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Everything posted by Lamasquerade

  1. Most people wouldn't put up with their nonsense including myself, but when you sign up to spend a summer with strangers to win money you do what you have to do to advance. I wouldn't do it for any amount of money. You can shun or ignore or call it what you want without being mean if you had to. How many hg at the beginning of the game only spoke to a chosen few?
  2. I asked why and it appears you read what you want to read in posts. The term applies to the main caregiver of children and it appears to me that his kids although they live at home are old enough to care for themselves. From what I see he is the one that needs constant care. He is needy and has to get constant reassurance for anything and everything.
  3. All he does is whine and he whined through the whole comp of which he didn't even really attempt to play. They're 'll so gross.
  4. I think Kevin swearing on the rosary got Josh's mind reeling about Paul.
  5. You don't have to explain yourself. I reply to posts. Read and reply or just read...a discussion board.
  6. Kind? How? He was there every time there was a blow up in the house. He laughed about it and went along. He is no different than Paul is. They don't get involved yet don't attempt to prevent it either. His big crime in the house is he is a dirty old man. Kind to him is rubbing up the girls in the house. He disgusts me as much as the others do. All he does is whine, and talk over people. Just as annoying as the others.
  7. Maybe he needs to start playing the game instead of expecting someone to carry him through. The first show, he was introduced as the stay home dad. Lol
  8. Exactly, so are we suppose to expect him to act a certain way because of his religion? That's the point I was making. Also, if Alex was another religion other than Catholic it probably wouldn't even be a discussion because it would be so politically incorrect to do so. :Rolls eyes:. JMO
  9. Nope. Didn't say that. The post was about Catholics and I said I wouldn't judge religions or the population based on hg actions. I judge the hg, sure do because I can see what they how they act. Also, I never mentioned names about sex because there were three couples. Of course we all know it was Jess with the finger butt poking...and that was not consentual! I also think no one would give a rat's ass about Alex's behavior if raven was in the receiving end instead of Kevin. Who by the way also prays with the rosary..isn't he a self confessed mafia guy with drug dealing past and jail time?
  10. All opinions. I didn't say it wasn't bad behavior and yes I was making comparisons. She is a lot of things Alex, but slutty isn't one of them.
  11. Couldn't hold the rosary while her finger was up Matt's ass, could she now?
  12. Last night bbad, raven picking her nose while Xmas is talking to her. Matt splashing the water so we couldn't hear conversations..it's a total mess.
  13. Those were the good ole bb days! The biggest comp now is who can pick their nose more then the other nose pickers. Lol
  14. At least she is not having sex on camera and sticking her fingers up the other hg asses. She should calm down with the constant hitting though..she's not five years old or maybe she is.
  15. Yep eating food is chump change compared to past antics in the house. But there is no point in having have nots if no one eats the slop. It was a stupid concept to begin with.
  16. Catholics do not go to Sunday school. I don't judge religious people or most of the population based on BB HG actions.
  17. Why is he a "stay home" dad as the NY Daily News reports. It's not like he has small kids or anything. Me thinks he is as lazy in real life as he is on BB. Made a living by crime.
  18. If people really care how they are perceived on a reality show, they wouldn't be in the show. They are competing for money and will do anything whether it's their own idea or someone else's idea to advance. I'm sure BB told them to ramp up the entertainment. Unfortunately, their idea of entertainment won't please everyone.
  19. The fool doesn't realize that some comments will always be more sensitive then other comments, so he can't call "just joking" on that one. With social media, nothing can be hidden. When Dick made his rape comment only people on the feeds and boards knew about it. I guess TMZ is into BB now. Jason acts like a jerk and he is very immature for a 40 year old. All I can say is bye now and I hope Alex is right behind him.
  20. Exactly. It appears rules are only for some people and not for others.
  21. Despicable. Taking a page out of Jason's book for unnecessary sexual comments against other HG. When is she and her sidekick leaving? Soon isn't fast enough.
  22. Thanks. I knew it started with an A but I was too lazy to Google. Fair enough, but they would need to set the amount of warnings that meet criteria for expelling the hg.
  23. True. I thought he was an ok kid and would definitely prefer him to get it over some of the front runners. I don't vote for anything, but if I did it wouldn't be him.
  24. Yes Jason you are now famous for all the wrong reasons. His comment about rape on video has been reported in the New York Daily News. "Big Brother contestant under fire ..."



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