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Everything posted by Lamasquerade

  1. I've advocated for him the season but tonight he came off even more as the drama queen. Make a decision and stand by it..don't cry like a big baby. They can't see you crying so it won't get you any sympathy votes. He could have made BB history tonight but he has no balls.
  2. She didn't even attempt to avenge Jason and she couldn't blame Kevin this time because he was sitting right next to Jason. Secretly, I think she wanted Jason gone too. He was too strong a player.
  3. I don't think either raven or Kevin should be there but I was glad to see her go first. I can't wait for her to read about herself and what people read think about Arkansassy. She thought she was a good minion and that meant great play..Kevin is a good minion too!
  4. Yep, it was pretty pathetic especially Alex. Josh is a drama queen. I didn't think Paul's game would last this long.
  5. Yes! Finally. Best episode ever. Wow just wow..there should be a most stupid HG prize and everyone but Paul can split the money. Lol
  6. What good is having doubts I'd you only share them with one person in the house. Xmas wants to go f3 with Josh but she is relying on Paul to take her f2. Too little, too late for Josh now. He can't get Kevin out now but if he started his rally sooner he may have been able to side with Jason and Alex..perhaps turn raven against Xmas and get her on his side. He better stick with Xmas plan now.
  7. Xmas is sitting pretty at the moment and if things go according to her plan and her sidekick win HOH she has nothing to worry about. I doubt no one will care about her behavior in the house. For those that watch BBAD, feeds, and CBS will know her behavior is not worse than anyone else in that house except Dom, Ramses, Jillian. As for Jess she was skanky in the house and her brand is skank, so she has no worries.
  8. The only chance Josh has of removing Paul from the game in the next couple of weeks is to get Kevin evicted tonight, form an alliance with Alex and Jason and one of them need to win HoH and nom Paul.
  9. If America got to see more of the real her..the mean, jealous, bitchy mean side of her, she wouldn't have a chance either. You speak a lot about the integrity of the game, yet would vote for someone to irritate others? Perhaps it's the viewers that have the most influence on how Grodner chooses to manipulate the game.
  10. Yes it's unfortunate he made the remarks and they went public because he has been a good competitor this game. Other hg statements or actions managed to stay under wraps and I believe would have been damaging in some way if made public...mostly AFP. BB influence and manipulations can hurt or help the HG.
  11. Kevin has a good memory for dates and events. and I'm sure BB is banking on a win for Kevin. With so much rigging talk in the threads, I guess if BB wants him to win, he will.
  12. I want him to win! He amused me and kept me coming back for more pot and pans banging. Dammit, he deserves the half mil.
  13. Elena was more interested in showing skin on TV then playing the game. I predict a future of soft porn for her.
  14. For anyone that believes there should be more punishment when rules are not followed and the season's disappointing houseguest all I can say is:. Protest=change the channel.
  15. If we went back to showing dog pics and talking dog stuff I bet no one would notice.
  16. I noticed that since Matt is gone, Raven shows less cleavage and takes less care with her rat nest extensions. Woe is Raven!
  17. They should be called losers and not HG. Most of them have tried out earlier seasons but I guess it's just our luck that they were chosen for this season and as a group. The "normal" people left the building way before jury started. I still enjoyed it because like Christmas, it only comes but once a year.
  18. Thank you! It's a mix of different elements of dance..modern, contemporary, and hip-hop but all in all it looks like it belongs in s SNL skit. Sad day in Arkansassy when parents pay her to teach their kids that!
  19. He asked if he was an MMA fighter, mixed martial arts and anyone can be. Has he competed in UFC, I doubt it. Maybe he fights kids or height challenged people.
  20. It's also the cry of entitlement of which he thinks he is like everyone else does in the house, therefore just not a characteristic of millennials.
  21. He says he has trained in mixed martial arts and I've heard him say Jiu jitsu he may have competed. There are low level competitions all over the country. Then again he is a legend in his own mind.
  22. There should be no outside interference at all from BB or viewers. AFP was created to appease the whiny viewers that do not like the last man or woman standing. If everything is rigged like I read 1000 times over in the threads there is no reason to believe that even though America votes, BB is declaring who they want to win or who gets the temptations. Get Price Waterhouse to do the counting and reporting and I might believe it's for real.
  23. The most over used word is "millennial" IMO. Also, let's talk entitlement when every hour Kevin wants to know why he should go first over Raven. As far as I'm concerned they are both useless and should go at the same time. It appears "spoiled" behavior is expressed by all age groups in the house.



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