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Everything posted by Misha

  1. We don't know if the MVP by Americas vote will return or if it will be someone in the house again.
  2. I would bet a lot of people split vote on Aaryn/GM because last week GM was IRRITATING!! And she is also pretty hated outside the house. Aaryn wasn't the only one fired for racist remarks ya know.
  3. I know. And you know what? She wasn't with the "Mean girls". She was with McCrae after Candice confronted her over something Amanda did and Amanda was pissed over it. Sooo done with Amanda.
  4. Wow Amanda. She just said (about Candice) "she just doesn't want her big black d*ck to go". Wonder if THAT comment will make it to the show?
  5. I think it will be Amanda but I would love it to be Gina Marie
  6. They have lied about sooo much though trying to get the target on her in the past, I believe they are just promoting a lie again. Sorry, don't buy the conspiracy theories. With that said, I suspect the questions in DR gave her the clue about America MVP.
  7. Got to admit that I'm getting tired of being called an idiot because I have voted for Elissa. My votes were 5 for Aaryn and 5 for Amanda. But they need to reveal that America is the MVP. I don't think its right to not do that. Former houseguests knew when we voted for the coup d'etat. They should know about this. After Amanda really bragged about herself, I want her ego taken down several notches.
  8. Ok, after seeing that... I do not like Amanda anymore. To joke about a woman being beat up and passed around to be raped is not funny in any context. As a woman who has been abused before, I will not be forgiving about it. I have a new target in the house.
  9. I'm really glad that Elissa is showing her backbone where the Dictator (Amanda) is concerned. Amanda's targets are anyone she can't control. Good on Jessie, Elissa and Judd for seeing that. Now they need to join forces and get Amanda out of the house.
  10. I love her and hate her. Not sure if I've ever been this torn about someone before. I would LOVE to see how crazy she would get being on the block. It would get freaking hilarious!! Lol
  11. I want Elissa in jury but she will not win BB. My vote for Elissa will change after Aaryn and Jeremy are out of tge house though I DO think it was smart gameplay to NOT nominate Howard.
  12. I like and dislike Amanda all at the same time. She is strong, intelligent and not afraid to speak her mind. I dislike her because she pushes too hard. I like gameplay that is a little bit more subtle and manipulative in convincing others to do their bidding. Her pushiness comes off as slightly bullyish. Jeremy made the same mistake on trying to force others to do his bidding and was seen as a bully when it wasn't even his HOH. He didn't get the input from his team and only thought of himself. She is doing the same thing by trying to take all the power of HOH and MVP. She should have simply relaxed this week and built alliances while forcing others to get the blood on their hands.
  13. I am curious to see if Elissa has game now that the bullies can't threaten people to NOT talk to her. I think its possible that she HAD to have Helen and Andy work the group because no one was really allowed to talk to her while the Aryan Nation was in power. Quite frankly, having Jeremy humbled last night was so satisfying to me it is worth voting for Elissa again.
  14. Thats what I get for taking a shower. Lol. Missed the flip in the MC.
  15. Lost a lot of respect for Howard during the show when he was saying something to the effect of "control your woman McCrae". As a woman, I find it insulting that he and the rest of the moving company constantly refer to controlling women and how they tried the tactic of saying, don't talk to others. Just trust me and I will tell you what to do. No thank you!
  16. There is nothing like a woman scorned. Jessie was treated like crap by Jerm's side, but Judd has given her the attention she needs. Nick avoided/ran away from her like the plague and then seemed to prefer GM over her. Jessie has joined with Helen and Elissa because those two treat her well.
  17. I was becoming a non-fan of McCrae for allowing his alliance to bully him (Jerm) and for him supporting 2 people in his alliance that I CANNOT STAND!! But if he follows through on keeping Elissa in.... Then I will become a fan of McCrae again because he really had a great first week.
  18. Exactly! I will stop voting for Elissa the minute Jeremy is evicted, the moving co is out of power and hopefully Aryan is out the door.
  19. Seems like the tide is turning in the house. Elissa might stay. What will McCrae do? If he votes against "his side", he will be exposed as being in male alliance. If he votes against MC he is actually more safe but MC would probably out him. What will he do? Will Elissa actually stay??
  20. Is Spencer REALLY wanting to vote out Nick or is this his way of setting up Andy/Helen/Amanda etc for the wonky vote while still sending Elissa home?
  21. I think that people need to understand 2 important things: 1). Elissa got MVP the first week because of the Brenchel fan base 2). Elissa got MVP the second week because of the hatred and anger towards Aaryn/Jeremy and crew and the way they treated Elissa and made all the derogatory statements. The contest isn't "fixed". Its America voting against the Aaryn crew. It isn't about America being stupid. I didn't even vote on the MVP thing the first week but I sure did the second week. Just like I am likely to vote for Helen in the hopes that she will try to backdoor Jeremy. I might have liked the Moving Company (aside from their idiotic name) were it not for Jeremy and Spencer. All respect I might have had for Nick/Howard/McCrae disappears when they allow Jeremy to berate and bully others in the house. They aligned themselves with jacka$$'s and until they choose to rid themselves of those two (especially Jeremy) then I will never vote MVP for them.
  22. Doesn't matter now. Jeremy won POV and is threatening entire house that if Elissa isn't voted out this week, he is going after those that didn't vote her out. With MC behind him because their egos believe America would EVER vote for them.... Elissa is gone this week unless a miracle happens which I doubt will happen. Bye Elissa. :-(
  23. She got MVP and I voted for her. So did a LOT of people I know.
  24. She's going to put up Jeremy. No doubt. The bad news: the MC will try to save him. The good news: he is being such a bully to everyone and is an obvious threat that quite a few of them might actually vote him out... Assuming he doesn't win the veto.



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