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Everything posted by Misha

  1. Ginger... that is the goal. Not only is his head disproportional to the rest of his body.... if we add enough pages... his head might eventually explode OR... make room for something foreign to occupy his skull... like a brain maybe?
  2. Joyami... I'm telling you... nobody is going to change their votes. The target on Keesha's back just grew though.
  3. But Len... the WORLD revolves around THEM. Of course ONLY THEY deserve the money. Geez. Is your head screwed on right? (Said in a teasing, joking manner... no offense intended whatsoever)
  4. April won the outfits. The good news is... since they are for April... Today they are worth about $10,000. Tomorrow they will be worth $20,000,. By next week, those outfits will be as good as second place at $50,000 to $70,000. Oh yes... and after the dinner talk tonight... Libra moved up again in my list. She's not at the bottom and I can see the human in her. I don't like some of her choices. They would not be my choices. I don't like her personality as far as needing to be in control... but she isn't as evil as I once thought.
  5. Jerry won it. Thank goodness Michelle convinced him to NOT use the POV (so far). Libra... its been fun. Will be more fun once you leave. Ta ta.
  6. The point is: I maed the msitake of reeding the intrviews by Jessse after his eviktion. It seams to have effected my iq.
  7. I'm thrilled that Libra and Keesha are nominated. But Michelle IS going to put Dan up if either Keesha or Libra get POV. But I would be glad to see Libra gone. Then Keesha wouldn't be able to hide behind Libra anymore.
  8. Today, I am really loving this show. I hated Jessie because he was an arrogant, ignorant SOB. Even though he was caring to Michelle, he really has to seriously grow up and learn that the world doesn't revolve around himself. So seeing him getting eliminated (however it came to be) was a great moment for me. Then, to have Michelle wind up winning HOH and very likely getting rid of one of my other least favs (Libra/Keesha/April) will be a joyous moment for me. The fight inbetween and the break up of the "Mean Girls" makes it all that much sweeter that those two faced liars are finally telling the truth instead of blaming others for talking behind others backs. The only thing making it even sweeter? Jerry is on slop again. He is totally on my sh*t list for the way he is overreacting to Dan's "betrayal". Memphis is right. There are some things you can't take back when you talk about another person. I used to like Jerry. He used to be my favorite. Now? His hypocrisy in blaming Dan for playing his own game (even though it was really ours) when he betrayed his own ally (Brian) in the very first week just blows me away. But I only started watching since BB All Stars. Have there been other truly magnificently great weeks that people can remember in BB History?
  9. I guess I only have one more thing to say... Sayonara Jessie!!
  10. This is the reason he is defined as being arrogant. He can talk in a cohesive manner when they are talking about him, but when it is a question about anybody else, he gets all foggy and doesn't hear them.
  11. He doesn't answer the questions because he does not LISTEN to anybody.
  12. Jessie is just oblivious to what people are saying. They make good points and try to get him to respond, but he's so stuck in his own mind on what he THINKS they are saying that he just doesn't get it.
  13. This is freaking hilarious. Its the first time I've watched Housecalls live... Jessie is soooo defensive.
  14. Geez... as if things couldn't get worse. Who cares about getting out the stronger players... who cares about smarter game play... The "guys" think that Angie is "prettier"... therefore... its a waste of time having Angie campaign to the other girls. Wow. Great thinking and game play. NOT.
  15. Its only necessary because Keesha gathered the sheep together and told them flat out what she wanted. If they go against her wishes, then their alliance of 7 is over. They don't want to lose the alliance of 7 until they can see whether they are going to stay in power or not.
  16. A good idea. Maybe they should both talk to her together. Have Memphis AND Angie make a deal.
  17. You're right. But it will take effort on Angie's part and a willingness to play the game. She should have been making an alliance with Keesha all along. But just like Gnatalie last year, Keesha might be too stupid to take the deal.
  18. She was talking last night with Memphis and he was encouraging her to go and talk with Libra... Dan... and Keesha. She said she is going to go ahead and try to talk with them today. It might work if she offered them deals. I do understand what she was talking about last night about going back and forth on whether she wants to stay or go. She hates a good portion of the people there, so she wants to leave. But she wants to try to win the money, so she wants to stay. She knows that Michelle isn't really with Angie. Michelle is with Jessie. I think she thought until last night when she had the talk with Memphis, that Memphis was with Jessie as well. I think Memphis would prefer to stay with Angie over Jessie because Jessie is drawing way too many enemies to their alliance. We'll see if she's successful. We KNOW that April, Ollie, Jerry, Renny, and Libra would rather Jessie leave. Let's see what Angie can do.
  19. I like Angie as a person. For the person she is shown in the house. As a player, she is letting too many others tell her what to do and she is paying for it because she was too easily swayed by Brian. Too easily swayed by Michelle. Too easily swayed by Memphis. I had hopes for her, but I think she won't last at all. I would however, cheer when she walks out because she has not been nearly as viscious and catty as the others (A/K/L) have accused her of being or as they are. Even though I am prone to NOT like Keesha for putting up my favorite PERSON (not player) and quite frankly, for playing on a personal level (not strategic in getting Angie out over Jessie or Memphis), I am impressed that she had the courage to strike the first blow to the other side (something I thought Michelle/Jessie/Memphis were too STUPID to not do last week). I'm starting to not entirely like Jerry or Dan. Didn't really like Michelle or Jessie. Starting to not like Memphis. Never liked Libra or April. I think that leaves me with Renny and Ollie to root for. Maybe Keesha if she turns on April and Libra and gets rid of one of those bitches.
  20. If Keesha doesn't get either Jessie or Memphis out of the house this week, it will likely be the most stupid play of any HOH. She THINKS that Angie is a threat, but Angie isn't. Angie isn't the one whose won competitions. That would be Jessie, Memphis and Michelle. You don't advance in the game by getting out players who have no allies. The fact that Memphis AND Michelle are working so hard to save Jessie should be a red light to Keesha that they really aren't counting on Angie in their alliance. They have a 3 person alliance with a thrown in person for numbers. She needs to break up the 3, not the sole attachment that can be replaced.
  21. I'm hoping that Renny will talk to Angie too. Otherwise, her only hope is winning POV. Angie really needs to have a talk with Keesha and Renny.
  22. *sighs* Angie needs to win POV. I don't see another way to get out of it.



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