themselves or another person. Someone bobbing you on the head with the water bottle in a playful, ie: not trying to knock you unconcious way -- is considered playing -- and could if anything deserve a reprimand .. Charging at someone to beat them up .. is something different. There was danger, or the serious potential for danger in his actions. If anything .. I felt that the intention and his very intensity was very fightening. My own heart started to beat faster .. and I found myself being really freaked out, and scared of Eric last night. I think that if his actions and that fight last night could evoke those feelings in me over a computer monitor .. that it must have been that much worse to have been there and seen it happen first hand. I don't think I have ever felt my heart race, or felt genuine fear over someone and a water bottle. Sorry. They're not the same things. Just not on the same level. I know you're playing devils advocate .. but I don't agree. I do however feel pretty powerless. I don't think CBS or the producers really care what I think about the situation. They're going to keep Eric in the game. And that's going to be the end of it. But in all honesty .. this whole situation really makes me quite upset.
  19. Oh .. get off it .. there is a huge difference between trying to charge towards someone with murder in your eyes, and someone bopping you on the head playfully with a bottle of water .. and for the record -- that was April, not Sarah. I did not see Kaysar throw anything .. and if anything I think Kaysar was trying to do a REALLY GOOD thing last night by trying to cool the temps down,a nd keep the peace.
  20. CBS has been making eric out to be a hero .. a great family man, a fire fighter, a brilliant stratagist .. etc. They would not just kick him out. I for one can't believe these people are all so stupid though .. they keep talking about how they have the first 4 weeks planned out of who needs to leave. Then what? Don't they realize they should not all be one HUGE alliance? And that picking off the few indivdual people without much power is STUPID?? These people who all LOVE eric should raelize that he's a bigger threat to them, then Michael or Kaysar is.
  21. There is no reason for someone to belech in someone's face, or fart on you or anything .. but my big brother did that kind of stuff to me all the time growing up .. it was rude .. but whatever .. not much you could do about it. Ivette was not pot stirring when she replied to Michael... her pot stirring was running out to the backyard, telling everyone else .. and getting so riled up .. and planning what she was going to say .. and then deciding that she was going to go tell Michael off .. She kept repeating herself .. and the more she did, the more angry she got .. the more angry everyone got. She = pot stirrer
  22. It deffinately brought drama .. that's for sure.
  23. From what I have been told .. they have security on set 24/7



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