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Everything posted by Marty

  1. And Victor putting up Paulie and Corey who were in his alliance was a good game move. Victor and Paul had just shook hands final 3 with Paulie. Everyone breaks their word. Paul just promised James F2 if he voted out Corey. For some reason people think James has to keep his word but nobody else does.
  2. This whole Christine thing is so dumb. The didn't kiss they didn't do anything sexual. Yes it was creepy but it was not cheating
  3. Sure do. Bridgette as a pawn. The guy was playing the game and got Frank out. Bridgette would have taken Frank down. Good game move James. If James goes out third and gets AFP he will have won more money then second place winner..... la tee da
  4. I think Nicole is very influenced by Paul has taken over her brain. Nicole mutters under her breath on the feeds that James is a liar and played a slimy game.
  5. James was the deciding vote in two major evictions. James did maneuver to always try and stay in the middle and not be a target. I think he played a fantastic game. I think he did try to win the comps in the finals but he was competing with better competitors. James had a good social game and managed to not be a target. This season the narrative seems to be about who wins comps is considered the best player.
  6. Anyway.... the CBS viewers ultimately make up the largest voting block of America's Favorite Player. I think the winner will be James... well I hope. If James makes 3rd place he doesn't lose his jury stipend and with AFP he would make more then the 2nd place winner. That could happen and would be a better $$$ for James.
  7. At the time James believed he was in a Final 4 with Nicole and Corey but ..... you are right he never should have given Nicole the comp. He may have dropped before her but we will never know. James problem is is too trusting and he puts too much faith into Karma or as he says. Everything is planned and written out. His downfall is that he will never play the nasty game and got stuck in the house with Paulie's and Paul's who play dirty. He saw Derrick win by being nice and respectful but it just won't work this season. He didn't adjust well. Love the guy even if he screwed up.
  8. I give Nicole credit for planting those seeds. She maneuvered herself to the end and she deserves to be there. I am not a fan of the girl anymore but yes she did play the game.
  9. The reason James didn't keep Corey is because Paul gave him an ultimatum as the POV winner. He would take James to F2 if he evicted Corey. I think James would have done better with Corey also. It would be hard for James to really know that.
  10. I think Nicole played an OK game. She kept herself from being a target. I don't buy that phrase laying in bed all season. She was talking strategy with Corey and memorizing often in bed and trying to stay away from the drama. If you really pay attention to who spent the most time in bed it would be Meech and Paul. They slept ALL the time. Paul is not sleeping as much right now because he is pacing the floor and working Nicole and James. I think he is too stressed to sleep as much now. People keep putting out there Nicole and Corey or James and Natalie spent the whole summer in bed is just silly talk.
  11. Well said. Victor is happy not winning and in his mind being a legend is all he cared about. So I am happy he is happy
  12. One thing to remember about James and people trashing him for not winning comps. (Just one HOH) Dr. Will won the game by winning zero comps and acting like he didn't care about the game. Some call him the greatest James was the deciding vote in 2 important evictions and knew when to switch sides and used his good personality and trusting nature to have people keep him. He may not win the game but he did play a good strategic game
  13. His personality of pounding his chest and telling us all the time he was un-eVICtable was not very smart. Telling everyone if he goes to the end he will win. He never used his brain in the game. Keeping a target on yourself and being evicted 3 times is a record in BB. In the end when Paul and Vic had some pretty serious bashing conversations of all the other houseguests. He is a comp beast but not strategic. He was funny with Baldwin. Good laughs!
  14. I don't see Paul winning against Nicole or James. He won't have the girl vote
  15. How do you explain all the players that have won without winning any comps or only comps in the finals. Dr Will, Steve last year, Jordan, Andy and many more. It is sometimes more about social game and aligning yourself with certain people at certain times.
  16. After the show with the girls banned together against Paulie the bully there is no way that they will vote for Paul the "C" word bully. James only chance is going F2 with Paul
  17. Corey should be leaving today Meanwhile Paul working hard on Final 2 deals with Nicole and also with James
  18. Well Paul won POV and he wants to keep the noms Corey and Nicole the same and have James vote out Corey He is all huddled with Nicole for a Final 2 deal. I think he has convinced James he is his final 2 also Nicole and James not talking any game The final comps will be interesting
  19. My daughter was raised in sports and the Boys and Girls Club where I was a leader of the teenage group. We did fundraisers all the time. I taught my daughter the value of being a volunteer and give back to others at a very young age. Keep them busy. Lead by example and your odds are so much better. My daughter did not get to go to college but she has worked her way up to an upper level job and does really well financially. It seems that maybe Meech and Paul and a few others were spoiled. I see good parenting with Nicole and Corey. James I don't know the story about his parents except he was adopted. Not sure where they are now in his life. He seems to put a lot of value on respect.
  20. Corey is playing a great game. I didn't see him speak or be strategic before now and he is breaking out at the perfect time to start winning comps. This season they scrutinize who close every player was to winning. Natalie was thought to be close to winning many comps and a bigger threat so she left. If she had not won any comps she might have gone to the end. Victor thinking he has to pound his chest and win every comp has got him evicted 3 times. Last year Steve didn't win any comps until the Final 5 or 4. Can't remember but he got himself to the end won some comps and won the game. Who knows.... maybe James will win a few comps here at the end......
  21. The younger generation. I have 4 young adult nephews that live at home and don't work and smoke pot all day. They all have cell phones, game counsels, TV's, cars you name it. Do a chore for your parents once in a while and you get everything. Their friends in late 20's and early 30's live on parents gravy train. Sad Yep I live in California
  22. I enjoyed all the alliance flipping this season
  23. I remember someone explaining the bumper car comment but I can't remember. I only remember is was nothing and not what some people had made it out to be.



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