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Everything posted by GingerSnaps

  1. Well it's Aaryn this week, I know that, but it's definitely Elissa next week!
  2. Just as I called it. Bye Bye Elissa, good riddance.
  3. I think he wouldn't care if Amanda got evicted, I think he knows he has to show like he cares for Amanda's sake and the others who might think he has just been using her for sex.
  4. Yeah, the laughing thing is strange "fer sure." Maybe I will go with my first thought and say that Elissa is Grodner's pawn to keep Amanda safe.
  5. I don't think GM ever backed down from a fight even when Helen was there.
  6. The botox is probably wearing off and yes natural is always better looking.
  7. Me neither, since she was quite easy to read from the beginning. I wouldn't mind if she won, because I think if she did, it would be pretty amazing that she could do it from lying in bed all day and being outspoken about how she wanted things done. I think she would be compared to Maggie, but Maggie was subtle and was a real puppet string master.
  8. Well, maybe it will set precedent for future BBs. HGs will learn to play their own games from the beginning, unless we get a season of HGs who have been picked from local Walmarts and never saw the show at all?
  9. Oh, I think even if Amanda became Mother Theresa posters will still have a "difference" of opinion about her.
  10. I'm hoping to see an Andy, GM and Spencer final three, so the other HGs could all wonder where they went wrong.
  11. I think some people look at it as "complaining" when it goes against their opinion. Otherwise these discussions are just game talk in my opinion.
  12. I would have rather seen her nominated and squirming over that. She can't win any comps and she knows it.
  13. It is my opinion, that is why I wrote it. It's brilliant when you can get a key player out and save yourself. If Aaryn goes, she is fried next week. She is relying on "what ifs." Andy, Amanda and McRae are holding their ground but Aaryn could be bought off. GM will go along with Aaryn, but when Aaryn is gone she will be with the others. Judd is also a tool. If Aaryn leaves she can't play for HOH next week and it's likely GM or Andy will win and she has no chance. I hope it plays out that Aaryn leaves because it just means that Elissa is right behind her.
  14. Yes, that's true, I forgot the last one. Still, she wasn't the target. I do think Aaryn is her target this week.
  15. The guarantee was putting one or the other up and Andy as the replacement if necessary. Either one would be gone and if not she would have followed through on her threat to Andy. Every other HG got admonished for not putting up the grizzly duo and she wont' get any passes from me. She earns no points from me. She is just another tool!
  16. At least Amanda's DRs are entertaining. Wanting to have to pull words out of Elissa's mouth is annoying and yes she thinks she is entitled as much if not more than some of the others.
  17. He couldn't figure his way out of a paper bag!
  18. Half the country has the intelligence of a Gina Marie.
  19. I see him sitting next to Andy in the end.
  20. He's been throwing all the comps like Candice was. He won't win anything and he's not going anywhere.
  21. You're not missing anything, she is a moron. If this is true, that she is banking on Aaryn winning the POV, it's really no time to be relying on anyone for that. I think she just wants Aaryn out and that's good but it's even better because Elissa is gone next week.
  22. I can't believe that Helen said that Andy doesn't lie and he loves her. With all her smarts she is still in denial.
  23. I did see a bit of fear when Julie announced someone was coming back into the game.



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