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Everything posted by BBLOVER

  1. I really like Judd! I think he will stand his own and make his own decisions. He listens and yes, he mumbles, but he is aware of what is being said, done, etc. I think he will nom two of the mean girls and let MVP nom the other. I think Kaitlyn should go first thought, just because she is a stronger player than the other two.
  2. Howard will have to start playing to win! He will be a target very soon IMO
  3. I like seeing Ellissa smiling and actually talking and hanging out with other HG! She is much prettier than her BB pic. I think her reign of MVP will soon go and everyone can see a new MVP. Probably Howard or Helen or possibly Candance.
  4. I dont see why Andy likes her! He has been in the HOH room with them and witnessed all the name calling, etc. and yet he thinks she is really a nice person? really? I think she is just as bad as Aaryn and germy. If she chooses not to use the veto on herself, and I would not be surprised, then I think Spencer will go and the mean group will be in control again next week.
  5. I like Helen. I loved it when she was jumping around and I really love the way the house is "happier"? Surely she will not trust the mean girls or Howard/Spencer. At least I hope not. I would worry about Mcmanda though! I could see them putting her up.
  6. If production did not let them nominate Howard, I feel it would be due to the horrible time he and Candice had with the bed flipping, etc. He had to really hold back from making the situation much worse and possible physical. He doesnt deserve to go after all that went down. At least not this week!
  7. I wish it was a double eviction this week and both Jeremy and Aaryn left. Have a feeling Aaryn or Kaitlyn will get HOH next week to mix it up again.
  8. I hope they keep to the backdoor plan. I really dislike him. He's not the only one asking for "forgiveness" and another chance. Howard and Spencer doing the same thing. If they change the plan, Aaryn is still safe and they vote out Spencer. I really don't want Aaryn to stay instead of Spencer. He can go later. Gotta be Aaryn or Jeremy. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  9. Agree. I saw her in a different light when the mean girls were going after her! and Judd, like him a lot better too.
  10. Wow, I cant believe the mean girls! Way to go Amanda and Howard. Candance is going to be a good match for the game. She is smart and figuring things out.
  11. I kinda like him in a quirky kinda way!
  12. Yep! I'm with ya on this one! I really think that Elissa will not continue getting the MVP once the mean girls are gone.
  13. OMG! Is she really doing all that crying over a guy who obviously could care less and she only knew him for a few weeks! Damn girl.
  14. I like Judd. He was really in the background, but the way he took up for Jessie against the mean girls was great! I hope he goes far in the game.
  15. Hey, I take offense to that! I'm in Texas and there are MANY who are embarrased by her and making people think (like you) that she represents us. NO WAY!
  16. She put Helen on slop for second week because of association, PLEASE Helen put on her slop! I hope Helen will be strong and go after the b*tch.
  17. I as jumping up and down! LOL Oscar (pug), Sammy (Chiuaua) and Callie (cat) looked at me with a "what the F*ck" look LOL
  18. Useless and can go anytime! She isn't even worth worrying about IMO
  19. He is lieing to just about everyone! Praying with everyone then lieing about what was said, etc. to others. Using the bible to me. I know I will prob get a lot of smack from this this comment, but it is how I see it.
  20. She does not have many "friends" because of Rachel. She didn't tell anyone but Helen (I think) but Helen saw fit to use it as a manuefering tool (cant spell that dad burn word). BUT it worked. so if it works, use it I say.
  21. I am starting to like this woman. I think she just might get the girls together to move the guys out!



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