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Posts posted by Misha

  1. Did anyone see the new backyard pictures? Caleb's is hilarious, he's in long pink shorts with cowboy boots and knee socks! It looks so funny!

    I think it's safe to say he's not much of a style guru! Unless you like that look!

    I am willing to bet MONEY that he did NOT assemble that look. LOL. Not a chance!!

  2. So the video on the link cuts off before the end of the interview that I just watched on TV. Is it wrong that I'm kinda crushing on Blake? I may be married but what a cutie.

    So my feelings after watching that... I will still be watching closely to Big Brother to see if his family is right regarding his character but at least now I know it wasn't a hoax. Regardless, Caleb needs to apologize for the use of hate speech in a political rant. I said I'd be honest and that is how I feel. And yes, if he were standing right in front of me, I would be lecturing him and telling him how disappointed I am in his use of words. I understand that those words were used right after he came back from Iraq but if you can't make your point without resorting to name calling.....

    At the same time, I don't necessarily think he is a racist or a homophobe but it does open the door to the possibility. Big Brother is a magnifying glass and his character under pressure will be revealed.

  3. Misha, I think you have been very fair in your assessment of Caleb. You have told us of your experiences with him and how he acted with you and people you know and there is nothing wrong with you feeling that the guy you know never seemed to be the person that the internet is saying he is. I hope to read many more posts by you about him... well, maybe not that many more since I hope he doesn't stay too long, for reasons other than the whole blow up online.

    Thank you. I do appreciate that. I know I am walking a fine line here. Trust me, there is a part of me that hopes he is eliminated right away so the controversy will end before it gets worse. For his sake and his family.

  4. And that is what I will be watching for. I hope that he proves that he is not a bigot in the house. I thought Dan was going to be a bigot too but his talks with Steven really changed his opinion on the matter of homosexuality. But if he ends up being like Aaryn last year, then the truth will come to light. I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. More importantly, I hope he takes the experience of living under a microscope as a life lesson and grows from it.

  5. It seems like people are really going out of their way to defend this guy.

    Oh btw, no one uses the "N" word, "fag" and other derogatory words and statements only one time. Most of the time, it's in the vocabulary.

    I'm not going out of my way. I have been a regular member of this board since 2008. I am a Big Brother fan and have been for a long time. I met Caleb several years ago and NOTHING on his Facebook used those words. Nothing I ever heard him say or that my friends have heard ever pointed to what that Instagram said. For all I know, it IS a plot by CBS to create controversy for ratings. Can you not understand why this makes no sense to me?? While we are not close friends, I think if he was ok saying that on Instagram, I would have seen those words on Facebook too and I didn't. It is in ONE supposed post but found nowhere else. Doesn't that seem suspicious to anybody but myself? Caleb loved social media. He posted pictures all the time. Using your logic that people never only use those words once... Why is that the only picture/words like that? And more to the point, I allowed that maybe I am wrong and that I will be watching carefully what happens in the house. You will lose nothing if your right. Others who know him stand to lose much more.

  6. Misha, I was totally NOT picking on you., so please forgive me if it appeared so. I appreciate everything you have said to give fans some insight into Caleb and I totally appreciate the diplomacy and tact you have displayed, even when Paul was basically attacking you (you got his height wrong and you should not analyze him... etc). Caleb and his dad should consider themselves very very lucky to have a friend/acquaintance like you.

    I never thought you were picking on me. I just wanted to let people know that they should continue being themselves on the message boards without fear of hurting my feelings. I have been investigating in the meantime. The bar that I used to go to was a mix of people. My best friends are actually homosexuals so I asked their opinions on how they felt that Caleb treated them, etc. I asked if they had heard him make derogatory statements or even heard about it through the grapevine. Same thing on racist comments. They were shocked. They said he was always friendly with them, knowing that they were gay. Though the consensus remains that he was a bit egotistical regarding his looks, he treated everyone nicely and didn't seem derogatory in any way. He never treated anybody like crap. He merely had the whole "I'm sexy and I know it" attitude. But like I said earlier, he was a gentleman always. And the boy can dance!! Background info: I am overweight. And yet he would sit and talk with me and never seemed to ever look down on me for my weight problem. So you see how hard it is for me to translate the Caleb that my friends and I know to that instagram? If I find out that he really feels that way about my best friends, then I will be very hurt because I have very strong opinions on the matter. I don't mind opposing views but its the hate that I can't deal with. I'm a libertarian and believe wholeheartedly that people should be free to live their own lives. Any extreme is bad to me whether it comes from the right or the left.

  7. Yes, I am toning things down out of consideration for Caleb's father. That is my choice. I believe in freedom of speech so I personally will not hold anybody to my choice to tone things down. You should feel free to speak your mind as always regarding the entire cast as you see fit. If I have information that redeems Caleb, I will share my insight. If I don't then I will stay silent. I am watching and waiting to see what he says in the house that will either collaborate my opinion of Caleb or dispel them.

  8. I am hoping more than anyone that it is a hoax. I've met him and a lot of his friends and I really don't believe Caleb is a freaking racist... I don't have a problem with him being a hunter because I know for a fact that he and his family hunt for food or to protect their animals and the animals of their neighbors. I will be watching very carefully because I have very strong feelings regarding hate speech. I have literally refused service to someone at karaoke (I am a KJ) because they called someone a ni**er. I have seen Caleb drunk and those kinds of words have never crossed his lips. Alcohol is always a truth serum so it really makes me lean towards believing it was a hoax. Like I said, I will be watching carefully.

