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Everything posted by Aldrich

  1. What a relief !!!!!!!!!! The imbecile court jester won over faux king, evil Paul. thankful jury used their heads and not vote for the The Spawn of Satan. BTW, did ya'll notice Josh's face when Julie announced Xmas voted for Paul. Seemed to me surprised and unhappy look at that moment. His ride or die voted for his competition. Wonder how he feels today re her change in loyalty? His sweet Xmas became a turncoat but when he won, she jumped back on the huge meatball. Enough. As many mention was a great and at same time depressing evening. But at least the lesser of 2 evils won.
  2. Hopefully millions have learned from this mess that 'game' has nothing to do with BB. Truly disappointing. This season a complete waste of time.
  3. Just tried to vote FOR CODY at 9:48 but seems closed already?! I really appreciate your posting re last voting time/date but wanted to post that, once again, CBS/BB rules are BS. If Cody or Kevin don't win we will know another fix was in. This season has been so draining and dam depressing. Almost over..........
  4. Was not aware on no sharp knives but makes sense. Thankfully no knives because if there were king Paul and princess Xmas would have ordered 'OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!' And the imbecile court jester would have done so.
  5. I remember Cody BSing Paul IE: 'great game play Paul/I respect your game Paul' yada yada, all to pretend he respected him to set up faux relationship , but I never heard him say he would give Paul his vote. When did you hear that?
  6. Have been in love with that man all my life !! Thanks for the memory. And right on point.
  7. If HGs aren't upset now, wait til they get home and find out that the fix was definitely in throughout this season and that we all knew it. 'Paul for the win' at every turn. Cody is only one to see it from the beginning. And how repulsive to watch these 3 last abusers/torturers that are left. The Spawn of Satan and his minions. Truly heartbreaking and unnecessary. Can't wait to see teeny tiny Paul's mommy driving her Bentley. Reminds me to go now and vote for Cody for America's fav !!
  8. Exactly. This is the problem. There have been layers and layers of corrupt actions, or in Matt's case, inaction. And it is totally unfair to the many HGs who get into this to try to play a fair 'game' to whatever level that used to be. Just a huge pile upon pile of Dodo. This mess reminds me of the guy (or gal) who is happy and successful until they hook up with a negative person who gets them completely off their successful track and they end up with nothing and no one. What a loss.
  9. I understand. As a newer viewer who swore I'd never watch those 'reality shows', I had enjoyed the first few seasons but this year has left a bitter taste for many of us. Sad to see it happen, hope CBS/BB correct it. If not, well it's had a great run. Too bad, many people upset. On to Survivor and for me, hope to get busy painting.
  10. Well there goes my plan to call FCC. But still might just to let off steam. I would imagine the FCC might (?) let CBS know about complaints but if it's been going on all these years them it's futile.
  11. Me too ! And maybe half the country will be doing same.
  12. Thanks, Guess these past 3 years I wasn't aware re Dr. Will's visits. Although never before have I been so absorbed by this process. I hope Survivor doesn't end up the same way. Totally corrupt.
  13. Oh, cheering at the moment they say evicted would be great thing. But when he exits maybe BOOs with shouting of 'abuser' , torturer, we hate you, burn in hell!' A bit much perhaps.
  14. They've gone that far. To bring someone in to try to sway the jury. Really this must be a nightmare. What will they try next, threatening jury members family or kidnap their grammie til they vote for Paul? Un-dam-believable.
  15. I was also wondering if Jeff felt season unfair and decided he couldn't interview without much enthusiasm. Who could blame him?
  16. As this is my 3rd year, can you tell me if HGs were always well paid in jury? Have they always been paid while there? As has been mentioned before, as we watched this crew of misfits whose only goal was to get to jury, any way that can be changed?
  17. BUT would that be interpreted as applause for great game play? To me the greatest thing would be booing! Wish we could be there. But the audience is certainly filled with actors being paid to give great applause and whistles. So dam fake.
  18. I so hope more truth comes out soon. All this is so irritating and totally unfair to the HGs who spent this summer believing it was truly a game and that they had a chance to win. Not to mention the viewers.
  19. Cody on Survivor would be great. And if Jess would be brought back to BB next year I would watch another year but also bringing a few other vets from other seasons. And if we could trust/believe production would back off. We've seen that Jess has the instincts and without Cody there she could focus on winning. But if changes can't be made re production I doubt many long time viewers will return.



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