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Posts posted by Misha

  1. I guess I love Dan for the love he has for the game and for taking it seriously and not just as a way to promote a career in the industry. He took his money and invested it wisely. And as a Christian, I have no problem with people who sin because we are all sinners. No sin is worse than another except for blasphemy which is actually defined as "denying God". Pretty sure that Dan has NOT denied God. I have a problem with Christians who judge when its supposed to be GOD that judges.

    *hands the stone to those without sin to continue throwing it at Dan* Just sayin...

  2. Here is the deal. I believe that there are 2 people left in the house worthy of winning BB. Ian is one. Dan is the other. Since Danielle appears to have won the F4 POV, Ian is likely gone because she will get Shane to evict Ian. Even Dan will support this because it will keep the blood off of his hands. I'm sorry to see Ian go but I cannot help but think... Please Dan... win the final HOH because I do not trust Danielle to pick Dan to go to F2 with her.

  3. Is remembering a long long time ago when Dan told Danielle that it might be time to get closer to Shane. Then she did. Now Dan is guiding her that its time to get rid of Shane and suddenly she is fed up with how Shane treats her (and he does go hot and cold on her all the freaking time). Either Danielle is that great of an actress (doubtful) or she is truly Dan's puppet. She's a very good puppet though because she does not tell Dan's secrets.

  4. Yes, I think Shane has outlived his usefulness. I was really happy when Danielle finally seemed to let go of the romantic idea of Shane, only to have him detail a date and state to her that he "made a move" but she rebuffed him, etc. Then I thought, well Shane if you really were into the girl get ready cause she's gonna take what you said and make a move. And she did. And he rebuffed her, again. I no longer blame Danielle. I think Shane did try to use Danielle to save him and only played "interested" to further his game.

    A bold prediction? He will win POV tonight because he is aware that he is potentially going home.

  5. There are a lot of people speculating on what Frank can do to save himself. The truth is that he can't do anything. If he outs Dan then he outs himself. So this would be how it would go:

    Frank: I'm in an alliance with Jenn, Danielle, and Dan... Dan is betraying me!!

    Shane: Really? So you were lying to me when you said you were going to be in an alliance with me and Joe with Danielle and Jenn as expendable people?

    Dan: ~says nothing... as usual but smirks~

    Jenn: Oh so Danielle and I are expendable? Well F' you!! Nobody messes with me and mah girl! Boom!!

    Shane: Your girl? She's MY girl!! No wait. She's not my girl. ~whimpers~ Please don't nominate Danielle and I together because we are NOT a couple even though I kissed her after the pirate ship competition in front of everybody and I let her tweeze my manly back hair and pop my zits.

    Danielle: I'm expendable and I'm not your girl? Why is everyone always attacking me? I'm innocent of all wrongdoing. Pity me for I am yet again a victim. Shane... hold me and comfort me and beg my forgiveness as well as my hand in marriage.

    Dan: ~again says nothing but laughs inside as he winks up at the camera~

  6. Ratting out Ian was the obvious move, yes. However, the way he went about it to make sure that Britney went home instead of Danielle was brilliant. She played her part well by whining to everyone that she would never forget what Dan did to her etc. The diversionary tactics were awesome.

  7. Don't care about whether a player is a former coach or a former winner. If the house guests do not have the brains to get them out, that is their own fault. Dan is the only one left that can provide me much entertainment. I do NOT want him to leave. I want him to win. Granted, I wanted him to win BEFORE his big move but now I do believe he deserves the win over everyone.

  8. I didn't like Britney on her first season and I don't like her now. I hated that Dan was aligned with this backstabber who was such a hideous coach that she created so much paranoia in her player that he ended up flipping out and getting evicted. Britney, you deserve to be evicted. Dan was loyal but you were not. Its okay for Dan to take the heat for Ian but when his BB life is on the line, he doesn't have the right to try to save himself?

  9. I have to say that I am now watching the feeds again as needed. LOL Loving this whole thing because Dan is reminding me of when he would pull this kind of stunt on Memphis. I remember when Memphis got mad about Dan putting him on the block for a calculated risk. He's doing the same thing for Danielle. The only problem is that Joe will have to vote Britney out. Shane might vote Britney out because Danielle and he have a F2 deal and Danielle is more likely to win a comp to keep him safe. We shall see. Oh yes, we shall see. Oh to be a fly on the wall in the BB house tomorrow morning. LOL

  10. While I admit that Ian is playing a good game to date, his lies are going to catch up with him now. He threw the veto competition to keep frank in the game. He always wanted to get rid of Boogie so he could be Frank's sidekick. I am just sad that Dan is going to take the fall for this kid who obviously does NOT appreciate anything that Dan did for him.

  11. Yeah, I am not thrilled with what Ian is doing. I understand covering your tracks if you are going to be a super secret spy getting information to take back across the line of fire but Ian didn't need to do that yesterday. I think the QP (or at least Britney) made him understand that it was NOT cool to act like that and so he stopped a bit and then he gained some points for me by telling Froogie that he wasn't going to stop being friends with the others just because they are on the other side of the house, etc. What I don't like is how he is trying to be devious with his vote because he is trying to set Joe up with his hinky vote. So now I don't know where Ian is except that when he is near Ashley he is thinking like a 21 year old BOY does with his d*ck rather than his brain.



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