  9. Paul,

    If you can, contact the producers to find out the best course of action regarding the latest outbreak of media reports. Just try your best to not engage the crazies even though your instincts are to protect Caleb.

    I do not believe he is a racist but if it is true that he posted those comments on instagram (I don't have instagram so I am clueless on that), he and your family are going to be the center of a whole lot of crazy. I will be praying for you and your family.

    I will give him the benefit of doubt but the best thing he can do is offer a heartfelt apology with no excuses or justification when he gets out if that Instagram was real.

  10. I wish I would have known he was even thinking about signing up for Big Brother. Believe me, I would have been able to give him great insight into what to watch out for. But it is exciting for this site to have his father come in and share his own insight into one of the contestants. Morty's is one of the more respectful web sites in that people are not allowed to insult each other... but they are also not going to hold back their opinions on his actions in the house. If history holds true to form... about half will like him and half won't. LOL As far as my posts go, I am going to be honest. I have never held my friends up on a pedestal, but I am also honest about my views. If I think he is making a mistake in the house, I will say so. Its not going to stop me from liking him as a friend... but I believe we are all flawed and if you can accept my flaws, then I can accept yours. I expect Caleb to show "flaws" in the house. Every houseguest will. None of them in history are flawless. I will still be his friend when he comes out. None of my posts are typically mean-spirited. NONE of us have a problem with people lying for game purposes. And more hearts have swooned over a good shomance than anything.

    As for the "gotcha" press... as long as Caleb doesn't say racial or homophobic phrases in the house... he should come out fairly unscathed. Those are the big no-no's in the house. People have literally been fired from their jobs in real life over those things. And if he turns against an ally that happens to be one of the house favorites... be prepared for hate mail, hate calls, and potentially even death threats. I'm not kidding. None of us on this board are like that (to my knowledge) but there are crazy people out there. Seriously, if you ever need to talk... please call me. (I can send you phone number on facebook)

  11. Hi Paul!!

    Yes, I remember you well! Its great to hear from you. I'm sorry about the height thing. I don't recall him being that tall but since it has been a couple years... I apologize for the misinformation.

    As for the being famous, he did tell me that a few times. But like I said, he has depth to his character. He was always very nice to me. My posts were simply meant to help bring about a more rounded view of him rather than the "redneck ultra conservative" image people have of him. In one of his interviews he was asked about his opinion on gays and he was honest but it is going to feed the fire of debate on that issue.

    I don't know if you've ever been to the message boards for Big Brother but trust me on this: everything he says and does is going to be picked apart and psycho analyzed. For those who decide they do not like him or because they are supporting someone else in the cast, he will be verbally ripped to shreds. For those who support him (like me), we will try to sway them from the hate. This is why it is VITAL to keep him away from Big Brother message boards when he gets out. The counselors will advise him to do so as well because they know how crazy people get. If it gets ugly, I highly recommend that the family stays away from the message boards too. Any of the regular posters here can back me up on this. Some sites are worse than others. This one is the least offensive that I have found.

    I wish you and your family well and hope that he wins over the hearts of everyone.


  12. Yeah, I am a bit worried about that too. But I at least know that he does have depth to him too. He and his brothers run Fatneck Outdoors (previously named Fatneck Outfitters). My fear is that being around narcissistic people will bring out the pompous in him. He was a pretty good entertainer on the stage though. He had a lot of charisma which I am hoping comes out in the house. I'm hoping that he is more of a Jeff than a Jessie. I know for a fact that he has more intelligence than Jessie. LOL

  13. I am going to preface this by saying that he is more of an acquaintance friend and so I only know what he and I have had discussions about at the karaoke bar. The rest I know from Facebook. I've never been to his house and most of what I will say are simply impressions based on his actions and our discussions... at a bar.... while he was drinking. LOL

    So he is very much a country boy. When he says he is an Adventure Hunting Guide, it is (or was... not sure if they still are in business) hunting for wild game. It was never unusual for him to post pictures of wild hogs, deer, antelope, fish, etc. that they had hunted. In the meantime, he was actively pursuing both a modeling career (I questioned his sexuality after seeing some of those pictures because they really looked gay... but he IS straight... Feel free to salivate!) and a singing career. Last year, he auditioned for The Voice and I know that he got past the first round but he was never one of the finalists. He is interested in becoming famous. I suspect his only knowledge of Big Brother is from the tapes he was given after talking with the casting directors.

    He used to have a girlfriend who he claimed had issues with depression and he said that he tried so long to make things work but in the end, he had to get out of the damaging relationship. I don't know if he has changed his ways but considering what I read in the bio, I highly doubt it. But he WAS raised to be a gentleman and would get very upset if someone didn't treat a woman like a lady. At the same time, the way he was raised... he is more looking for a woman who would be the stay at home, cook me dinner, take care of the kids type.

    He has spent the last couple years building his body up with mass muscles. Compared to other guys, he is on the shorter end. Probably 5'6", 5'7". He does have a tiny temper. Without being able to sing or be in the wilderness, I suspect we are going to see that come out because he is NOT a city boy... he is a country boy. A country boy that wants to be famous and make a lot of money, but still... a country boy.

    I am rooting for him but I don't know if he will be able to adjust his strategy with the twists that are coming this year. But still... rooting for the guy that I sang backup for at karaoke. LOL

    Edited out of respect for the family. Sorry Paul!

  14. Ok.... So this is going to be a fun year. Wanna know why?? I actually know Caleb. LOL. Not REALLY well, but he and I used to go to the same karaoke bar together and I would sing harmony for him while he sang Purple Rain. Anybody want the scoop? LOL. And yes, I am facebook friends with him and have been for many years.



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