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Everything posted by Aldrich

  1. Oh great. More scariness !! And my bed slat came undone. I am NOT going to look under bed to fix it.
  2. Good to know I am not alone.......or am I? Bwa ha ha ha ha! Yikes !!
  3. I hope Alex wins this Temptation. IMO only way we will see a game played. Rather than watching sheep falling into place behind the Pied Piper.
  4. THAT is why I can't watch scary movies anymore. Thanks for the nightmares O' Wicked one !!!! The last scary movie I watched (Freddie Kreuger) gave me a nightmare that a friend was coming thru the ceiling w a knife to kill me. Will let you know how tonight goes.
  5. Alex is smart & seems the only one other than evil Paul playing the game. Hopefully she gets next temptation & gains some power. For her to make any headway will be so difficult, hopefully she can pull it off. Hopefully something 'unexpected' will happen soon & break the hold Paul has on his sheep.
  6. Elena told Mark she is 'too good to him'. Then said his huge mouth is scary.
  7. Great point WickedOne. BTW, I enjoy your often very scary posts.. : )
  8. Same way I feel re breast implants. Always want to take a pin, insert, flat as a pancake. I know, violent thought but just my truth. It just looks so ridiculous when you can see the shape of the 'balloon' under their skin. Just seems sadly silly to me. But those who have them seem to love them.
  9. Too much hate in our country presently. To think people are attacking Cody's family ! And who knows what Cody will face when this is over. Say what you will, Cody sacrificed for this nation. Living in sand, no showers, eating rations, seeing friends get killed, possibly suffering PTSD, these attacks on him and his family are disgusting and coming from those who have never been thru the horror he has certainly experienced. Shame on all those involved in these attacks. Stop it ! Respect ALL our veterans. Disagree, criticize, but personal attacks and trying to destroy people, sick.
  10. Kevin is shrewd in that he voted to keep Xmas but Alex, Cody/Jess believe it was Ramses who voted for Xmas.. And Kevin is keeping quiet and letting Ramses be that target. And so he is a smooth operator IMO. Not huge game player but a player none the less. And he does have endearing qualities for sure.
  11. In total agreement with you. Wouldn't it have been great to have Victor back. Rather than Satan.
  12. I voted for Alex for next Temptation. I feel she is only person who can get Paul out! THAT would make a game IMO. If she gets it I might turn live feeds on again.
  13. 'Don't put words in my mouth'? When did I do that?! I am stymied by that comment.
  14. ALEX !! Please, let's get something started. (other than Paul show) Alex is our only hope.
  15. Last season I was shocked by Paul's actions. He has shown to be vicious & attacks are unrelenting. AND that any worldly man who uses that language & orders attacks on R who seems very childlike shows, IMO, classic psychopathic behavior. He does NOT care how those attacks might affect R. Again, so sad BB brought him back. He is cruel. We all remember Derek. He never spoke in this way. And the girl who won last year, neither used such fowl language or crude behavior. It doesn't have to be this way. It makes me sad to think young children are watching.
  16. Paul orders Matt & Mark to 'SHIT IN HIS MOUTH' referring to Ramses. To BULLY (which is blatant intimidation for those who are no aware) tells them to ++BULLY RAMSES ALL WEEK?!++ And you don't feel he intimidates?! Wow!
  17. I agree. Cody is a prince compared to this vile evil animal. I mean just to say 's--- in his mouth'!! Who talks like that? Paul cannot win this thing.
  18. Shows how cruel Paul is & why I refer to him as Satan. BUT if those 2 guys do that we will see their true character. Please houseguests TURN ON PAUL!! I want Satan's true evil furor to spew forth. And it will if they turn against him. What was their reaction to this?
  19. Paul is using the tactic, cause chaos, keep the masses (houseguests) focused on others m(chaos) as that is how you control. We see him constantly watching who speaks to whom and if they talk to Cody he gets after them quickly threatening them re questioning their commitment to him. As he has said, if they aren't committed to him then their fate is set.
  20. Agree that Alex is only one willing to fight to evict Satan. Which is exactly how I see him. They talk about Evil Dick, Paul is evil and even looks like a Satan. And seems to live in that world also. (I only began watching BB 3 years ago and so never saw most of the powerful players, as Evil Dick seems to have been)
  21. Is it Stockholm Syndrome when people are programmed to be so fearful of retribution that they are afraid to speak out? Whatever it is called Paul reminds me of N. Korea, or any dictatorship when the people are killed if they rebuke the leader. And so they just go along, sad, depressed, doing the bidding of the leader. I will be shocked if any of the stand up to him. Seems only Alex has the b---- to do that.
  22. TOTALLY AGREE !! Wonder if/when Christmas will begin to turn on Paul? Her best action would be, if she could, like Derek did, behind the scenes plant ideas in others minds re Paul's constant control and urge them to spread the word to get him out. If she does it directly then we know Paul will begin his campaign to get her out. Can't wait til Paul starts losing control and comes out of nice mode into the vicious beast that he is. His attacks/tirades last year were horrid. Such a sad series of events with him returning.
  23. I agree with you. Paul is a bully, verbally abusive, gutter language,etc. Not a nice person. And I am very surprised that many posting think he is great! Wow. I don't get it. Someone mentioned his family is wealthy and maybe they pulled strings to get him back on. Who knows. And I agree that Cody did make a strong move trying to evict Paul BUT Cody did it too late. When he put up Megan (and I HATED his personal reference to her, unnecessary and hurtful) was when he should have put up Paul. I believe that was before Paul took temptation and should have worked. That being said I can't stand Cody/Jess constant PDAs and cams constant focus on them. (although I cancelled live stream as I couldnt take it anymore.) And so, really not caught up in this season. Watching program but with less (or no) enthusiasm. Just hoping I see Paul knocked off his pedestal soon. One last thing, I wish producers would change jury procedures. This year most houseguests simply want to 'make it to jury' as that means paycheck all summer, free food, live in mansion.' So where's the game if all they want is jury? Where's the fight? There isn't. Can't they find people who really want to win the $500,000? This year only seems to be Cody,Paul,Christmas, and maybe Alex. That's it. The rest are belly up!!
  24. IMO the actions by these houseguests is a definite reflection of US society. As we see too many around this nation destroying, attacking, causing mayhem, we see there is no respect for anyone or anything. And as we see these people hooking up so quickly/easily, cursing, again total respect for themselves and others. I definitely agree re Mark being lovesick. He has had some tough times in life, losing parents at such young age. Might be why he seems so needy of affection? I don't know but he seems to be a great guy. And great looking.
  25. Please understand that most Americans do NOT talk this way. And every time these immature crude bimbos curse it makes my blood boil. So sad that they were not taught manners or social graces. Rest assured most Americans are not such gutter trash. It is sad reflection of our society and failure of too many parents here. And I totally agree re Paul. This season has been ruined for many of us who were hoping we'd never have to see his face again. If my children or grandkids ever talked the way these idiots do I would be furious.



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