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Posts posted by Misha

  1. I'm really sorry. I love the drama of the game and while I do love having someone to hate on the show, I do not want Aaryn OR Jeremy having a say in the winner. They are poison. I have watched too many juries award the big prize to the wrong person. Sorry but no way would I help keep Aryan there.

  2. I'm not ashamed to say that I voted for Elissa. If they (The Aryan Crew) would have given Elissa a chance to simply play the game then I probably would have voted for Nick, McCrae, or Howard but now all I really want is Aaryn (and in a perfect world, Jeremy) out before jury. Best way to accomplish that? Vote for Elissa. If Elissa gets evicted, I am voting for Helen until my goals are met.

  3. Dan would have lost anyway. The entire jury except maybe Jenn had made up their minds prior to showing up. Half of them admitted to wanting Ian to win because he deserved it and they wanted to vote for someone who hadn't already won it. Pretty sure Britney pitched the whole thing of, Dan and Ian deserve to win over Danielle but if it is Ian vs. Dan... Ian deserves it because he played his own game and he hasn't already won it.

  4. "Everyone else does it" is never a valid excuse in my book.

    I'm not excusing it. Just stating what I believe to be true that he is like a lot of men. He just happened to get caught on live feeds saying it. He is a result (sadly) of the culture in which we live in where a persons worth is often measured by their appearance. I'm angrier at society than I am at the kid who has been influenced by it. I wouldn't even let my children watch shows that had children portrayed as "smarter" than their parents because I did not want them to think they knew it all and to respect their elders. At the same time, I do disrespect Danielle's game because she has really only been Dan's puppet. Ian was also a puppet for Dan but not 100% of the time. LOL Yet another reason why I am rooting for Dan to win. But Ian should get 2nd place in my book.

  5. You're right Misha. I also tried to make this point the night she went after him but, some see his laughing when she comes back to report the things she says to Ian as encouraging her to yell at Ian.

    We saw in season 10 that Dan is WELL AWARE that when others yell at each other, they become targets for the other and he skates through to the next week. That is why he laughed behind the scenes this season when the fight between Ian and Frank broke out because his target decreased. Its funny... most people in the house completely flip out and lose their cool when attacked. Dan just sits there and either apologizes or keeps silent but he fails to give the attacker more ammunition. People need to study Dan for future seasons to realize that if they could keep their temper under control they would go much further in the game. But Dan did not tell her to yell at Ian. He simply tried to get her to persuade him (manipulate him) into throwing the final HOH competition.

  6. Regarding Ian, I honestly think he is a general example of men his age in the US (with some variations, naturally). Men usually do not say the words out loud in front of women but if you listen to talk radio (not conservative) there are a great number of men who disregard the value of a woman and it is promoted constantly.

    While I am a Dan fan, I have stated that I would prefer for Ian to win rather than Danielle because at least Ian played the game. At the same time I DO worry that Ian will not know how to spend the money wisely and it will be wasted in useless toys and gadgets that will be outdated in several years. While this is his prerogative, I can see his naivety turn ugly in the future. I'm sorry but I really can. He will come to a crossroads and hopefully he will be far away from people like Mike Boogie when that happens. We all know how Mike Boogie regards women.

    Say what you will about Dan but I read that he offered to show Ian how he had invested the money so Ian could do likewise rather than burn through it and have it gone before he could use it to help his future. Those who would like to burn Dan in effigy should realize that he really is a good guy at heart and though he is ruthless in the game, he truly cares about Ian as a person and wants to help him make the right decisions to secure his future. Maybe he can help Ian wise up regarding women too.

  7. I realize this is going to be debated, but Dan was telling her what to SAY. Not what to yell. I never heard him say, "Yell at Ian". But when she lost pt.2 of the HOH, she lost her temper and what she was supposed to say came out in a yell. I am willing to retract what I said if someone can prove to me that Dan told her to yell at Ian. Will need flashback proof (time, day, cam) to believe he advised her to yell.

  8. I am waiting to vote for America's choice until after Sunday (hopefully we will know who the final 2 are by then). If Ian is eliminated, I am honoring Dan's request to vote for Ian. If Dan is eliminated, I am voting for Dan to win it.

