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Everything posted by Cathy

  1. I can't wait to see this jerk evicted! Hopefully by dan!
  2. Renny has been behaving this week almost like the first week she was in the house. Annoying and bitchy, but I wish it was Jerry going.
  3. I would love to see Keesha out the door instead of Renny, but I think that there can only be so many things that can go right in one week i.e michelle and ollie evicted + POV used on Dan.
  4. I'm a bit sad that Renny will most likely be going this week. I knew it was over when they kept drinking even after BB announced there would be a POV comp later. I'd rather see Keesha go, but that's the game.
  5. I was so happy to see him go! I loved how julie called him out on betraying Dan first!!! Love her!
  6. She's just tired and now has to listen to another round of Jerry's endless rambles. I hope she's not nominated! Ideally keesha goes next, but who knows.
  7. thank god she didn't get the veto!
  8. I can't believe i'm about to type this, but kinda hoping Libra survives eviction and Keesha goes instead.
  9. I hope they don't black out the feeds like last time; maybe they won't. However, most likely no live feeds once veto starts.
  10. Forget just voting once, vote over and over and over for Kasar!!!!
  11. I've been voting via my computer for Kasar! Hopefully he returns! Having Kasar return would make me so happy. Everyone VOTE KASAR!



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