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Posts posted by Misha

  1. I think Amanda is lying about what Howard said to her. Lets be real... I do not believe it is in his character to say something like that to her. Additionally, if she felt "threatened" then they would have called Howard into the DR. Instead they called in Amanda and now they cut the feeds or switch them every single time she says this story to the other house guests. Unless if CBS actually airs the comment where we can CLEARLY hear him say that... I will not believe it. She wants Howard gone with a vengeance... there had been talk about a secret plan to get rid of Candice instead... and she decided on this route to appear the victim (though she was laughing at whatever he did whisper to her) so people would protect her from Howard by voting him out.

  2. When did Judd and Elissa become such good friends? They are on the BY couches and he told her a few minutes ago that he wouldn't mind going to final 2 with her. She thanked him for that.

    They both wake up early in the am usually. And why wouldn't he take her to F2? At this point everyone would vote against Elissa. She is the "take this person to jury and you are guaranteed to win the whole shebang" person.

  3. I understand that people like Amanda because she is "playing the game" but lets remember why Jeremy ended up getting nominated and voted out... he was bullying people. No offense but Amanda is kind of doing the same thing with threatening Jess that she will be a target if she doesn't try to win POV AND use it to pull Amanda off the block. Jess doesn't want to do that because she is worried that Judd will get nominated. Amanda will lose her alliance if she continues to threaten people. It was a huge turn off for Andy too because he witnessed it and did not like what Amanda was doing.

  4. If Amanda wins POV it will either be Elissa or GM nominated by America. If Spencer or Howard winning POV then Candice will go on block. IF Candice wins POV and pulls down Howard then Aaryn will nominate Elissa.

    Seriously happy that Amanda was nominated. They are all freaking out now. Bwahahaha!!!!

  5. The reason ED got a pass was because he did his worst actions as a means to protect his daughter and as a strategy. That and his name already implied that he was, in fact, evil. There was no level of hypocrisy. Granted, I couldn't stand him but still...

    With Elissa, she has a mean streak in her when she doesn't approve of one's actions. I wouldn't so much call her a mean girl... I'd call her condescending and judgmental. She is a good person but she really has to grow up when it comes to trying to hold others to her standards. Everyone is flawed and she needs to learn that she isn't perfect either.

  6. Ok so here is how I see it (not that it matters to those whose minds are made up). Personal background: When I grew up it was in the NorthWest. We were in an agricultural town that saw an influx of hispanics six month out of the year during harvest time. My school was made up of approx 1/3 whites, 1/3 blacks, and 1/3 hispanics with a few asians mixed in. We all got along for the most part and the divisions were based on categories like jock/nerds/stoners, etc. Then later in life I moved to Montana and it was so predominantly white that other races stood out. And I would hear more people make racist remarks and jokes, etc. But even when the jokes were meant to be funny, there was an edge there of dislike there that some people even acknowledged. Then about 7 years ago I moved to Texas. There are some people that made jokes with true humor but by and large, there is a culture in Texas that I saw and heard that is definitely racist. Mostly it was from the older generation but some children are taught the same intolerance. Ultimately, the modern day racist believes themselves to NOT be racist but they do have actual taught biases behind what they say. One of my in-laws is far more blatant but the children have the subtle traces of it. I think they would never burn crosses or anything like that but they do tend to judge people of race with a different set of standards.

    So when I hear Aaryn, Amanda, and GM... I hear the taught biases and disdain against others. To me they are modern day racists.

  7. Unfortunately Aaryn is not going to make any big moves and she will put up a combo of Howard/Spencer/Candace, when the smartest thing she could do is put up Elissa and Helen.

    I disagree. The smartest move would be nominating Amanda/McCrae. Instead, she conforms to peer pressure.

  8. When the HG's were interviewed and I saw Amanda's I said I thought she was gay or Bi. Didn't mean it as anything but exactly that...nothing wrong with it, just an observation because of the quirky way she was with Jeff!

    The way she grabbed Jessie's boob, she still could be bi. LOL

  9. Aaannndddd this is why I voted for Amanda to be the third nom. I get why people don't like Elissa but even as much as I think she's not a great player and can be condescending... At least I don't find her OFFENSIVE like Amanda, Aaryn or GM. I hate the violent threats or violent speech when they talk about killing the other person. I hate the racist talk. I can't vote for Aaryn this week but Amanda will do.

  10. Ummm yes GM has said very racist things. Remember her ni**er insurance comment among other comments? I figured the non-live feeders would vote for her again and I wanted to nominate Amanda because I find her personality grating in live feeds. I'm sick of her constantly controlling everyone. And if I am being reallllly blunt? As much as people complain about the obsession Elissa and Aaryn have for each other, I have never heard Elissa say that she will kill Aaryn or slice her neck or any of the violent things that I have heard out of Amanda's mouth when someone goes against her.

  11. From the update page: 12:55 AM Elissa had also mentioned she felt like she had been misled about this show. She was not prepared for it at all.

    From this comment I'm thinking that Elissa only watched BB because her sister was on it and probably didn't really pay attention to the show, just her sister's antics. It was Rachel and Grodner who came up with this and talked her into it. Probably made all kind of promises to Elissa and said she would waltz through the game and America would love her.

    I agree with your assessment. 100%.

  12. Aaryn told GM that she would keep her word and that her hope is that by honoring it, she will be safe for a little while. Smart and stupid at the same time. But with the unknown MVP out there, if she doesn't make the house happy then they will simply vote out 3rd nominee. She would be a huge target again.

    So now Elissa is likely the safe this week due to Amanda and Helen.

  13. I think she doesn't want to be used!!! She wants to find out for herself if her alliance is lying to her! I don't think she trusts them!!! And if she wasn't MVP she would be gone!

    While I agree that she doesn't want to be used, it was foolish to act that way. While I understand her hatred of Aaryn, it seems clear that she doesn't get that the game involves lying. She doesn't get that you sometimes have to be fake with your 'enemies'. Neither side of the house is going to want to work with her now. Her only shot is winning HOH on Thursday otherwise she will be gone unless if Howard is on the block with her.



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