    And yes, I will be pissed if Janelle wins it because she has already won it before. Give Ian a chance because he really does deserve something for his game this year if he is eliminated at F3.

  9. I think you gotta give the kid a little while to get over this, Joe is older and saw it coming. I agree Shane should have asked Danielle more persuasively to leave things be, that is his fault. But to call him stupid or a tool, go over to Danielle's thread and attack her.....just my opinion.

    I do think his play was stupid. You never agree to be the pawn because the pawn always goes home. I believe he is a tool (my opinion) and have thought that throughout most of the game because he tried to blame others and never accepted it nor did he man up for his own actions. Joe didn't even like Dan and Joe stood up against Frank and Boogie when they were bullying Dan and I gained so much respect for him for that when he wasn't even involved in the situation. Shane didn't defend Dan at all and let them attack him and worse, threw his coach under the bus hard core when it was not her fault either. Danielle at least didn't throw anybody under the bus when she nominated Janelle (i.e. anyone in the Silent Six or the Quack Pack). I will call Danielle out for the things I don't agree with that she has done (and there are many) but in this case, I am saying this about Shane. In Shane's thread. I might forgive him if he lets things go and learns to separate the game from real life. Jerry called Dan Judas but Dan still treated him with respect in the house and outside the house. They keep in touch because Dan actually IS a good person outside of the game.

  10. My family and I are all rooting for Dan. We don't live anywhere near Dan. We live in Texas. We were actually disappointed in him the first half of the season and though we had fond memories of him from season 10... we felt his game play initially was lackluster. Then BLAM!! (aka Dan's funeral) We fell in love with his game play all over again and will be heartbroken if this bitter jury does not award him the grand prize. The only way we will accept it is if Dan actually says, "I played to get it so that Danielle won the grand prize, vote for her". I might puke a little bit in my mouth for her to win that way (or anyway at all) but at least it was just a way of saying that Dan the coach got her there. Since the funeral he has been in total control of the game and has been the puppet master of all of the players. If they were in the way, they were evicted. Too bad, so sad. Nobody else was controlling anyone (except with Danielle controlling Shane but since Dan controlled Danielle, he ultimately controlled Shane as well).

  11. Just saw Shane's interview with Jeff. I knew Frank would be the most bitter jury member but I believe Shane is about to join Frank in that realm. It was okay for Shane to blindside others. It was okay for him to trick Dan into getting the blood on his hands to evict Ian. It was okay to completely blame Britney and watch for weeks while Dan took the blame for something that was Ian's fault. I NEVER thought I would say this. Joe has a thousand times more class than you do Shane. You are a tool.

  12. Just had a thought of Dan sending Boogie a message from the DR.

    *brrrrrnnggg.... brrrrrrnnnnngggg* Yo Boogie. Remember that time when you had operation Double Date and Dr. Will and you got your showmances to nominate their best friends and then you blindsided and evicted them? How about I got my best friend to save me so I could evict HER showmance? Bwaaahahahahahahahaha!!

  13. My post was not aimed at a specific person but more in general. I understand that people who are fans of other people and not Dan are not going to like Dan's game play this year. But you know what? They have known this whole time what Dan was doing. Earlier on in this season, Joe pointed out to the others that Dan was using the line of "nobody will vote for me to win twice" on everyone. Frank and Boogie both trashed Dan to everyone saying that Dan was using the renegade/loyalty/"be my Memphis" card and yet they all still bought it. I have no problem whatsoever with anybody trashing Dan's game play but I do take offense to those who say he isn't a Christian or implies it. I am even aware that my intense feelings are carryover from season 10 when I heard the same arguments regarding Dan being a "Judas".

    As I say this, I also have a problem when people go too far regarding wishing ill upon someone else (death threats, hopes they lose their job, f*cking someone's wife, etc) even if they are slightly psycho in the house and I think they need therapy. I will wish therapy upon the person but I do generally feel bad that they will face a backlash from people who don't even know them. I understand that they bring it upon themselves by entering a house where they are on camera 24/7 but I think most people, especially young people, have no idea who they even are yet and that the world does not revolve around them.

    ~gets off my soap box~



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