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Everything posted by Aldrich

  1. Gotta be a tax write off. Although I doubt he has a job of any relevance and probably no need to file taxes. (living off wealthy mom/dad seems a great way to go)
  2. I totally agree re others had no game but, in this case, as was case last year with Paul, I think I MIGHT be correct. Although you might also be correct. Few more days til we find out. Thank goodness.
  3. Oh, I thought he asked what was her major. I could say more re she and her mother but won't.
  4. Agree re Cody hating Josh but my intuition tells me Cody's hatred of Paul will be greater. I love Kevin as a person but think being in among jurors and hearing stories re Pauls actions he probably will feel differently. As for evil Xmas, if she hasn't been in a plan to split the winnings with Paul I will be surprised. They have been working together like a well oiled machine. But if that might be the case (splitting the winnings no matter which one wins) we won't hear about it for a long time, if ever. I may be wrong on all counts, time will tell. I think we will all be happy when this mess is over. Man's inhumanity to man....that's my takeaway this season. Way to go CBS/BB.
  5. Newby, that is very true. He always chooses a 'fall guy' to take the heat for him.
  6. Well it gave them something to do rather than plan cruel abusive actions/shunnings against others for a few minutes. Hate this season.
  7. Hilarious and sadly true re her being puppet master. The only person whose actions she directed were Matt. And re Matt she seemingly had him by the ---- (fill in the blank) It's really sad that her upbringing has brought her to this point. And shows Matt's character and intelligence that he has been so close to her throughout this fiasco.
  8. I feel same way. If Kevin doesn't vote for Paul then hopefully enough votes will go against Paul.
  9. Yes, I was happy to see those interactions. Raven and Matt are very dense and dim witted IMO. Doesn't Raven say she has college degree? But when Paul asked her what was her major she said either 'dance/ballet'. She is dumb as a rock. Re Alex, as with many here I was caught up for awhile thinking she has great wisdom/game play but that soon evaporated. If she had carried thru with great game I might have more respect for her opinion but as she did Paul's bidding on really abusive and cruel actions her judgment is questionable.
  10. I like alot about Jess but I am voting for Cody. He at least tried to evict Paul, although Cody did misdirect Jess re using veto. But I'm for Cody. But if Jody didn't happen I think (apart/separate/not a couple) they could have made great progress in the game. Me to.
  11. Paul faux clothing designer. Yes I also checked out his site, ridiculous. Nothing of merit. A joke really.
  12. Thnx. And I believe it was you who posted site where Jason was interviewed stating 'Paul is toast' (think that was quote) and that jury won't vote for him. I had read something from a gossip site re to that statement. But had no info re who he spoke to, wondered if he spoke to family or where comment was made. I must say you are very good at getting info. Wish we could have seen Alex entering jury and what happened and was said to Jason. Bet that was emotional.
  13. Me too re Cody. He was the only person who tried removing Paul and Cody said that Paul will take Josh to F2, we will see re that. As for Alex praying for and asking for AFP, wow she has rude awakening re how public sees her. Spoiled little brat IMO.
  14. Pretty good actor isn't he. It was repulsive and will continue to be til bitter end.
  15. Pinky, did you watch last season? Hoping/thinking we'd never see Paul's ugly face is what most of us felt last year. And seeing him this year was a disgusting shock. I will say again that his family must be very close to those in power at CBS. Any detectives on here? If so please use your talents to get more info. i wonder if FCC would investigate?
  16. Definitely fake, no tears just hands rubbing eyes. Just like Alex did with Josh.
  17. Yes yes yes !! I sat here thinking the same thing. His pumping fist in air with every correct answer, then gleeful celebrating, then FAUX crying ..and isn't he a great actor? Suddenly last few days showing remorse and crying (didn't see tears, only hands over eyes) he is priming everyone to think he feels any degree of guilt or sadness for those he had to work to remove. But he never feels guilt or remorse. How much more evident must it be for others to see this entire season has been fixed/scripted. Unbelievable.



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