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Everything posted by Aldrich

  1. Thanks for the info. It is shocking that he comes from a seemingly normal, loving family. And that they say he is kind, volunteers, etc., as he seems/is so cruel on the show. And I figured his parents would be all tats & wild also. After watching video I remember seeing it but my mind was blank as guess I totally forgot about it, strange that when I was trying to find info on him I couldn't find anything? Anyway, thanks for taking time to present it all.
  2. Marty, Any idea what Paul's father/family does for a living? Just curious and cant find anything on internet. Wondering how they made all the money he says his parents have.
  3. I live in a town that used to be called 'Mafia City'. Located between Pittsburgh & Cleveland, both at one time mafiosa cities. The majority of citizens here had been Italians & I have known many of that type. Kevin's demeanor, to me, is believable. They are very strong family types and that connection to 'the families' (mafia orgs) is strong and does carry down thru their real family/extended family. They all dress well (needless to say), adore their children, beautiful homes, well kept. And so, to me, the way he talks, seems true to form from my experience.
  4. My comment was that I remember winners of Survivor have been black & Hispanic. I have posted here that it does seem black women are seemingly chosen to present very fiery/emotional, especially on BB. And it saddens me that this seems to be the case. I have only watched both programs for last 3 years & so cant refer to the history of either one. I was not intending to have an argument just to make a comment re what I have seen. Yikes!!
  5. Didnt a black guy win survivor like 3 seasons ago? And cant remember the Latino woman who won Survivor twice. Survivor does much better re variety of people IMO. Didnt Jess say in Mortys feeds that she wants Josh out as she cant get anything done w him being there?! WTH?! If true that shoots my hope/dream that Cody being w Jess will bring more focus on getting rid of Satan, which definitely should be done immediately. His 3 weeks of safety is over now, isnt it? If they fail again to evict Paul, well it would be one of the stupidest moves ever.
  6. She must know but I think Paul caught her off guard, which is his specialty. Constant barrage of questions, flitting all over the house, etc. I had wanted Alex to win Temptation but now glad Jess did & that Cody back in as Cody will get rid of Paul as soon as possible. The rest of House must realize they must break from Paul. I think once House knows Jess has Temptation they might wake up?! Hope so.
  7. I'm not crazy about humans these days either. AS for Josh, a very sad example of smothering.
  8. Wicked, I NEVER want to be around you when you get angry !! Lightening, thunder, fire in the sky.....
  9. I agree that Mark is not really mean spirited. Love the guy. But throwing hot sauce on someone's face is not best choice IMO. I wonder if Josh is ADD? He reminds me of a man I knew whose parents, especially his mother, spoiled & protected him from the 'cruelties of life' which only leads to inability to deal with anything. Sad the damage some parents do due to children in what they feel are acts of love. Some simply will not push them out of the nest.
  10. I ended live feeds after The Paul Show began. Was considering renewing but will wait to see what happens tonight. I turned it off in protest to Satan's return. Can't stand to watch him, although it seems some enjoy his interactions. But I also wish Jess had just said she didn't get it.
  11. I agree 100%, he cannot be trusted. Will any of these HGs ever come to believe what Dom has said or is that Spawn of Satan so shrewd that he will continue his charade & ride it til the end? This week will tell the tale. Can't wait til tonight. I expect Paul will be up Jess' butt now. Constantly. And will she be stupid enough to tell him the full complete truth re what her Temptation can do?
  12. Hasn't Jess mentioned it herself re taking extensions out for a day to let head rest? But you can see some very thin spots on her head. Sad for someone so young but seems many celebrities wear them. The way they seem to be braided or intertwined in your hair would hurt. And that constant pressure/pulling can't be good for the scalp. I had my hair braided once on vacation but pulled it out next day. Yikes, it hurt.
  13. Great point. My first reaction to her win was same as yours. Most people posting here seems to like Alex, none mentioned Jess. Hmmm...but as you say, we will never know.
  14. It would be too much of a coincidence for him to pick her out of the blue don't you think? Yes, he does love to stir the pots as we have seen throughout this season but in this instance I think he was being truthful.
  15. Oh! Thanks, had no idea what that meant. Never played pool as you can tell. Also, so hitting the black ball into the slot is not good pool shot? Josh is so erratic, his mind flits about so rapidly, not staying on subject for more than one sentence. But Mark throwing that in face & up nostrils way not fair. Hot sauce can do damage, especially to eyes I would imagine.
  16. AT very end of show tonite Paul told a group of them that he asked Jess if she had it & SHE SAID TO PAUL that she 'wouldn't say', which tells him she has it. Yikes !! Every time I think maybe girl will get power & take control but then they fade to beige as soon as Paul appears. Ugh !
  17. OK, so Jess got Temptation & Paul just told his loyal followers that 'Jess has Temptation', because when he asked if she got it 'she said' I'm not saying a word'. OMG, these girls get some power & immediately fall for everything Paul. Why wouldn't she say nothing?
  18. Wow, that is disgusting. Don't any of these women have intelligent conversations? She has beautiful physical appearance but the rest is not.
  19. And do we think Paul will only stay for a few minutes each day? Paul will probably be sleeping in the bed with Jason. Making sure his (Paul's) plans are carried out.



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