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Posts posted by Misha

  1. Joey actually told Devin that she was going to give Caleb his name when he asked her who to put up against Paola. Caleb told her that it would be a house selection and he would poll all of the houseguests to determine who he would put up. Joey said she told Devin as a courtesy and would not be mad if, in return, he chose to name her. She said that the reason why she chose him was because he was such a physical threat. She insinuated that the other women also felt the same way.

    In this case a copy of Caleb's Instagram account was posted and we could read his racist and homophobic rants, and he never denied them. Apparently, he was told by producers that he had to "make nice" with certain people to offset the negative publicity in order to be selected for the show. They could ill afford a repeat of last years show. But a leopard rarely changes his spots.

    Where is the proof that he was told to make nice? Is that speculation or did he actually say that on live feeds?

  2. I don't see Caleb winning the whole thing unless the others implode on each other and he stays quiet long enough to squeek through and dominate in later competitions. But I do see him lasting a few more weeks. The house has bigger, more annoying targets. Like Devin. And Joey. And if they wise up, Zach.

    With that said, I have to say that the Caleb I am seeing in the house is exactly like the one I remember. Slightly egotistical but he has a good heart. Girl crazy.... definitely girl crazy and unless Amber actually feels the same way that he does (we will see soon what happened BEFORE the live feeds came on), he needs to cut her quick from the game. He's not homophobic. We've seen past homophobic contestants REFUSE to sleep in a bed with a gay man.... he doesn't care that Frankie is gay. He gets along with him GREAT. He's not racist. A true racist would never align with someone from another race. He is aligned with Devin. The house even talks about Caleb and Devin being best buds.

    My faith in my friend is fully restored. And no, he isn't a stalker type. He is just smitten right now.

    To be honest, I feel MUCH better now. I was very torn on this whole thing. So unless if I see something drastic happen, Caleb has my full support.

  3. My girlfriends who are on FB that don't know Caleb and don't follow the news are falling in love with Caleb and voting for him. LOL

    I have to admit, the twisted humorist in me wants to see peoples faces if he gets voted for Team America. There are many reasons to do this:

    For those who hate Caleb:

    1) Paints a huge target on his back

    2) Forces him to be in an alliance with the most liberal in the household

    3) Might force him to turn on an alliance

    For those who love Caleb:

    1) Help him earn some money

    2) Um, because you love him?

    Don't be surprised if he gets the 2nd nod... He came across as super adorable with his smile in the HOH comp... LOL

  4. here is a better link to the TMZ piece on Caleb


    his father's defense actually manages to discredit Caleb even more -- it shows us precisely where Caleb learned his bigotry.

    And Mischa -- you're right about Blake being kinda hot! ;)

    That website didn't include them doing a test for Blake where he had to name a former houseguest and Blake said, "judd.... J-U-Double D"... LOL. It was so freaking adorable.

    They need to have Blake be the spokesperson for the family. Paul (sorry Paul but its true) came across as the angry papa bear. Any parent would be! I would.



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