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Everything posted by gogojuicy

  1. ^^^ Hahaha! It's Helen's absurd excitability that allows me to give her a pass on the rest of her annoying behavior.
  2. Oddly enough, that just made me love him even more.
  3. Probably Spencer, if GM's nominees are Candice and Jessie, which I suspect they will be...
  4. They could just go by the votes for this week, and if mvp nom was evicted, go with next in line, but that's lame. And, I guess it would then be obvious that the mvp isn't in the house.... But then, how would it have worked if we were still voting for an mvp instead of a nom?? Would that person just be mvp again? This twist just reached new levels of annoying! lol They should just skip it for the second eviction...
  5. Haha i was just about to say I don't think that will help, but see you added to the post and know that already.
  6. How did Helen win a bbq? Is it off-campus?
  7. Me too. I even voted for her last week when they didn't count. I think I'd dislike her even if she didn't say and do the things she did. She just oozes ickiness in my opinion. Barf. Cant stand her face. Can't stand her voice. Especially can't stand her attitude/demeanor.
  8. Exactly. Which is why i hope Amanda stays tomorrow, because I can't wait to see which of the two of them makes the 1st move to get rid of the other. However, blindsides are fun so I won't cry if she gets evicted. Not to mention, I'm curious to see if mega-fan McCrae has any game.....
  9. UUUGH Can't Helen and Jessie have this conversation in the afternoon when I'm not listening? Whaaa Whaaaa Barf.
  10. Haha After all these seasons i can't believe it hasn't happened yet.
  11. ^^^Did anyone else hear this conversation? They were laying in bed @ 10:30 PM BBT (on BBAD) Did I hear it wrong?
  12. And hopefully he won't then use all that money to move to Florida and buy a house from his favorite realtor!
  13. Did Howard just say that in his eviction night speech he was gonna say he would self -evict if amanda wasn't voted out? Did I hear that right? That's absurd. But it sure will be hilarious if he is then voted out and denied that opportunity. HAHA I mean it's gonna be Howard or Amanda, right? That ridiculous gesture would do nothing for anyone except make him look like a fool.
  14. It might be helpful if Howard and company offered something more than "taking part in a big move" to the people he's hoping to sway. Clearly these folks are motivated by lofty promises of future weeks of protection and other such nonsense....
  15. Hmmmm. While I'm not so naive to believe there isn't some production manipulation going on, if Amanda was really the chosen one and being protected, why even let her go up on the block and risk it? I mean there was no running tally on CBS showing how America was voting for the MVP nominee so couldn't production just have put up whoever was next in line?
  16. Oooh! that would be great. Candice gets HOH and puts up Aaryn and McCrae! Poetic Justice.
  17. I just don't understand..... Why when Howard, Spencer, Gina Marie, Kaitlin, and.....i can't remember who else now, not that it would have worked anyway, but nonetheless, why wasn't Candice included in this? It would be a vote with them and she wasn't with anyone else.... Maybe i missed something... ???
  18. I was sooo sick of Kaitlin for a variety of reasons, but I actually found her exit interview delightful. Jumping in brain first could have taken her to F2 and the win. Likable, strong, smart, and minus bad influence, a real contender. It would have been fun to see her maneuver her way gamefully through the twists and turns.
  19. Man, I'd love a Judd/Jessie post-showmance. Unlikely, but too adorable to ignore the possibility.
  20. While I've certainly lost my taste for Amanda......she's said some horrible things; Elissa's comments during McCrae's birthday were unnecessary and flat out rude...enough to earn her a spot on the mean girl committee. It may have gone overlooked if she shared Amanda's humor and was just joshing, but I don't think that's the case.
  21. Even though they likely mean nothing for the game, all my votes went to Aaryn. I couldn't help myself. She is just so awful. If nothing else, I hope that she will eventually hear that even when she couldn't be put on the block, she was so hated that she still got the most votes. I went in thinking that I'd vote for Spencer or Ginamarie or maybe Candice or Amanda, but then there was Aaryn's face and i couldn't resist.
  22. 1. Kaitlin Amanda will be most happy/Candice will be least happy 2. Aaryn will have an expression on her face that needs to be slapped off 3. Elissa because that's the best shot at Aaryn going home next week....I think....idk anymore. LOL
  23. Seriously. The way Elissa handles Aaryn makes me want to vote her MVP
  24. Watching Gina Marie and Aaryn have a conversation is like torture. Why do I do it? LOL Seriously though. I feel like I lose brain cells enduring their ickyness. Also....aren't there any normal size spoons in the big brother house??



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