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Everything posted by BBLOVER

  1. I know right? He couldn't even hug her back when he left......
  2. Huh? I saw Elissa talking game to several people. I believe that she will be herself soon, once the bullies are out and the MVP can be voted accurately. Until Germy, Aaryn and GM are out, I will continue to vote for Elissa, then Helen. Then the real game can begin.
  3. Howard may be a Christian, but a good christain? I hope he goes.
  4. I think Aaryn will go with the Helen/Elissa train. Germy will be gone! Yippee!
  5. Oh and yes slimcruz, soooo hope she gets slop!
  6. HA hA hA .... I so damn happy I can't even type LOL... So happy this next week should be seeing Aaryn, Jeremy, GM or Kaitlyn gone...... Crap, I;m am gonna have another drink on this one!
  7. I don't care.. at least this week he voted correctly! lol
  8. I don't consider noms for Jeremy, Aaryn and Kaitlyn boring! soooo happy one of them will go.....
  9. Whoop Whoop! Elissa stays and Helen HOH. Sure hope she puts up Aaryn & Jeremy and MVP puts up Kaitlyn. One gotta go! love love love it.
  10. YIPEE! Love it love it ..... and Helen HOH Oh yeah.... I'm dancing the happy dance LOL
  11. I hope she stays! But I fear someone will "flip" at the last moment. Got my fingers crossed!
  12. He confuses me LOL. One minute he talks about Elissa staying and the next he wants her out. I guess I just can't keep up with whose side he is really on?
  13. I actually like her. She's not so smart with her noms though. I hope she stays, but not expecting it. IF she stays, she needs to win something (not MVP that is given to her).
  14. I can only hope that this twit gets on the block next week. Why would Amanda talk to her about her remarks in the house? Think production put her up to it?
  15. Well I CERTAINLY don't like it and I CERTAINLY don't want Aaryn, GM or Spencer to go on and win the game. I just think everyone who watches the show should get an idea of what the HG are really like away from the camera, especially with the MVP voting twist.
  16. I would like to see Howard try and win HOH soon. Unfortunately, I have a feeling he is going to lay low and let others have the HOH headache until he NEEDS to win (or at least try) like if he gets nominated LOL. I like him so far, you could see how mad he was in his face the other night. He is right not to be confrontational (did I spell that right?), let the idiots keep digging deeper and deeper and turn on themselves. Just like Aaryn is doing now with Kaitlyn.
  17. I agree. It's interesting to see if she can turn things around in her favor! She is definitely the underdog this year. Who will the other HG bash 24/7 if she leaves? The MVP will evidentally go to someone else, like Helen or Howard.
  18. Why do I like what? That CBS showed TV viewers how Aaryn is acting? My son doesnt read Morty's or have live feeds and he goes by what is shown on CBS only! I have to give him an update to how the HG are really acting. LOL
  19. What I don't like about Nick is Gina Marie! These guys are really stringing these women alone! Geeze, why can't the women get smart about the men? Candice is getting close but she needs to stop relying on Spencer for voting directions.
  20. I have a feeling that CBS will have the live audience applaud her when she leaves. I doubt we hear the boos during the next elimination vote like the first week.
  21. I was appreciative that CBS showed viewers who do not read Morty's or do not have live feeds what Aaryn is really about. I hope they continue on this path with Gina Marie and Spencer. Hmmmmmm
  22. McCrea is really a little wierd. Not sure why she is with him except to manipulate him and try and keep up with what the guys are doing. LOL
  23. This is another one I can't wait to see go bye bye! She has really thrown Kaitlyn under the bus to Jeremy and GM.



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