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Everything posted by kywildcat

  1. KUDOS!! Excellent. I've not mentioned Shelly's family at all other than to compliment Josie. The night I watched the show Josie was on, I cried like a baby. She's a sweet child. I sincerely hope she isn't affected negatively because of her mother's actions on BB.
  2. and Shelly's still a lying, deceitful bitch who CONSTANTLY spouts how she doesn't lie and has to play with dignity and integrity. Get over that.
  3. Dani screwed up the whole season with her way-too-early, stupid move. She's not a good player just because she won a couple of hoh's. She was strategically clueless. Dani can't even compare to her father, as a gamer. (and, yeah, Dick is a vile person.) Rachel's good-bye message to her was fitting.
  4. It was said that she was called to the DR for about an hour and when she came out, she did a complete 180 for some reason. I wonder what they offered her. There's a thread in the forum at rtvzone.com about it. edit to add... Here's the thread: http://forums.rtvzone.com/forums/index.php/topic/530-looks-like-cbs-is-being-called-out-what-do-you-think-they-will-do/
  5. Why do people call Jordan a floater?? A floater is someone who "floats" from alliance to alliance, dependant upon who's in power.
  6. Shelly said early on that she wanted to prove you could play the game with dignity and integrity. She went on and on about being a loyal person while swearing she was aligned with J/J. She said again and again that she couldn't play the game lying and backstabbing (because her life outside the game wouldn't allow her to do that.) In my book, Shelly crossed the morality line. She skipped across it and then sang and jumped rope on it for awhile. I'm hoping she makes it to F2 and the vets determine her losing fate. The woman is insane.
  7. "I'd like to thank my dad for this loss, Julie." She'll have to blame someone and it can't be herself.
  8. Really?? You think Jordan floated to whomever was in power, switching alliances? I specifically remember Jordan and Jeff telling off the hoh (kalia) a couple of weeks ago.
  9. At the very beginning of the season, there was a couple of times I thought Dani was really trying to flirt with Brendon when they were alone and talking game. Brendon acted a little uncomfortable, imo. I imagine she's not so attracted now though.
  10. Brendon is a controlling, egotistical pr!ck who jerks off, cheating on his gf, on skype, twitter or whatever it was, forever emblazoned on the world wide web. He's an a$$ and his gf is a stupid twit who deserves what she gets if she's dumb enough to tolerate him. But then again, being that she's Rachel, Brendon is the best she'll ever do. Even her own mother agrees.
  11. I think America voted him back in because he was part of the vet alliance and they thought it would help J/J. Little did they know, Brendon and Rachel thought J/J were a useless alliance..."worst alliance ever," in Rachel's words. The second Brendon came back, Rachel started acting like she saved herself last week, being totally ungrateful toward J/J/S when they all worked hard to save her sorry butt. I'd say it took about a day for most who voted for Brendon to want him out again because of their continual bashing of J/J. I said in week one, for me, B/R's only purpose was to further J/J's game. If they don't serve that purpose, kick 'em out. One down, one to go. Glad the neanderTal's gone for good. I hate how he says "he gets to decide who wins the half mill," as if he's the only vote.
  12. You're a stupid neanderTal, Brendon, and your gf's a stupid b!tch. Good riddance. BTW, neither of you are good game players. Neither of you have an ounce of social skills. You both were evicted in your first seasons BEFORE J/J or D were. Looks like it may happen again too!! Yay.
  13. I'd really prefer Brendon go simply because I want to see how Rachel plays the game on her own for awhile. We just got a glimpse last week, while she was so upset, but she might be a different person without him.
  14. Maybe he says "shut the f**k up" because he's REALLY trying to emphasize how important it is to STFU...for the 2000th time. What does it take for her to get it?
  15. No wonder Rachel's mom told her to forgive Brendon's little transgression (and her mom apparently blamed Rachel too)...she knows that Rachel's options are very limited and Brendon is the best she'll ever do. And who else would ever have Brendon but Rachel? I hope they end up being sterile though. The thoughts of them pro-creating is frightening.
  16. Wouldn't the comp have to be a physical one considering some of the evicted hg's have been gone quite awhile and it wouldn't be a level playing field at all if it were questions?
  17. Did Lawon really volunteer to go up on the block or did Kalia just say he did?
  18. Yeah, another one, but I still kinda feel sorry for him. He really has no clue how to play the game. It's sort of like throwing a two yr old in with a bunch of ten yr olds to play a game of tag. The toddler doesn't have a chance.
  19. I've felt a little sorry for him from day one. He, unlike the others, had no previous knowledge of how BB is played. He had no clue who the veterans were. It's all new to him and I truly think he's been trying to figure out how to play the game from the beginning. In the first week, when he had the conversation out by the pool with Jeff and Brendon, when he kept saying things like "How do I know I can trust you?" and they took that as him saying in a roundabout way that he wouldn't trust them, I really believe he was being sincere in trying to figure out how to play. He wanted advice because he had no idea. Now, he's been used by Dani and he knows it. He's just a casualty. If he wanted to play the game at this point, the only thing that might save him would be his going off on Dani, but he's not going to do that. Looks like he's just going to exit with a whimper.
  20. What is Dom doing? Yesterday, after his big session with Jeff, Brendon and Rachel, when they laid it out for him just how badly he was used by Dani, I thought for a little while he was going to go off on her (which might have made J/B/R reconsider booting him). Then he went right back to being bff's with Dani and told her that he didn't throw her under the bus at all, but he did totally throw her under the bus with them. He told them everything. Does he have a plan?? Did Jeff and Brendon say anything last night about Dom and Dani still being best buds after the truth was revealed?
  21. Cassi will end up a Victoria's Secret model, which is what she wants. Rachel might end up in Penthouse if she's lucky.
  22. I have newfound respect for Cassie! Cassie said to Rachel, "You're a catty, catty girl...an ugly person inside." A conversation worth watching. About 8:35pm on cams 1&2
  23. No one is still upset with Rachel over Cassi. Rachel screwed up yesterday during the pov comp. She got mad at Jordan for not taking slop for two weeks, even though Jordan was too far behind to catch up if she had taken slop apparently, and she/Rachel made some snarky comment in front of everyone where she screamed "Hey Brendon, if the HOH doesn't care enough to try to win, why should we?" Then Jeff got mad and came right back at her in front of everyone. (Jordan didn't take the slop because Jeff was telling her not to, btw, because it wouldn't have helped if she had.) Rachel shouldn't have done that to her own alliance in front of everyone, but she did. Jeff was still trying to compete and he got all upset by her remark. It caused a big rift between them all. Rachel apologized but only because Brendon made her. She was hardly sincere. Then yesterday evening B/R were planting seeds bigtime to get rid of J/J. The split's coming. If J/J don't get them this week (which they likely won't because Jeff has already said he's wants to stick to their deal) B/R will go after J/J as soon as possible. Jeff ticked off Rachel and that's all it takes.
  24. I'm hoping Rachel runs her mouth to the wrong people this week about cutting J/J lose and it gets back to Jeff. It's a longshot but stranger things have happened.



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