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Everything posted by BBLOVER

  1. Maybe she thinks that's the way they understand since they obviously can't understand that they have the chance to break up Mcmanda and are too scared to take the chance, She has at least tried to make something interesting happen. I so hope she gets the next HOH.
  2. Judd is stupid to think that Aaryn is into him NOW! Really? what an idiot Just so tired of watching these idiots worry about everyone but Mcmanda!
  3. Too bad Howard could not get the troops to flip! Candice, Howard, Spencer and Jessie could be running things instead of the bullies.
  4. He has to let Amanda go! This BB engagement / wedding is just STUPID!
  5. He has lost me rooting for him now that he has aligned himself with Arayn. He is being so two sided with Jessie now. I hope she gets HOH on double eviction. Aaryn and GM up and Aaryn gone!
  6. Wish the orange was really orange so that Candice isn't the only one looking ridiculous (cant spell) during the tv segment.
  7. I will dream of them getting it together and vote Amanda out! Now that would be entertainment! McCrea will go berserk!
  8. Everyone in the house should know by now that he spies for EVERYONE and tells everything he knows. They should just get him out already.
  9. True, but there are a LOT of women who do this. Why I wonder? Someone must think it looks good? I hope she stays past Helen. LOL
  10. I personally think she is very pretty. I really don't understand all the hate with the duck face comments. It has nothing to do with her game. Little as it is but she is still there. She is doing something right
  11. I thought she held her own with Amanda. She didn't back down. She will be up every week unless she wins HOH or puts a plan to backdoor Amanda NOW.
  12. IF there is still America as MVP next week after the dbl eviction this week, she will sail on to the end. What makes Helen and ANYONE else think she will be nominated next week?
  13. Oh NO! He will just run and tell Mcmanda. UGH
  14. Just cant stand her. These people are soooo stupid. Why oh Why cant they see the threat of Mcmanda? Really? UGH. I guess after double elimination this week, maybe they will see but it will be tooo late...... stupid stupid people.
  15. Candice just cant win comps to save herself! No one will work with her (especially with the way her temper flies) and she may as well just sleep until Thursday show.
  16. I don't think the house really sees Helen and Elissa as a couple since Helen is constantly throwing Elissa under the bus and saying how she is ruining her game, etc, AND Elissa seems to have her own idea of who she wants to vote for and it is not usually the same as Helen. Helen DOES talk Elissa into voting her way in the end though.
  17. I doubt there will ever be a flip since they are all such scary cats.
  18. I hope Helen, Amanda and McCrea go on the block SOON! I am so tired of those little weasels who are sooooo scared of Amanda to do anything. At least if ONE HOH puts them both up, hopefully one will go.
  19. why is judd mad at Jessie now? Geeze, all she did was save herself today. Don't think he would.
  20. Well heck, nothing in the game ever goes the way I want it to
  21. I just hope that the group get it together and votes her out. Jessie, Helen, Elissa, Judd is all they need! Spencer would but he is going up as replacement nom. Hope Hope Hope Hope that they see the light and vote her OUT! AND while I'm at this imaginary world (LOL) I hope CBS shows who she really is this week.
  22. Hope he gets with Spencer and anyone else to go after AMANDA.
  23. Candance needs to win POV or she is toast! She really needs to push herself in the comp. Heck, just realized I've been spelling her name wrong all this time! Oh well
  24. Hope she don't make it to jury.
  25. Hmmmm what will Spencer do if he wins? Try to get Amanda out again? That would be interesting.



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