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Everything posted by Aldrich

  1. His sadistic menacing,devious,mind control, vindictiveness, etc etc is inborn/ingrained into his psyche. What he has been doing is what he will do on the outside. Having known someone with that type personality I read everything I could on psychopaths. They feel no remorse, no guilt, in fact they can't feel love but fake it to get what they want. And Paul's actions this summer, once again, just like last season, show me what he is. It doesn't end when he walks out the door. Just my uneducated diagnosis.
  2. Just read on a gossip spoiler site that Xmas worked for Paul's mother for quite some time. So now we see 2 HGs knew Paul and family before this season. Hope more info comes out re Abrahamian and family's connection and power with BB/CBS. My intuition tells me Paul and family have deep connections here. Also, it said that Jason SAID that Jury members won't give Paul the win...again. Are Jury members allowed to talk to people/media? I love hearing this but was not aware Jury could communicate outside jury house. The plot thickens. Truth comes out sooner or later.
  3. I think your post speaks for most of us. Disappointing doesn't even describe what most of us feel. Rage is huge part of it, IMO.
  4. Another disappointing change in BB. How much more interesting it would have been watching their reactions. But alas, we got to watch teeny tiny sadistic Paul massacre HGs one by one. Paul's eyes have that same serial killer look that Manson still has.
  5. As a newer viewer beginning with Derek, I found his game play fascinating, although some of his actions infuriated me. But to watch Derek's law enforcement techniques was of great interest to me. Derek presented himself as quiet, innocent personality, never allowing others to know he was controlling the game. He had a way of discussing with others who 'might they' put on block, in end convincing them to believe 'it' was their idea. In that case, I felt he definitely deserved the win. Glad I began with Derek, at least I did see what this game used to be.
  6. I agree. It would have been very interesting to watch each HG coming to Jury and their reaction to Paul's betrayal and lies and manipulation. That would have been the interactions that would have shown true real interactions. Wondering if Alex will tell Jason to give Paul his Jury vote.
  7. Perfect ending for this faux 'game'. I think BB/CBS screwed themselves with this seemingly corrupt season. I have no desire to watch BB Celebrities as I now believe that it also will be fixed. The excitement is gone! The interest I had watching what I believed were honest reactions and true game play is over. If Paul takes Kevin to F2, hopefully Jury will give the win to Kevin. Will evil win out this season? This entire fiasco does remind me of times when Manson followers killed innocent people at orders from their 'leader' and when Jones talked his 'flock' of deranged religious people into drinking the koolaid, pure evil on all 3 IMO. This time we watched the entire thing played out on CBS. Someone should be fired after this mess. The world has been watching this, including impressionable minds of children and weak minded adults.
  8. Somewhere I saw the video of Jess doing this to Matt, Paul, maybe Mark, I think Elena, I think also Raven, seems she had no preference re gender, all were shocked as we all would be, although they all laughed. It was shocking really and certainly is gross and imagine if a man did that to a woman.
  9. You are hilarious ! If he was my son I would hide out at home for 6 mths to avoid friends and family.
  10. So you're not sure what a bitch slap would be either? No, it won't keep me up at night, just curious re what it means to some people. We do agree re Paul.
  11. Please define 'slap' to me. Then same for 'bitch slap'. I thought bitch slap is something a stronger person does to a weaker person and a slap that is unexpected. You can hear Paul's unexpected slap across Josh's face. Although Josh is probably stronger than Paul physically we all know Josh seems to have mentality of a child. What do you think is a bitch slap. This confuses me.
  12. As a newer viewer I am sad to hear that. Drinking underage was accepted? Unbelievable. Re Jess, as one not watching live feeds I had no idea she doing that. First how childish and certainly should never be acceptable.
  13. Evil Dick said on his blog that Paul's manipulation and abuse isn't showing great game play...in addition he also believes it was fixed. And so even previous winners hate tiny little psychopath troll Paul.
  14. Wonder if her followers might be turned off after seeing her evil sadistic side. Watching someone give presentations is one thing but seeing their reactions in day to day setting shows true character. I am thrilled to see that the poll on this site shows Cody and Kevin in dead heat for AFP. A win for either would make me happy.
  15. I watched that video 3 times and I heard a slap. I guess I have no idea what a bitch slap is. I mean he walks into the room, walks right over, slaps his face, calls him F---- idiot, what is that called? A love tap between buddies? He has treated Josh like the town fool. And still Josh does not have the b---s to work to remove him. Unbelievable. And Xmas is just as evil as Paul.
  16. It scares me also. And exactly like Manson and Jones, giving orders that their followers would carry out. To think Manson ordered his crew to murder multiple people in 2 different homes, on different evenings, including a very pregnant woman. And for no reason, not to get revenge just to show obedience. And Jones convincing hundreds of people who literally did 'drink the koolaid knowing it would kill them. And it is frightening and evil. Both horrible actions by sick men, much like the horror we have been watching this season. And presently seems Paul has broken Kevin. When Kevin said he believes Paul and knows Paul never lied to him?! Evil Paul is shrewd as he constantly keeps them seperated so that they don't exchange info. Sadly/sickly shrewd.
  17. I've only been watching the last 3 years but have been informed of others removed for violent behavior. I agree re ratings this year as CBS and/or their friends in other media keep all that is happening on social media, etc. I have mentioned that most 'old timers'(those who have watched all thru years) most dropped out weeks ago. They have been so disappointed and also felt it was fixed. My question to those who feel Paul's attack was not a 'bitch slap'. Can someone then explain to me what is a 'bitch slap'? And those who comment re Jessica shoving fingers in people, she definitely should have been in some way punished/removed/etc. And same for anyone touching another without permission. This has just been horrible and I will continue to the end like so many hoping to see tiny teeny Paul get evicted or removed by BB. But won't be holding my breath. And I agree, next year many will have such negative opinion of BB I doubt it will be the draw it used to be.
  18. This is my 3rd year watching BB. I am shocked that CBS has allowed this abusive/torture to continue. I continue to watch hopefully waiting to see Paul be removed either by eviction or being removed by CBS for all his abusive behavior. Still waiting.
  19. Glad you agree that it was full on face slap. Not sure how some seem to feel it wasn't. Paul is an abusive evil person. Really sad season on so many levels. Will be glad when it is over. I really hope someone on the 'outside' bitch slaps little Paul. He definitely needs it. Didn't Paul's mommy say that her teeny tiny son is often mistaken for a terrorist? Well we have seen that he definitely has the heart/soul/mindset of ISIS violent sadistic murderers. His parents must be proud. I hate abusers. Shame on BB/CBS for allowing this season of horror to continue.
  20. Just saw video on TMZ showing Paul walking up and bitch slapping Josh on face because he was crying. Shocking. Will Josh not turn on Paul after that? Or will it continue, Paul intimidating his way to the big bucks and everyone continuing to give in to Paul to avoid being next person attacked. Assault charges perhaps?! Paul's true character is shining thru now. Scum abuser foul mouthed slime. Please no one vote for Paul to win. If he is in F2 please Jury, let the other person win. So odd that so many this year, just like last year, are hoping Paul doesn't win. Not odd but sad that here we are again. Another year tarnished with that ugly devil.



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