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Everything posted by GingerSnaps

  1. He was a man in his forties (looked 60) who looked as dirty as McCrae does and said the most vile things. If I was a family member I would be embarrassed. By the way, he also looked like he went around the block a few times with some drugs.
  2. You forgot to add that she said she invented the saying"Boo." OK.
  3. They are paid actors and they are expected to perform. If they all sit around and act like the "civilized herd" some people crave, most won't watch and Len doesn't get to buy Julie's next pair of Jimmy Choos and a matching Gucci handbag. Read the feeds and look who is bullying GM now? Surprise, surprise, the green eyed bully rears its ugly head with every HOH.
  4. I never read fully read cast bios but I saw a post on the other thread and had to check out Elissa's. This is so funny: "What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: Use it to minister and help others." This BB show really goes to some people's heads.
  5. I don't get that either. I wonder who made up this story about her throwing a comp. She'll be forever known as the girl who threw herself at the guy and still couldn't get him and the girl who made other hgs bully her, while others watched and let it happen. Including her so-called friends.
  6. She wanted to be on TV like her sister. Everything she says and does is like a bad acting job and her sister was the same way. I know posters have said Amanda is self-absorbed and I will agree with that but so are the others and Elissa. How much more self-absorbed can you get then leaving your family for 3 months for a slight chance of winning some money that you say you don't need in the first place? You cry about leaving your son, blah blah blah, but you did it anyway by your own choice. It doesn't get more self-absorbed than that!
  7. If the others are paying a price, I suppose so does he. Oh wait, the others are women, he's a guy, it's permitted to say those things.
  8. I don't think they're disrespected, not in my eyes anyway, but it wasn't too hard with this group to be a floater because they never focused on the obvious and flip flopped too much. They hated each other so much they relied on people like Andy to bring the gossip back and forth and played on heresay only and never with any strategy.
  9. I think some people would be happy if they were put on the stake!
  10. I didn't know this was a board for private discussions. And give up a chance to put those duck lips on film. No way!
  11. Elissa said she met her husband through her sister. We all know how Rachael met her men and there is nothing classy about it. Since when did BB become equated with classiness? It's either like the military, people go in to get out of their back woods homes and travel and earn some cash to pay their debt that they won't admit to, or they want to be movie stars!
  12. Aaryn knows she is leaving, but it would have been more fun to see Andy get blindsided and be the one to go. Oh well, never know what fun next week brings!
  13. Water is to him, what Kryptonite is to Superman!
  14. I'm hoping it buys her a trip out the door next week!
  15. Great pic Wicked!!!! If and when Andy gets evicted and cries like a little baby girl, all my BB dreams come true!
  16. Even production knows he's the ultimate floater. They show him shoving food into his big mouth at the end of the show. He's got nothing to worry about, he will float right to the end and watch the others do his dirty work. Spencer, Andy and GM - F3.
  17. It's ironic that I find so many think that some of the HGs are trashy and foul mouthed, yet the word "tw*t" which is considered a vulgar word gets thrown around every other sentence.
  18. She is not doing anything that hasn't been done before (except the mini-pad) and no penalties were given. In my opinion, since BB set precedent permitting verbal abuse years ago, I still think it's wrong for HGs to touch other HGs stuff, cause physical harm or leave their body fluid sanitary products around the house.
  19. I know and maybe some people came into the house with their crabs too! Of course it is. The game has been played this way before but it was considered "funny." Throw in some slurs and lo and behold everyone jumps on the moral bandwagon. Because of this, I can't take these people serious.
  20. It's ironic that there is an "Amanda Conspiracy" thread when it's pretty clear to me that the only reason Elissa is in the house is because she is also a friend of the producer through her sister. I doubt Elissa had to send a video tape and audition for the show. And what about those MVPs the first few weeks of the game-that was a nice favor thrown out to Elissa by production?
  21. The show is all about her and I can only imagine how much editing they had to do because she can't formulate a thought into words in the alotted slot time.
  22. She just said that there were "bigger fish to fry" and that's why she nominated Aaryn.
  23. I think any one of them would work with each other to guarantee safety. I think she's gone anyway and Elissa said she was the target all along. She called Aaryn a "bigger fish" while the duo in any game is always the bigger fish.



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