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Everything posted by Aldrich

  1. That would be worth watching. We've waited soooooooo long to hear those words.
  2. Well, if that is the meaning in French it was perfect !! Bundle of nerves not sitting still. That is perfect IMO !!
  3. I think you might be a tiny bit invested due to your many responses to me on this subject. IMO you are a 'right fighter'. You MUST prove to whomever that you are correct. And so, I can say that I believe you are correct, in your own mind. My life definitely will go on with much happiness and glee as seems Cody, our beloved vet, will win AFP, as he deserves some acknowledgement that viewers have his back, so to speak. Now, your response to this post will be the final comment as far as I am concerned. And I get the feeling that getting in the last word is very important to you. And so go at it. THE END!!
  4. I also noticed his near injury jump over machine. We seem to have similar mindset.
  5. Thank you. Needless to say I agree completely. So happy seems Cody will win AFP. Cannot wait to see his face when they announce and hope Julie mentions that Cody and Kevin were top 2. That should make Kevin happy but more importantly show the rest that viewers hated their actions.
  6. As I posted...'Disagree and feel anger and express that'. Nowhere did I say that he should not be criticized but the comments stating his military experiences left him with violent tendencies or deep seeded anxiety & that you can see in his eyes serial killer instinct, that is over the line. As for the many in military that you seem to know or are aware of, yes we have a variety of people who enlist. Fortunately if/when these issues come to light they are dishonorably discharged and face punishment. Re our criticism of other HGs, I don't remember Cody giving orders to 'SHIT IN HIS MOUTH' (re Ramses), or to shun people, or for the group/mob to attack and mentally break others, or to entice someone to beat pots and pans in another HGs ears, the list goes on and on re the evil actions both ordered and taken this season. If my comments make you upset that is YOUR problem.
  7. No, I'm not kidding. Attacking one of our veterans, commenting on his 'supposed' instability really does pixx me off. And the majority of Americans feel the same way. Respect our flag and nation and all those who sacrifice their families, bodies, and some sadly their minds. Disagree or even feel anger and express that but for those who CONTINUALLY make cruel vicious assaults re Cody's or any veteran's instability or mental health crosses the line.
  8. Have been wondering where you've been Wicked. Just in the shadows watching the insanity on these boards? But you must be pleased that your boy, Cody, is at least winning AFP this season. Hopefully he or Jess will come back next season, but not together. If either of them do then I might come back next year. And I am sure, those posting here who constantly berate and degrade Cody, pixx you off a bit. Bringing out that Wicked rage? They do with me.
  9. That is so true and so telling. Hadn't even thought about that issue. Another bit of proof that, as we have learned this season, CBS/BB covered their axxes by listing BB as ENTERTAINMENT not a game and due to that there is nothing we can complain about really. And so, this season, seems NO game was involved, only a set up by production to hand Paul the win. And along the way we watched in horror and disappointment as BB/CBS allowed Paul and his gang of idiots go down the line shunning/abusing/torturing other HGs as he saw fit. Why ever watch again? Wasted time along with much aggravation this season. As has been mentioned before, if the sordid actions Paul and his minions have done to so many this year, if this was done to prisoners in Gitmo or any prison in USA, those involved would lose their jobs and/or face military consequences. Sickening really.
  10. Well when I began watching BB I also began Survivor. Hopefully Survivor won't be staged as has this season of BB. But I never followed Survivor on Mortys but will this year. Thanks.
  11. I think we could accept production trying to get HGs emotional and excited for various events and challenges, to be expected. But what they did this year may have turned too many away for good. Sad as my first 2 seasons were interesting and kind of fun to watch, although there is always a villain but certainly not from the depths of hell like the 3 we have left here.
  12. We both agree on that. Pinky, as a rather new viewer and Morty site fan, does this site close BB postings after season? And if they do is it same for their Twitter acct? I would love to stay in touch with some of you re what info might be found out re this crappy corrupt season.
  13. Yes, top of BB record book history for most cruel, sadistic, inciting others to torture/shun/abuse other HGs. And in record books for being in most corrupt season with help from production.
  14. Totally agree. I still believe Paul's mommy and daddy have some pull/power with BB production ot Chen and husband. Hopefully our talented sleuths who post here will soon get the truth. And hope they hurry as our time is running out. Does this BB site on Mortys stay open after season? If not how will we know what, if anything, our great investigators find out.
  15. Re AFP, in beginning wanted Cody to win for all reasons many mention and because he is a veteran who fought many years for our freedoms. And many vets come back with some level of stress related issues. And so his isolating with Jess and being caught up in that love affair, to me, was understandable, although a huge mistake. Then my choice became Kevin, another 'good guy' IMO who was there for family, etc. And also because of the hell these F3 slime put him thru. But now I am back to Cody. As I watched polls on this site showing Cody ahead of Kevin I figured I might be wasting my vote if I supported Kevin and wanted either of the 2 to win. And now Jason is pulling in numbers and due to his multiple rape comments I won't give him my vote. And so Cody all the way for me. Please only Cody or Kevin.
  16. Wow, how can I get that rant at this point? Would love to see that. I was going to mention here that I figured production was telling he and darling (?) Xmas what viewers were saying because those 3 were planning to put Kevin thru hell before last comp but for some reason they did not, in fact, they were very sweet and kind toward him and even cooking for him. If anyone still doubts production is supporting Paul and giving him answers and the comps in which he will do best and win, certainly all can now see the truth. Going to see if I can pull that up on You Tube. Any ideas where else I might find it. Although thought just came to me that if I resign up for live feeds I can rerun it? Any ideas where/how I can find that video?
  17. My first season watching was Derek's season and I really enjoyed watching his law enforcement training manipulate the game. I really enjoyed the first seasons I watched. Not this obvious set up.
  18. YES YOU DID !!! Seems many of us, as this mess comes to an end, feel free to vent our anger/frustration. I've done the same. Feels better, a little.
  19. Maybe she is just like him? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...Oh well, as long as she gets her Bentley.
  20. That tells me I wish I were his mom !! ++Just kidding! ++ If I were his mom I think I'd never let him back in the house.



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