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Everything posted by BBLOVER

  1. I think he will have to start playing HIS game and get away from Amanda. With her being a have not he is not tied to her 24-7. Run Run Run McCrea!
  2. I liked Elissa at first, but now I am starting to think that I really could care less if she stays or goes. In fact, I'm starting to feel that way about whole damn house.
  3. I wish should would have to try and play game. But not this POV lol. She would just do what Amanda threatened her to do.
  4. How many more hg evictions before we to jury people?
  5. I hope candance wins pov. If howard wins and takes himself off Candance will go home.
  6. I'm still dont know how I feel about Candance. I hope she wins Veto and takes down Howard. Then Elissa will go up but hopefully everyone will vote out Amanda. This is probably their only chance.
  7. Why is Andy in the House? Is does absolutely nothing! At first I thought he would be interesting but so far nothing. He is the ultimate floater but I can see where he is just a vote for now, no competition for sure.
  8. So happy So Happy! Yippie! I hope that she doesnt win POV and the house starts getting smart and vote her out. McCrea is no big threat.
  9. Soooo agree I wish these hg would get the strength to split of Mcmanda. Especially the BB fans like Helen could see what a threat they are and go for it. Of course, McCrea should know that he and Amanda are considered the power couple. Howard and Candance havent one a damn thing yet.
  10. Heck, I forgot whose thread we were on with all the different opinions. I dont like Howard, I think he is more or less a floater. I don't want Aaryn to get him out because Amanda is hammering her to do so, but whatever. I kinda lost interest after last nights HOH.
  11. The only people who want Mcmanda safe is mcmanda. I wish Aaryn would make a move.....
  12. Another week of her mean spitful ass I cant stand it. I will prob just wait n watch in a couple of weeks. Amanda will be right there running the show. UGH
  13. I would love for her to win HOH. I felt sorry for Judd as he could not get Mcmanda out of his HOH bed.
  14. I hope Judd makes it far in the game. I like him.
  15. She might be the best looking but I just don't like her. MM, you got that right! LOL I don't want to see an all girl house for weeks either!
  16. I hope he wins HOH and we get to the see the whole house kiss a##. Amanda up on the block will be great!
  17. I think this quiet man is really one to watch out for. He seems to know the game and is really aware of what is going on. He watches and listens and mumbles. LOL He stood his ground against Amanda with the Howard thing. I like him.
  18. I like him. Not Amanda though. He might actually play a good game if he would get away from her and her controlling way. He has tried to steer her away from being soooo controlling but she wont listen. He knows the BB game and I would not be surprised if he moved on if the rest of the house goes against them. (fingers crossed)
  19. I dont see this damn "texas tornado" going home this week. I'm from Texas and do not appreciate any of her comments,etc. but I think Kaitlyn is a bigger threat. Aaryn wont win anything. Wish it was a double eviction and both of 'em go.
  20. the guys need to get together and get her out. She is too demanding and she is running the house! Can't they all see it? Candance seems to be the only one who can see what is going on here. And why does everyone talk about couples but dont seem to see Mcmanda as one?
  21. Not sure about him yet. Read he has said some things but so has just about everyone else in this house.
  22. OMG! Does anyone really believe that Kaitlyn would tell Elissa something as personal as having an abortion? who started this crap? They can't stand each other. And why would anyone believe that Kaitlyn is a really a "nice" girl? Really? She was right in there with Aaryn on Jessie and Candace. Wow. I personally like Elissa more than the three mean girls and I think she is actually pretty. Her BB pic does not do her justice. AND I was a Brenchal fan only because they were sooo hated in the house.



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