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Everything posted by Lamasquerade

  1. There was no hothead talk from her after that fight like past fights.
  2. They are going to be embarrassed about how stupid they look.
  3. Cody "assumed" so much that he thought he could throw out the idea of who should get evicted and then spend the rest of the time in bed with jessica. He thought the hg were going to be good soldiers. Surprise, you got to work at it, cody.
  4. BB is like the roach motel, they go in and never come out. Yeah an eviction, any eviction would be welcomed.
  5. Self-evict, self-implode...It's all the same.
  6. It says "save me." Hostage using body parts to get help for release from his captor. He probably carved it in the bathroom when he gets poop time away from raven.
  7. Yeah but he got her back so good that she had to send her bull dog after him. LMAO!
  8. Only when they fight with each other not with others. They can't even get that right!
  9. Cody needs Jess to pull his strings for a next move like the other hg need Paul to pull theirs. The difference is Paul does it words and Jess does it with sex.
  10. Paul is brilliant in his ability to manipulate these people. Cody tried it first week, but they were just not that into him.
  11. Lolol..Josh amuses me so. Condescending biatch is going to walk..she can't stand the fact that everyone didn't fall at her feet.
  12. There's three loose women off the streets, I wonder how the men in their neighborhoods are handling that?
  13. Kevin should be the next victim, he has been sliding by way too much. The same goes for Matt and raven.
  14. No surprise, after the fight they go to bed and kiss. They have serious issues.
  15. The guy fights in wars, yet the BB house is "hell?" He signed up for all of it, no one drafted him into the marines or the BB house.
  16. What happened to the guy on his own account said he can't be rattled?
  17. Supposedly, it was "waaaayy early on" when he started banging her. I'm sure once she gets back to escorting it won't matter what Cody said or did in the house.
  18. Just when you think this show can't sink any lower, the couples of the house and especially raven manage to turn the game into a soap opera.
  19. Speaks every word in a sentence fast except the last word, that drops off. Animated paint up faces, adds to the misery of watching her.
  20. I never heard that term, I thought I was in the Kevin thread at first: boston/beantown, but I wasn't. Anyway, like all before him the HOH title has gone to josh's already big head. HOH = tool, so "target" whoever you want, but keep in mind the house votes and those votes saved your ass. In a perfect BB world, no one would room together and they would only be able to socialize in certain areas of the house at specific (30 min) times like meals, work to earn, and yard. This would mean individual votes from individual thinkers most of the time. Slap some striped suits on all of them to cover the body parts and we would have a real competetion.
  21. During the comp when Jessica said she was going to poop her pants all I could think was I hope she brought her bleach to the comp. That's what happens when people talk shit (no pun intended) and it sticks with you forever (no pun intended again).
  22. Tired of reading how Paul controls everything, why don't these numb nuts start thinking for themselves..oh wait if they did that, most would be gone already. How many episodes do they need to watch to learn that a HOH is a nomming tool and it's the house that votes out the HG? Josh should know that from his experience on the block. Enjoy your letter from home Josh and take the advice of those that really came to play.
  23. They're both FOS along with every other cast member. They all need to do and say things to stay in the house. You would think that someone dealing with two terminal illnesses that BB would be a day at the park for raven. And according to Jessica she was going to be the smartest player in the house. She turned out to be a dumb dud too!



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