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Everything posted by gogojuicy

  1. It better be unanimous when Helen is evicted. You know how she hates a split house!
  2. She does surpass Rachel In one crucial area....waterproof mascara.
  3. Her awful face taints it for me. Cannot stand her.
  4. OMG That is the best. Has Helen told her how amazing she looks in blue yet?
  5. Can someone give me a ring when HOH starts if it's on live feeds, please? LOL I need a break from GM's yapping and Helen's chomping.
  6. So glad he had his bear shirt on so we won't have to see any of those jerks prancing around in it in the coming weeks in so-called tribute!
  7. Yay a surprise. LOL I just wish it wasn't Aaryn that did it. Hate her and it pains me to give her props.
  8. Just started reading GM's blog. I've only gotten this far: "OMG BBVX" Oh, Gina.... lol
  9. She may still have a chance if Spencer (maybe noms Mcmanda) or Elissa (noms GM and Aaryn) get HOH. Maybe even Judd too...idk know who he'd be told/agree to put up, lol...probably Helen and Elissa. If Amanda is still there, I wonder who she would nom....if it's some boring combo of GM/Jesse/Spencer, I'll barf. (Same goes for Helen) Andy will probably drain the ink from his marker before risking winning this one... I think Jessie's only sure bets to be put up are if Aaryn (shudder) or Mccrae get HOH. That would be ideal, for sure!
  10. I'm not watching so can't say first hand, but i don't think that's necessarily true. Sure they're both playing and want that vote, but i don't think either of them would ever overlook and not try to help if they saw someone in actual distress. Amanda dropping the prank w/ Nick's stuff to instead comfort GM comes to mind.... (not that I believe there was any good reason for that distress, LOL, but she was experiencing it nonetheless.)
  11. I didn't start watching until the night Nick was evicted.... Is that creepy finger point something he just does in ALL pictures, or did he walk around with his fingers jabbed out like that all the time??!!?? No wonder GM thinks he's so in to her....dim bulb that she is surely read that as some bizarre form of positive reinforcement.
  12. Absolutely. Exactly. Horrible game play. I'm dumbfounded by the poor gamemanship (is that a word? lol) of Howard and Candice. i mean, they absolutely had opportunity and time to overcome and prevail against the nastiness. Maybe not in a week, but if they'd gotten it together last week.... and spencer....he shoulda tried harder to rally them both. Howard's refusal to include Candice in his game play was the nail in the coffin. I'm still shaking my head at the missed opportunities. I can't yet put into words my assessment of how it went so wrong...maybe there's nothing to say about it....some people just can't get in the game of BB successfully, I guess. Despite the seemingly impenetrable wall of power in the house, i think there was a window a week ago if any of the 3 of them had decided to make a move then....IDK I feel like i want to say so much more about it, but the failure to launch when necessary makes me just willing to sit back and accept their fate...... blah blah blah. SorryI I'm still just confused about such horrible game play.
  13. Man! BBAD is always so boring and it seems action takes place just before or just after! Grrrrrrr!!! lol
  14. Oh man. GM holding court. This woman....idk I couldn't type for a minute cuz i was covering my ears so I couldn't hear her...
  15. OMG Is GM the grossest eater in the world? Barf.
  16. Elissa's face looks different today.....



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