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Everything posted by Lamasquerade

  1. I don't get this..I saw a YouTube video of some Instagram or Twitter chat that Jessica had with fans. She said this "Cody and I are going to Iowa (or wherever he lives) to see his family, or maybe I'll go now because I'm bored." So he doesn't talk to his family but she will go with him or even go alone to see them? She is more delusional than I thought she was. Is it expected she will be welcomed with open arms? She also said she has no job right now cause she left abrubtly and needs to contact HR first. She should look elsewhere for a sugar daddy unless she has been promised a gig on TAR or couples therapy and needs Cody.
  2. Loving this season since the hg are giving us enough stuff to talk about and it's not boring. If someone's favorite has been evicted or not doing well then the season either sucks for them or it's rigged...same old, same old, here.
  3. Evil dick was a one many army and no other hg has said the vile things he did. What these hg do is child's play compared to dick.
  4. Jason said he didn't have a target, but clearly he was doing his bestie Alex a favor knowing Elena would go. If he really wanted Mark gone more than Elena, he would have attempted to back door him.
  5. Cody will follow the Moose Track ice cream drippings on the floor when he is looking for Elena in the jury house.
  6. Can't wait to see her basket from home..automatic defibrillator, feeding tubes, ensure, first aid kit, and intravenous fluids. The pics from home will showcase mama Walton and the letter will be from her healthcare team wishing her well in the house.
  7. Thank you Roll for the reminder. Amazon recalled glasses that were sold. I guess there are a handful of states that will get to see the total eclipse while other states get partial. Can't remember the movie I saw a few years ago..two sisters and a total eclipse. Will need to Google. As far as the hg go, BB should lock them down cause you know those fools will be looking for planes with banners while their retinas burn.
  8. The polls on BBAD are interesting and I wish I knew where survey answers come from but most favor Josh and Paul when their names are included in the poll.
  9. Lately, he is least annoying than some others in the house.
  10. And he wants to have four more with Jessica. He has more than a few screws loose.
  11. They give up because they were equally shitty to the other side of the house at the beginning as the other side of the house was to them later on. They knew they couldn't recover. If Jessica played for herself she may still be there but she chose showmance over game. Both of them can go on the worst player list in bb history.
  12. Kevin couldn't wait to tell the others. He acts like a simpleton, all the while knowing exactly what he is doing. Sick of him asking if the hg with families are doing ok. Alex has his number for sure. And as far as Cody revealing that tidbit at the eleventh hour, he knew that Kevin would say something and he used his daughter to play the sympathy card. Cody admits he only gets to see his daughter during the summer, yet passed up the chance to and ruins a chance to win money. No sympathy from me if I was in the house.
  13. I guess Cody was playing hard, if one considers screwing his hair challenged girlfriend 24/7 is actually playing the game.
  14. I don't get the whole blame thing because it's a game and they all have to do what they have to do. If you're going to go there (blame) it was Kevin that knew the truth yet said nothing while Ramses took the fall for it. Then Jess had a chance to save him and didn't. Oh and the whole time Kevin acted like Ramses friend and invited him for Thanksgiving. Go figure on that one.
  15. Watching the end of BBAD and seeing him practically drooling for Elena is yuck! He is so starry eyed and all she does is crap all over him verbally and with actions. He needs to grow a pair.
  16. After watching this mess, consider Cameron lucky for getting out sooner than later. Ramses looked like a good kid too.
  17. Not sure, but I can't see why not. It's a gift from the people. After taxes Cody will have some money left to buy his girl better hair.
  18. The person that married her deserves her. Anyone with half a brain would run and not walk away from her. All she is good for now in the house is bringing back tales to the others. She's a weasel. I'm good with anyone but her, Matt or Elena winning this season.
  19. He is the nicest person in the house. It will be interesting to see how far nice will get him with this crowd.
  20. That's the only reason he could win. There was a poster here way back in the day that coined the phrase "finger banging" referring to people sitting on their computers all day voting for their favorite players. People vote for players with the cute hair ties, lovely smiles, muscles and now a vet. Never on game play. Lol
  21. Why did he cave in and tell them he won the money? He looks like he aged a whole lot in the past few days. He is worried about his status in the house but he's not letting on. Wouldn't mind if he won but someone would have to take him to F2.
  22. I'm sure he can't ride it out until the end of the game, but it's fascinating to watch these people hang on to his every word. I do think a few of them are blowing smoke up his ass too.
  23. He said it was his consolation prize. Lol. Then we heard the victim noises "nobody helped me." Wow, talk about entitlement...first he labels the other side of the house "the outsiders" and doesn't like it when he becomes one. Then he doesn't play the game, prefers to stay in bed all day and sex it up with his GF. He expected the popular vote when he barely talked to anyone but Jess the whole game?
  24. He must have been joking because his wife is slim and attractive.



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