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Everything posted by GingerSnaps

  1. I hope so too and if not, anyone that noms Andy and/or Elissa next week, will get my vote.
  2. Good! Next week comes and Elissa is gone. Judd knows Amanda has to go too and he is a waste of a comeback because he will do whatever the HOH wants him to. Elissa wants the prettiest youngest girl out of the house, she's making it personal. I agree she is a slimeball and called it from day one.
  3. Another one with all talk and no action. She walks into the BB house, hugs them all and wishes GM a Happy Birthday. What a phoney!
  4. He is the most sickening player in BB history. I can't believe Elissa doesn't follow through on her threat and nominate him. Cut off the head of the McManda snake - Andy.
  5. I just got around to watching the show from last night and by rights, she should be putting Andy up. She made idle threats to him. She is nothing but a blah, blah, blah and I can't wait to see her gone too.
  6. I feel the same. How can she not know, but then again she isn't the brightest star in the sky if that is any argument. Elissa's is Grodner's pawn and it's evident she is there to help certain players along.
  7. I'm surprised the three aren't in the same bed napping. Three stink bugs as snug in a rug!
  8. Aaryn didn't put up Elissa for eviction the past two times, correct? How soon Elissa forgets. It's okay, because Elissa will follow Aaryn out the door, unless she gets off the self-righteous pedestal that she put herself on.
  9. Finally, a reason to get his sorry butt out of the bed. Judd, what a waste of comeback.
  10. Once again, his name never passes the HOHs lips as an option for nomination. This slug is going to win this game.
  11. No matter who she puts up this week, she'll be gone next week. Yay!!!
  12. She is still in good shape and air brushing is done on everyone. I could see her getting some work from it.
  13. If production stays out of the other BB around the world, I would prefer them. These audience votes really screw up the whole season every year.
  14. I'm sure she will go back to being a Maxim girl.
  15. Yeah, this group is more interested in body fluids then they are in winning $500,000.
  16. I meant Picture Helper not the real howie gordie
  17. There's nothing left to say about GM. I don't think she can do or say anything else that would shock anyone.
  18. Is that an avatar of Michael Jackson?
  19. and I don't think it's in the script for her to come back.
  20. It's obvious they all feel that way...only when it pertains to them and not others.
  21. She cares, she's just a moron! With all her talk about leaving, I do believe she still wants to be a "tv star." I would have said self-implode.



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