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Everything posted by Cathy

  1. He's going to be known as that guy people like without knowing why!
  2. Where can we watch the Canadian version here in the states? It'd be great if live feeds were available too!
  3. I'm missing watching the live feeds!

  4. I felt bad for Dani last night and wouldn't have given Dan my vote if that were me sitting there. I agree. Deep down her true feelings were for Dan, but he's married so Shane had to do.
  5. It wouldn't be summer without Big Brother and Morty's!
  6. Ha Ha! Sounds as if nothing has changed since those two left the house!
  7. 5:16pm BBT: Ian rocking on hammock.Dan inside making something in kitchen.
  8. 10:40pm BBT: Dan alone in kitchen talking to himself about what to do. How it wasn't this tough the first time; Seems to think it may be best to let Ian win the 3rd part.
  9. 2:03pm BBT: Dan can't believe he talked both Ian and Dani into dropping (yesterday comp 1). Ian awake in bedroom and cuddling his bear. 2:07pm BBT: Dan asking america to vote Ian for fav houseguest. (talking to self/cameras)
  10. 1:54pm BBT: Dan in arcade room alone and whispering to self. Says he played a ruthless game this summer. He hopes that his wife's employment understands its a game and that people don't take it out on her.
  11. 11:44am BBT: Dani is out of DR. Ian called in. Dani is acting very annoyed with Dan; mentions how he (Ian) is really starting to annoy her. She doesn’t want Ian to win; Dan tells her he knew she didn’t mean what she said earlier (maybe that she wanted Ian to win bb). When Dani begins to talk about her annoyance with Dan, he changes the subject. Now Ian is in living room with Dani. Quiet and facing away from one another. Breakfast brunch is all cleaned up. Dan joins the two. Chat about how early they got the wake up music. (time check 11:51am) Ian mentions how he can’t believe that show was as live ( Brunch?). Dan talks about how he told Chelsie he’d need 30 days to get back to normal. They all throw in various things that are going to be back in their lives when they’re out. 90 days of news etc… Dani called back to DR. Dan asks Ian if he won would he take a year off college. Ian would think about it. Follow up question: what about $50,000? Student loans. 12:04pm The guys have eyes closed. Dani appears deep in thought. All in living room.
  12. I felt bad for him even though at the same time I was happy Ian/Dan made it to F3.
  13. 12:43pm BBT: All still in hoh room. No talk going on.
  14. 11:10 am BBT: Looks like the hoh lockdown is about to start. Dan and Shane have joined Dani with pillows and blankets. And we get trivia.
  15. To me it seems that the only way she wins BB is if she sits next to Shane. Thanks to the mist though, I doubt she realizes that!
  16. 10:44am BBT: Dani getting her things out of hoh. Everyone else is sleeping.



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