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Everything posted by kywildcat

  1. Fact...some posts are ridiculously entertaining and some are just ridiculous.
  2. I thought he was talking about Kayser having cancer and Kayser saying Dani was playing Dom. ????
  3. Cassi's screwing up again. Shelly, Brendon, Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and Danielle are on the by couches, talking and enjoying themselves, and Cassi has separated herself from them. She's lying by the hot tub with her feet in it, not saying a word.
  4. Wonder why she does that. Is it the new supermodel thing to do? Pretend you just smelled something really gross.
  5. If he came on the show tonight and said that his best friend had a massive heart attack, he's intensive care and he names the friend and the hospital where he's at so we that we could verify it, still, there are those that won't believe him just because he's Dick Donato. I choose to believe something happened in his real life that was beyond his control and he had to take care of business. Whatever that is, it's really none of my business. BB would be stupid to have contrived this whole ordeal. It's all about ratings and the ratings would have undoubtedly went up had he stayed.
  6. Absolutely! It will be great if the newbies who vote to evict Keith also lie about it and say they voted for him to stay. Even if they fess up, the lines will be drawn and the drama will start.
  7. Unless Porsche does something to really tick off people, Keith's gone, imo.
  8. I kinda feel sorry for him. He way overplayed and got far too paranoid too soon and I think he's realized it now. He'll be gone Thursday and I'm sure he knows it. So long Keith. I'm glad he's going simply because I didn't care for the his thought process while claiming to be a Christian. He's still a youngun' though. I'm sure he's very charismatic and popular in his neck of the woods but the elders in his church need to explain some things to him obviously, especially if he plans to be a leader type.
  9. My computer totally locks up after a while of running BBlite. I have to manually reboot. Does this happen to anyone else?
  10. You can flashback to about 2:30 or so and get the gist of what's been happening. There was some good conversations. It's been entertaining. lol
  11. It's kind of a drawn out saga with little grounds for everyone to be so upset. Short of it, the oldies pushed for the newbies to call each other out so they'd implode and it's working. lol. Rachel's jumping the gun and wanting to make deals with peeps before she discusses it with Brendon and the oldie alliance...but Brendon just put his foot down so no worries about that. The oldie alliance have added Shelly to their group and are going to talk to Cassie also.
  12. I agree. He's not very articulate. Seems he can't put his thoughts into words and jumps all over the place.
  13. I'm holding onto hope that he'll return. Who knows what BB is up to? Maybe he's being sequestered for some reason. I can't imagine BB getting rid of him when it will obviously hurt their ratings. And if it's a family emergency, Danielle ranks being let in on it. C'mon BB...we need the drama. Entertain us!
  14. Hope he goes first. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  15. I thought the same thing when I heard he was gone this morning. Just a ploy to get Dani back in the game. Who knows...but I'm bummed that he's gone. I was looking forward to the harrassment-induced drama that would undoubtedly ensue.
  16. Very happy to see Evil Dick back in the house. When the doorbell rang the third time, I was screaming at the tv..."Please let it be Evil Dick!"...and it was! Yay!
  17. Thx for the WB! Glad to be back. Morty's is kinda like coming home.

  18. Let's hope it's charm school or it will surely be a waste of money.
  19. Did Manchelle catch wind of that? Run, Dan, Run!
  20. I think Dan meant that he wanted to keep Keesha over Jerry.
  21. Memphis did say that he would be really, really mad if he didn't get Jerry's vote. I wonder if he was.
  22. thx, Marty. I've got a myspace. I'll have to check it out. Do you have Jen's link?
  23. Wow. How do you guys find out all the dirt?
  24. Yep, it is, and Dan didn't receive one vote against him during the entire season. That's an accomplishment. Way to go, Dan!



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