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Everything posted by Marty

  1. I like her better then Z. They look a lot alike and have the same profession. She might be a good player
  2. I tend to not like the ones that feel like they have to be loud
  3. Don't like her. She is the first one the throw out the F word many times. She seems to want to be the female Evel Dick
  4. I don't know about that. If America gets to choose there are fanclubs for Kryssie, Neeley and Cornbread. I think the people on social media are going to go after the young 20 somethings first. I hate that America chooses. The people on social media have already decided and it doesn't matter what kind of game you play.
  5. Well I have paid for the feeds for years. This extra season is no big deal. Less then $25 for the season is a good deal
  6. No - Feeds are NOT free. That would be illegal to give links for free
  7. I don't mean to be judgmental but I have never liked nose rings. They have always grossed me out. That being said I like some people that wear them but I just don't like looking at them.
  8. He interests me. I really want to see how he gets along with the other houseguests. I like him from the get go and not sure why
  9. So she is not going to tell them she is a lawyer..... maybe a pre-school teacher? LOL
  10. The sister twist should be interesting. They both talk about how different they are. We will see
  11. She reminds me of Penelope in Criminal minds. Kinda quirky too
  12. I find his Cajun accent fascinating. Can't wait to see how he plays
  13. She looks a lot like Z (same profession) but a tad bit prettier
  14. So hard to tell in the first showcases but like her.... I think
  15. http://www.cbs.com/shows/big-brother-over-the-top/video/



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