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Everything posted by gogojuicy

  1. ^ Do you really think she's a good model? That shot and the last couple you posted are barely borderline better than GM on the banister. Maybe she was just fired for being a sucky model and her agency just used the racism backlash as an out. ***Edit: oops! This post was in response to a picture of Aaryn that seems to have been removed and now makes no sense. Sorry!
  2. I don't know a whole hell of a lot about horseshit, but i can't imagine it's very happy right now!
  3. But, what does it matter if Amanda trusts her? Without Elissa's help, Amanda surely goes home. She'll know she can trust her if she gets her vote. I just don't get why Elissa needs to hand over collateral. If anything, Amanda should be hocking her own stuff to Elissa in a promise to follow through if in fact she stays. Then she gets her stuff back when she pays up by returning the favor to Elissa...
  4. What i don't understand is, if Elissa is doing Amanda a favor by keeping her, why does she also have to give her her ring??? What am I missing?
  5. Haha! That was pretty funny. Even though it was fight highlights, my favorite parts were the shot of Dan peeking his head out from under the pillow, and Jeff, sitting w/ no attempt at getting up, saying, "why you gotta make me get up, jordan?' LOL
  6. UNO EQUIS? "I don't always say great things, but when I do you can't understand me."
  7. Ooooh! I would love that! Has anyone done that before?? That would be so fun!
  8. Yeah. GM is absolutely disgusting. In every way. I'm only rooting for Judd and Elissa with a side of Andy....I'm still holding out hope that some of his behaviors and comments have been just game play. Mostly because he's the best player left and Elissa winning just seems.....weird, and Judd winning....I don't know if i'm ready to accept an evicted house guest as the winner....
  9. Haha. Has anyone looked into the pageant company she worked for? I can't imagine what they're turning out with her as a coach. (although, after watching toddlers and tiaras and little miss perfect, I don't know what I expect....) Seriously though, she is like some gross out gag toy you could get at Spencer's Gifts (does that store still exist?) "Wind her up and see/hear/smell things grosser than you can imagine!" I mean, it has to be a put on, right? No one can be that over-the-top disgusting can they? Last night on BBAD, did you see her messily pouring her shot of soda, dribbling all over, wiping her mouth w/ a filthy wad of napkins, then wiping the counter with it, then wiping her mouth again, then the counter again, all the while looking like a rag doll that had just been found after a losing battle with an angry dog. Then she stops over the sink to "fix" that mop on her head. shudder
  10. OMG!!! I'm a reasonably pacifist-type person, but OMG. How has no one punched this broad in the face yet??? STFU!!!! You don't have to understand. Who the does she think she is. It's maddenimg.
  11. ^^^ I haven't watched but the last season and 1/2 with a few episodes here and there the couple seasons before that, so I really wouldn't know what she did or didn't ask in the past. If questioning evicted house guests on their appalling behavior is a new tactic, i'd say it's a step in the right direction. And hope it continues.
  12. I hope Amanda's seat is at least as hot as Aaryn's was during the exit interview. She is just unreal. Barf.
  13. For sure, but regardless who fashions the questions, it is and should be the host, Julie who poses them..
  14. Julie is the host of the show. She conducts the exit interviews. She should absolutely question evictees about their behavior in the house. Frankly, I think it's the most significant part of her job. Although that bit a couple weeks ago where she had the house guests guessing who had a baby and what they named it was quite compelling. (couldn't find a good old fashioned eye roll smiley down there. )
  15. Not to mention, at this point, after all her vile antics, production would totally have to strong-arm the jury to vote for Amanda to win should she make F2. That'd be some pretty serious rigging.... Spencer may be the only one left she could beat, and even that's a long shot anymore...
  16. The way I see it is Andy chose a strategy/game-play style and has never wavered from it. It may not be a very noble or attractive style, but he has it mastered. I don't know if it will win him the game, but he gets points for tenacity in my book. By comparison, as Dan pointed out, Amanda has never had a firm grasp on how she wants to play. She bounces back and forth from bully to victim and back again and just comes off like a brat.
  17. That's the one reason I want to see McCrae go before Amanda. It would be hilarious/scary/fascinating to see her freak the eff out about what he might be doing w/out being under her watchful eye. Of course, he will simply nap peacefully without her bugging him all the time. I'd rather she go first though, just to see if he has any game/personality.
  18. How does anyone keep a straight face when GM goes on about her "relationship" with Nick? There are a lot of weird things in the BB house, but that particular delusion takes the cake. It's embarrassing.



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