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Everything posted by GingerSnaps

  1. It's funny because I was thinking that pageants are for pigs!
  2. Candice could have gave Howard 100 hand jobs under the covers and he still would have said "no" to a relationship. I think he was secretly hoping his bedmate was Amanda or Elissa.
  3. The Gina Marie now is the same Gina Marie as the one who first came through the door. The only thing that has changed is she is about to stab Elissa in the back. lol I'm hoping for a F2 too!
  4. Cosmetic surgery is an addiction. They're fake, but real to her. Unless she makes it to the end of this show and wins some cash, the real deal for real rings is off the table. Personally, I think she is full of crap about her wealth. Like her sister, she will go from show to show to make money and for them it's better than escorting strange men to Dubai City and plying them with cheap bottles of alcohol that they pass off as prime.
  5. Do they take bets for BB in Vegas? What would you think Amanda's odds are for leaving this week?
  6. Thank you. Amanda is first eviction or second eviction and who is planned for the other eviction?
  7. I hope Elissa's contract reads as follows: After you save/evict Amanda, your services are no longer needed!
  8. I am so lost with all these non-gameplay posts. Who is expected to go out the door on the second eviction? Thanks to whoever replies.
  9. "Big Pharma" how about "Big Acting?" They are a bunch of wannabe actors who will get big kicks when they read these boards. Negative attention is as good as positive attention for the attention seekers.
  10. For that matter Judd doesn't actually qualify to be a contestant as someone with "excellent mental health," due to his anxiety issues.
  11. The funny thing is I was listening to him the other night and he was clear as a bell, other times I can't understand a thing he says. So, is the mumbling for real or just put on?
  12. If Amanda stays in the house then I was correct that Elissa was put there to help her along. She had a chance to put up Amanda last week but didn't. How about the laughing conversations/scripts between them? Either way, GM was used and she is gone next week. If Amanda really does stay this week then something is definitely up. Maybe it's just talk to keep audiences interested?
  13. Was it Natalie who couldn't drink in the house and she was worried that the other HG would catch on that she was young?
  14. And judging someone's character is expempt? Do you think calling a woman an "Amazon" is not commenting on their looks? Yes, to each their own.



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