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Everything posted by Cathy

  1. 3:28am Gina Marie talking to Nick on the hammock about losing the comp because of who she was partnered with. Nick advising her to play nice and not to make people more afraid of her. Complaining about MVP. She doesn’t understand why they’d keep Ellissa. Nick goes back to talking Gina Marie into being cool with others and wait for some compettion to happen and not to say anything to anyone. How its important to just stay on point without looking too far ahead and just focus on the now. 3:39am GM mentions how Jeremy is digging his own hole. Wants Jessie out thinks she’s sneaky. Also says something about Kaitlin that isn’t too flattering (couldn’t catch what). How she kind of fell into aligning with them. 3:43am In hoh Aaron talking about how shady Nick is. Jeremy now concerned that they spoke too openly in front of him. Aaron states Nick is playing Gina Marie; that he’s a q… r. 3:50am Nick and Gina Marie still talking. Gina Marie says both were meant to be there. Although Gm is harping on Elissa being MVP every week, Nick is trying to get her to see that the 1st win was based on a blurb and now that the game has started it may mean she won’t get it. Back to idle talk and mild flirting on Gina Marie’s part.
  2. I think Nick is going to be the next HOH / I'm hoping Elissa wins instead.
  3. Love this!I hope CBS shows her true colors!
  4. Oh great, now he gets to give artists a bad name! He's such a douch!
  5. I'm starting to like Helen, but hope that she doesn't listen to Spencer about putting off nominating Jeremy.
  6. 7:08pm Aaron and Gina Marie talking about family as they sit by hot tub.. Names. In Aaron's background there is the Hayes (Haynes?) last name.
  7. 6:21pm Most seem to be outside eating Candice’s cooking. Idle talk. No game talk. Inside audio with Howard praying. 6:27 David goes inside. Runs into Aaron. Tells her he feel like going to bed. She responds with “I’m going outside”. Candice mentions that the guys are doing dishes. But that she only trusts Howard to do so. Nick sitting on the side being kind of quiet. Jeremy feels its fantastic not working and just hanging out. 6:33 Hair talk between Jeremey, Kaitlyn, and McCrane. Jeremy thinks he can go into dr and charm them into letting them change their hair. McCrane doesn’t want to ask anymore. 6:37 Spencer advising Helen about aligning herself with Ellissa. That she doesn’t want to be stuck in jury. Helen feels that they have to figure out the telephone game between her (Helen), Spencer, Andy and MC. Helen cares about Elissa, but knows that she’ll hurt her name. Spencer mentions that the best they can do with those they care about is to get them to jury, except for Elissa who doesn’t want to be there. Both agree that there will be a backlash when David is evicted. They are all going to play dumb. Helen feels that people will assume she wanted to keep Elissa. Advisor Spencer telling Helen how to handle any issue after voting. Her plan is to backdoor Jeremy as soon as possible. He feels they should just take his alliance and it’ll all depend on veto. Spencer doesn’t trust Gina Marie because she was all about Howard until he competed badly and now is being shady. 6:48pm Helen and Spencer don’t trust Amanda. Judd walked in and convo switched. Now asking Judd if Amanda saw Helen/Spencer go into room. Heads on out. Both want the ones who are fans of the show to get to jury and final two. Helen doesn’t want someone who didn’t even watch the show win. (Judd tried out 4 times) 6:55pm Candice, Elissa and Anna Marie are on the outskirts according to Spencer. Seems Spencer is trying to make it seem that because Jeremy’s personality is so obvious it’ll be easy to deal with him later on.
  8. I'm disappointed with her behavior. She was one of my favorites pre-season, but not anymore!
  9. Can't stand her! Hopefully she's voted out sooner rather than later.
  10. The mob mentality really pisses me off! I am now rooting for her and hope she outlasts the twits!
  11. He seems ok, but I haven't really formed an opinion yet.
  12. How any of the gals are swooning over a dork like Jeremy is just sad and a cry for help!
  13. 11:24pm Jessie feels that Jeremy is making a fool of her on national tv. How she can't say anything since she's nominated and it'll look bad. Aaryn tells her how Kaitlyn doesn't like him. in jessies eyes that doesn't matter since he follows her everywhere. (Several of them decided who they'd be paired with and the plan seems to be in trouble) 11:37pm Jermey now talking to Jessie. He's surprised about it all. Jessie feels based on dr session it is going to be on tv. He's spinning things. She just felt close to him, that he feels close to her too. Basically she has an issue when it comes to Kaitlyn and not anyone else and it doesn't affect her in his mind. Jeremy makes a point of stating that he's not in there to hook up with anyone. around and around they go.
  14. 10:50pm HoH Room Jessie is giving Katlyn the cold shoulder because Jeremy likes her more, and Nick is not into Jessie. Gina Marie trying to give Katlyn advice. She feels stressed. 11:06pm HoH Room Mcrave and Gina Marie dancing. (pretty funny). Andy asks Nick to cook for him and that he'll learn how to do it himself. 11:15pm Jessie is going to bed. Nick trying to get her to just mellow out. Andy also chips in how she's doing ok and not ruffling feathers. She feels uncomfortable when people ask how she's doing referring to being nominated.
  15. I believe that first evicted will be Gina Marie. I get that many didn't like Rachel, but it seems odd to transfer those feelings over to Ellisa. How many of us have annoying family members who we care about but are nothing like? I say lets give her a chance.
  16. Blah. Not a fan. Does she remind anyone of Cassie?
  17. Seems pretty grounded. Considering her background, she should do pretty good in the house.



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