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Everything posted by Misha

  1. I hope you and McCrae get nominated this week!!!
  2. If I recall correctly, she had the down comforter because her blanket was missing. Once it was found, the comforter was gone and she was given the blue blanket back. And I agree that Elissa doesn't look down on others because of the money issue. Its the way they act! I heard her talk about how she was working 3 jobs at the same time to get to where she is so honestly... I just think the others are the ones who are judging her based on money and they are jealous as hell over it. Wanna have more money?? Work harder!!!
  3. Elissa was saying last night that her heart was pounding and that she was finding it difficult to breathe.
  4. Judd could except that he put the blame on the wrong people. Amanda is the one that began the "get Judd out" movement because she believed he was def MVP and tried to get her out. But he will hook up with the wrong people instead of going after the head of the snake.
  5. If I had to caption that look I'd say she's thinking... "I am going to take you bitches all out now!!!" (The top photo)
  6. I realize that no one will agree with me but... When Helen gets voted out by a 4-1 vote or 5-0 vote, she will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that McCrae and Andy lied to her. So then we come to the returning juror... Candice, Judd, and Jessie will all not realize that it was really Amanda controlling the house to get them out. So I kind of want Helen to be able to come back in so she will have a fire in her to get out Amanda, McCrae, and Andy. Maybe then I will like her again when she is forced to do battle and not be so damned gullible. And I really really really want McRanda GONE!!!
  7. I am so excited that Elissa won POV!!!! I am still rooting for her and I think that with Helen gone she might stand a chance. I can't help it. I loathe Aryan, GM, McRanda, and Spencer. The only two left to root for are Andy and Elissa but with Andy following McRanda, I just find it hard to root for him.
  8. Almost every person that is there is hoping to advance their career in some way. At least Elissa is enough of a lady that she isn't rising to the bait.
  9. IF Helen was smart, she would take the time in the HN room to form a F4 alliance with Aaryn, GM, Elissa and herself. Rather than just being friends, form the alliance now to get the other side out just in case Aaryn or GM wins HOH. I doubt Elissa will.
  10. I agree. Elissa is one of the final people I am rooting for in the house. Even though she's only won one comp, I hope that her inner beast comes out in future comps.
  11. He PROBABLY shouldn't have kissed BOTH Aaryn and Jessie cause it sounds like they compared notes! LOL
  12. Great. So now Judd is firmly in with Amanda and McCrae. Helen/Elissa/Jessie should have waited until AFTER the nominations to try to flip the house. Now its going to blow up in their faces. And Judd and Jessie kiss but he throws her under the bus etc.
  13. Helen seems to have caught wind that Amanda mentioned getting rid of her soon. (Probably from Andy). My guess is that Helen will no longer wait til next week to get rid of Amanda.
  14. She is going to look like an oompa loompa. Bwahahaha!!!! If she gets dark enough will Aaryn and GM turn on her? LOL (I know, my bad...)
  15. If it weren't for Helen, the house could flip. Grrr!
  16. That is HILARIOUS! Too bad it wasn't a chum bath....
  17. I guess Elissa isn't too far off base when she talks about Adderall being used to give people advantages since obviously Amanda felt the need to take it right before the POV competition.
  18. You think maybe Grodner realizes that she can't save Amanda anymore with all the articles exposing the truth about how horrible Amanda is... We might see Amanda finally NOT getting the good edit on the show?
  19. If you recall, we voted on food for the have nots but then they said there would be no have nots this week. I suspect that when we would normally vote for the food, instead we will be voting on the 3rd nominee for the double eviction.
  20. Maybe Elissa felt that Rachel and Brandon lost the first time around because they were seen as competition threats and so she came in with the strategy of throwing comps? It is possible.
  21. Last night Andy did admit that he tripped her so there is no telling if that was why she initially tripped or what caused her to fall off. I do love her banter with Andy and she seems to be doing a pretty good job at mending fences and listening. Since she knows that her crew was just using her initially, I suspect she has decided to become a floater until the time comes to evict Amanda. And the target that used to be on her has now moved to Helen. Not sure if she's just blind to her alliance or playing brilliantly by doing poorly. Either way, maybe this was the advice Rachel gave her?
  22. I think GM saw how well siding with the house (Amanda) worked for Aaryn last week and she is trying for the same magic key to keep herself off the block. Bunch of lemmings. SMH
  23. My dislike includes all of the above and also includes rather violent talk where she says stuff about cutting a girl in the houses throat so she would be limp and could be passed around so guys could anally f*** her. Among other high caliber statements.
  24. You'd think that she would have figured things out but noooo.



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