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Posts posted by Misha

  1. Maybe its important to remember that Dan and Memphis did keep Keesha AND Renny safe for all these weeks. Dan broke his deal with Ollie to protect Keesha and Renny. He could have easily sold Renny up then and gone with the "new alliance", but chose to remain loyal to the 4. They knew that when the numbers dwindled, they would eventually turn on one another. Well, the numbers dwindled. At that point, Keesha or Renny NEEDED to win the comp. The morph comp was one that anybody could have won. But Keesha and Renny decided to continue drinking after they heard the announcement that the POV comp was coming. They were not in any state of mind to do that comp. While Dan, Jerry and Memphis took time to study the memory wall... the girls were laughing and whooping it up. I'm sorry, but I can't feel sorry about this, because while Jerry/Michelle/Ollie were studying days, the rest were goofing off. So Jerry knew which numbers to aim for in that comp and Renny and Memphis didn't. Dan didn't do too bad, but they can't keep relying on Dan to save their butts. Dan had an alliance with Memphis like Renny had one with Keesha. You can only do as well as you can do and as well as those who have your back. In the end, you do have to win comps to get to the end.

  2. I stand by my earlier statements. I do love Renny... I just am hoping she can calm down because Memphis is not going to change his mind. I hope she enjoys her last few days in the house because I don't like to see her falling apart. I love Dan more, this is true, but I still love Renny. I wanted the "four" to make it to F4, but Jerry threw that out of the picture. Now, its only 3 of them left of the four. I truly hope they get Jerry out next week.

  3. Ollie would have thrown them (K/R) under the bus too. Matter of fact, Ollie DID throw them under the bus in his effort to keep Michelle and Jerry.

    And Renny was perfectly happy to have Dan leave when she threw him under the bus with Jerry.

    This is why I am saying that its much more fun when the people can approach the game as "A GAME".

    I didn't see Dan pestering anybody or throwing anybody under the bus when Jerry won HOH. He simply said, "All I can offer you is that if you keep me off the block, I won't put you on the block next week." He didn't spout off or even try to "sell his soul" like Jerry claims he did. Last night, we were all fretting because we had no clue who had won POV. But this morning, he even said to Memphis, "I don't want to take for granted what you are going to do". No hystrionics (probably spelled that word wrong, but I want to use it). No tantrums. Dan made an alliance and has let Memphis into his plans. He told Memphis that he was trying to do things to stop people from putting those two together and Dan succeeded.

  4. Its like last week. They felt bad to see the desperation on Michelle's face. Now, we are seeing Renny desperation. I truly hope that she can calm down after the ceremony and say.. It is what it is. Cause if Dan makes it to F2, she is my choice for AC after that. But if she keeps flipping out, I might have to change my mind, you know?

  5. ITA Elysium. The only thing thats really getting under my skin right now is the fact that Renny and Keesha are sitting there badmouthing Dan, were totally willing to throw him under the bus... but they loved him when he was protecting them, and yet they blame HIM for badmouthing THEM when they are the ones who are doing the badmouthing. Grrrr.

  6. You're right uvp. I hope Memphis realizes that Keesha and Renny will say anything right now.

    Memphis is a cool cat though. He doesn't play on the emotions if he is safe and he does not respect the emotional tirades that Renny is bound to do.

    If Renny keeps it up, I'm going to be losing some of the Renny love too.

  7. omg... I was watching when Renny was up there throwing Dan under the bus when Jerry got them all congregated. Now suddenly, she's conveniently forgetting that little fact that she was throwing Memphis AND Dan under the bus.

    I hope that Memphis holds true to his word to Dan.

  8. I feel bad today about one thing. I do love Renny and was hoping the ol' girl could make it at least to F3. I wish she would just calm down because I love watching her and Dan together. But she's so pissed right now that she's making snappy remarks to Dan and then Dan makes snappy remarks to her. They made up last night, but then today with her knowing Memphis will save Dan (she's knows... can't convince me otherwise), she knows she's going home. So the snappy comments are going to happen again. I hope they come to grips with things after the POV ceremony.

  9. Its amazing that Dan and Memphis are now apparently GAY and head up to the HOH room to ... what was it that Michelle said? Ah yes... to blow each other.


    sonoerin... yes... Michelle has surpassed from being a twit to being a twat. Hmmm... you know what occurred to me? If it is tit for tat in the big brother house, then maybe Michelle baby talked so much that she turned Ollie into a twit and she turned into a twat. Tit for tat with twit and twat.

  10. gsn... words won't capture it... I know its a show... I really do. But Michelle's comments, were not even spoken in the heat of the moment. She's had a full day to calm herself down and to refocus to try to campaign to get herself into the game. But to utter those words out of anger denegrates anybody who has actually been in the position of ever being molested. She throws it around as an insult rather than realizing the severity of the accusation. There are people who are guilty and then there are people who are falsely accused and go through HELL trying to clear their names of that kind of a charge.

    I know that no rational person is going to take her seriously... I don't. But there are insults that are acceptable and even understandable in these situations. Even Jerry's accusing Dan of being a "Judas" was understandable (though over the top), because Judas sold out his friend for 30 pieces of silver. Dan sold out his ally Jerry for half a million dollars. So that insult is okay. This other... NOT.

  11. I didn't hate Michelle before. I sincerely disliked her and was exceedingly annoyed at her conspiracy theories. But accusing someone of being a child molester is wrong unless it is actually true. She is venomous and now? I hate this bitch.

  12. Michelle... I want to thank you in advance for the great TV we are going to get tomorrow after the POV ceremony as we see you lose your cool and go "unhinged" on Dan. If you could, please throw in a few curses... we haven't heard those from you in the last hour, so we're kind of feeling let down. I know you're sleeping but that is no excuse for not providing us with entertaining television. In addition... slamming some cupboard doors and drawers would be cool as well. Please don't hold Ollie back if he goes to hit Dan. We wouldn't mind seeing his ass hit the door on the way out before Thursday as well (plus the added benefit of knowing April ain't gonna be happy in the jury house without Ollie, knowing he got kicked out with no money).

    Oh yes, and thank you for having an overblown opinion of yourself. We'll miss you when you're gone (though we sure don't want you back).

    Buh bye babbbyyyy (said in baby voice for your listening pleasure)

  13. Ohhh... now Michelle thinks that Keesha is a plant and maybe Memphis too. After all... why was there no picture of Keesha's boyfriend JJ? Why would Keesha save Memphis? Maybe that is why Keesha got rid of Angie, because Angie was getting close to Memphis.

  14. Personally, I think Michelle sunk to a nice low with Ollie as she claimed that the reason Dan is probably protecting Keesha is because Keesha must be giving him blowjobs and Ollie agreed.

    Keesha is the one who isn't using her body that way. April did. Even Michelle did when she tried to get Jessie to "like" her. She was always making sexual overtures. Jessie just didn't return the favor.

  15. Mod edit:... her hair cut sucks when she doesn't curl it, but I've gotten bad hair cuts at a salon before and had to wait till it grew out before getting it fixed. It wasn't at Walmart either.
  16. Ginger... that is the goal. Not only is his head disproportional to the rest of his body.... if we add enough pages... his head might eventually explode OR... make room for something foreign to occupy his skull... like a brain maybe?



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