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Everything posted by Misha

  1. Honestly, I think Amanda and McCrae really believe Elissa. She IS a horrible liar so they really would know. If Andy DOES vote Amanda out, McCrae would probably suspect him because they have worried before about Spencer and Andy being in an alliance. GM can't play next week, Spencer sucks at anything except puzzles and so it would fall on Andy to win. McCrae stands a good chance at winning HOH especially since his ass would be on the line. Elissa is good at anything that does NOT include speedy questions (which is likely to happen due to DE). I am already biting my nails over Thursdays show. Given time to think about it, I think Elissa knew she was alone and NEEDS someone to play with her. If she survives DE, she stands a good chance to win 2nd HOH. Either way, she and McCrae need to study hard this week. Either way, Andy's duplicity will be exposed.
  2. I am really confused unless we missed something. Is it possible that she overheard someone talking about the Exterminators and she realized that she would be on her own? Otherwise this move makes NO SENSE!!!
  3. Its kind of funny how the Elissa thread turns out to be a lot of posts about Amanda. I did feel like Elissa on the episode tonight was taunting Amanda but GM said it best. Amanda spent DAYS torturing Elissa where Elissa finally stayed there and spoke back. After that (and Andy and Spencer telling her to just walk away when Amanda follows her around) she went back to walking away. But in those days, with the exception of a few minutes of consolation from others, Elissa hasn't really gotten to vent about her frustrations. As a venter when I get upset, I understood that Elissa had finally had enough. She needed people to comfort her and agree with her regarding how Amanda hurt her. When you get down to it, we all need a little affirmation that we aren't alone when things go badly in our lives.
  4. Ever since Helen left, I like Elissa more and more. Obviously all that time while she was staying quiet she was watching what was REALLY going on in the house. Its very clear that she understands where the lines were drawn in the house. Even though she made a mistake with noms, she stands a good chance of surviving next week.
  5. I actually stopped posting on the boards a few years ago when people got REALLY angry with one of the houseguests that I liked and it made it truly unpleasant to come around because it was bash bash bash bash. I care less now and just try to ignore it when they say things like people who support Elissa are idiots and stupid etc. I like Elissa. They don't. With Helen gone I see her finally playing her own game. I like it!!
  6. Would you let McDirtbag handle your pizza? NO! Would you buy a house from DeManda? NO! Would you hire Aryan as a midget model? NO! Would you let the insane stalker GM run your Honey Boo-Boo pageant? Nope! Would you take a class with Professor Snake Andy? Maybe but that is only because he actually is a fairly decent speaker Would you hire J-U-Double Dee to appraise your home? Sure Would you trust Spence with your model train set (or with your kids?) With the train set yes... With the kids Hell No!! Would you take a yoga class with instructor Elissa? Have you seen her work out? Yes!!!
  7. I think Elissa's HOH is ultimately the reason people came together to form an alliance with the specific goal of getting McCranda out!! If not for her standing up to that alliance and ultimately highlighting the core group, they wouldn't have formed (hideous name... Gag) the Exterminators!!! I don't even think Ananda knows how vital it will be to win HOH next week.
  8. I am just wondering why Amanda continues to torment Elissa when her power is over, she didn't fall for the ploy, and there is nothing more to be gained except for her own enjoyment at others expense. The good news is that she has painted a huge target on herself and people are ready to get her out!!
  9. Kudos to Elissa for not wavering in her resolve regardless of the mind games Amanda and crew tried to pull on her!!!
  10. If I as a viewer am confused... I feel extraordinarily bad for Elissa having to figure it all out.
  11. Ok nevermind... I think Andy actually IS going to vote Aaryn out. Please please please hold true to that Andy and Spencer!!!
  12. GM needs to get back to Elissa FAST!! I do not trust that Spence and Andy are serious about voting Aaryn out...
  13. Judd... Would it be too much to ask you to win HOH next week? Please?
  14. Andy's not leaving... Aaryn will be gone and I am totally fine with that especially with how far she threw Elissa under the bus after Amanda won POV.
  15. Orrr... It was a "secretly timed" comp and fixed for the win.
  16. I like the fact that he did NOT tell Andy about the plan to backdoor Amanda. Andy was fishing for information and Judd did not give it to him. That raises his game play up in my mind because I am soooo sick of people blabbing about EVERYTHING!! Elissa has kept things from Andy. Judd is following along. GM is keeping things from Andy. And hopefully Aaryn doesn't blab things to him either.
  17. Historically speaking, what previous early morning competitions have there been?
  18. Who cares how it happened that Amanda is the target!!! I am BEYOND EXCITED!!!!!! I was wanting an Aaryn/GM/Judd/Elissa alliance and I do believe it is forming now. Happy happy Misha!!
  19. Actually, she isn't lying. When she said that McCranda wanted GM nominated, true. They also said, why not Spence or Judd. They pushed HARD to keep themselves and Andy completely off block and then they sent the minions in to do the same.
  20. I think the only reason he isn't being considered is because Helen told her about GM and Andy wanting to flip the vote at the last minute but Amanda and Aaryn stopped it.
  21. I am just thrilled about finally having an HOH who is doing what THEY want and not what McCranda or Helen wants. Helen wanted Elissa to nom McCranda together but Elissa is playing her OWN game now. Whether she is evicted next week or not, she will go out her way and not theirs!!!
  22. Gotta say, props for Aaryn for admitting that Elissa has a right to nominate her. I think the reign of McCranda is over. I really hope Aaryn wins POV this week.
  23. The question is: which is worst? The person who manipulates someone or the person winning competitions that allows herself to be manipulated? I think Judd is on board to work with Elissa and Spencer... I just don't know if GM will if Elissa gets Aaryn out.
  24. Marty- No one is sleeping in HOH with her. And finally we have an HOH with the willpower to do what they want to do without McCranda running things. I truly LOVE this Elissa. I had hoped that she was losing comps earlier as part of a strategy and now it seems I may have been right!! She's becoming a comp beast. LOVE IT!!!
  25. Yessss!!!!! Elissa is HOH!! Woohoooo!!!



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