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Everything posted by Cathy

  1. Brit was the one to push hard to nominate Janelle first. Dan talked her out of it. Then when the whole Boogie,Brit, Dan and Janelle had the Talk about working together, Janelle looked very guilty and wouldn't say she'd get rid of one of her players. That's what finally sunk her ship. I think Dan figured he couldn't push anymore to keep her off the block and had to rethink his plan. As for the lies told by Janelle, I think it has to do with how openly she'd tell her alliances to go and lie according to whatever their objective was on any given week. Then she shunned Brit and the rest is history.
  2. I'm trying to keep rooting for Danielle, but her seemingly constant complaining and need for attention from Shane is making it tough! Also, as much as I agree with putting up Janelle, I also feel that since it's done and Danielle knows her eviction is almost a done deal, she could stop over selling the woe is me look at how horrible Janelle has been. She's preaching to the choir in there.
  3. I don't see her being nominated because of jealousy. She's nominated because of her own actions and how hard it'll be to get her out of there later. It makes sense.
  4. I like her and think she's playing a pretty good game.
  5. 5:46pm BBT: Ashley and Dani on lounge chair. Ashley tells Dani that things catch up to people and they have in this case, that she (Janelle) is in for a big surprise on Thursday. How Jani made up so many lies and just has not been nice. Dani afraid that she’s going to look like a villan. Ashley assures her that people are happy. Ashley throwing Janelle and Joe under the bus. How Janelle exaggerated the Jo Jo comments etc… 5:54pm BBT: Dan, Joe, Boogie and Frank talking football outside. Brit and Ian playing corn -hole game (not sure what it’s called). 5:58pm BBT: On going convo between Dani and Ashley. Basically that Joe is a liability in the game according to Ashley. 6:05pm BBT: Brit has interrupted the two. Dani tells her Ashley was just venting and found a bee. As Ian walks by she asks him to get her some candy. He does and both eat some. 8:07pm BBT: Ian moves on to sit with Jani on the hammock where they talk about allstars and who won what. 6:08 pm BBT: Brit mentions that she (Ashley) doesn’t seem upset. Ashley says that this is what she’s wanted since the start! Brit is surprised. 6:11pm BBT: Dani wonders why Ian is over at the hammock. Ashley says that he spent a long time talking with her last night (Jani), and can get info. 6:14pm BBT: Outdoor lockdown over.
  6. 4:44pm BBT: Brit,Janelle and Frank talking about beauty products, water intake etc.. health talk outside. Jen wiping the counters. Joe cooking and Will just hanging out. Random chit chat. 4:48pm BBT: Wil/Jen move to the storage room where he fills her in on his talk with Dani. That just because he made a deal with Dani about not putting her/Dan (no backdoor etc) doesn’t mean that she (Jen) or Ashley have to honor that.
  7. I'm hoping that Dani uses the veto and nominates Janelle.
  8. Fav: Ian (From the start!) Least Fav: Wil/Ashley
  9. If he's so upset about coming into the game he should just leave.
  10. 10:14am BBT: Boogie and Frank venting about Dan, Dani and Janelle. Angrier this morning than they were last night.
  11. 10:07pm BBT: Ian dropped, then Britney looked at Dani and followed suit. Dani HOH.
  12. I'd love for there to be some kind of "super power" we could vote on and give it to Ian.
  13. I'm with everyone who is appalled at how she's turning on Ian! Can't stand her.
  14. 4:25pm BBT: Janelle and Britney talking as if they are def. going into the game and how they'll need to get Boogie and Dan out first. That with Frank evicted the newbies won't rally to get the vets out.
  15. Me too! I was a huge fan during season 6, less so during all stars, and now I'm over her and her nerd herd.
  16. I can't wait for her team ( nerd herd 2.0) to go! A bonus if she gets played by Boogie again! Ha!
  17. If that is the case then it would explain why Dan picked what appears to be weak players! I'd love to have him compete!



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