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Everything posted by Lamasquerade

  1. However crappy Josh's personality may be to some at least he has one, unlike Jessica and Cody.
  2. The difference is that I am not analyzing them or judging them like you do. You can disagree with me any time, and state an opposing opinion about a hg, but don't comment about the poster. That's trolling.
  3. Maybe a vet entering the house but outnumbered from the start. It's numbers that count. Same with Paul and they could have taken him out from the beginning, but they didnt.
  4. I don't think they gave up but preferred to play the game from bed. If they chose that route, fine nobody cares but then don't turn it around and act like you were victimized throughout the game. They were two people who could have split their time running from room to room to get the 411 on what was really happening in the house. Bedmates yes, teamwork no.
  5. Yeah, some posters feel the need to make comments on other posters..can't separate the fact that we are commenting on house observations only no matter how we see it.
  6. If she knew the game like she said she did or took a page out of book from Cody's hoh when he assumed things she would have known nothing is at is looks and she should have saved him.
  7. They pretty much ignored him. Not that he needs my pity, but I did feel bad for him. I agree that the whole ex bf thing was bizarre and I thought it was done as a message to Jessica that Cody is safe with Alex in the house. I was glad when bbad ended last night.
  8. It was painful to watch him in the hoh room last night. He doesn't even know where to start to try and fit in with the others that he shunned half the season. I think at this point he may only be a Target for Paul and Xmas since they know they are his at the moment. If he is not unstable then he is doing a really good job as portraying himself as so.
  9. Cha-ching for the GoFundMe! Actually she looks so much better now then she did when she got there..eating nonstop has done wonders for her.
  10. Many of them had advantages just didn't use them better to benefit them. Jess surely could have used that halting hex but she chose to use it differently. She also could have saved Ramses and perhaps gained another ally. Egos get in the way and it will probably ruin Paul at some point. But I do think if he makes it to F2 he will win.
  11. I am not a Josh fan nor a fan of any of them. He amuses me but that doesn't mean I'm a fan. That's the difference between me and some here, I could care less who wins and what happens to them after they leave the house. The other thing is that you don't need to rephrase anything nor should anyone else since we should all be permitted to state our opinions without being labeled or psychoanalyzed.
  12. Her exit speech told a lot. No blame on herself and blame on everyone else. Played the dead father card to enhance how she was victimized. Said she played hard and from where I watching she didn't play at all. I hope she has a happy life and I can only comment on her as she was in the house and she was as petty, jealous and dumb as the others. She is a young girl and literally falling apart at the seams therefore she should go take care of herself and her looks if they mean so much to her that she needs a bunch of fake stuff to feel more confident.
  13. It's easier for everyone to justify the dynamics in the house by thinking that Paul is some master manipulator, a brainwasher, instead of admitting they're all a bunch of morons that need game instruction 24/7.
  14. If someone doesn't agree with an opinion they are called a hater? That's as far as I got in your post because I could equally say the same about post directed at Elena, raven Paul etc. Those people with opinions must be haters too?
  15. I doubt they will make it that far. I wasn't a fan of Jeff and Jordan and Brendon and Rachael but the kids and marriages ended up real. They achieved that by building the relationship that didn't happen overnight..Jess and Cody spend half the season in bed and call it love. All sex and nothing of anything else.
  16. Comes out smelling like roses all the time. They are all going to be sorry they didn't pay more attention to him earlier on. He's still creepy.
  17. Victim edit from CBS. Wake up and play the game already and stop embarrassing yourself.
  18. Never disappoints..another night of hideous makeup and blabbering nonsense.
  19. Haha i wrote he will sulk too..but I think he will come out of it and realize he will need big money to keep Jessica in false eyelashes. Lol
  20. He'll sulk all week. If they all know best they should evict him as soon as they can. He will never play nice with them and will want revenge.
  21. That's what I saw too and wonder if I'm watching something different than what other people watch. Jess and Cody have no one to blame but themselves. Sex was more important than winning until they have one foot out the door.
  22. They got the victim edit tonight. They did nothing to enhance their game and just pissed off hgs along the way. If being "in love" was all that matter they should have just self evicted and go off and play house. Listening to Jessica bring up her dead father was the lowest point for her in this game. She didn't make Josh look bad just herself...how does one honor their father in the house by playing the game on your back with a guy you hardly know? They both have serious issues and Cody needs mental health counseling for sure. Good bye and good riddance Jess. I think we may start to have a real game now.
  23. Me too. Jessica got what she deserved. Jessica was delusional to the last minute "I played this game hard.". She made it personal with alex and once again it was payback.



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