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Everything posted by Marty

  1. I love this season it is different and fun. We get to watch everything and all the comps. They are not allowed to sleep from 10am to 10pm. The production call outs are even more fun. I also will be happy to have the old version of BB next summer It is a win win for me
  2. There is a thread up above where there is going to be some discussion on voting
  3. Justin seems to be getting in good graces with a lot of houseguests. He is really stepping up his social game with the other side of the house
  4. Neely has a good voice. A bunch of singing last night from the Back Yard Jamboree group Lots of people are voting for Neely to get the next America's Care Package. The Veto one
  5. Danielle the target of a lot of feeders. They want her gone before Monte. I think she is OK but this season is not good for showmances per the feeders
  6. Talking to some like minded people that are Team Jamboree we were thinking Neely this week and week 4&5 Jason and Justin Anxious to see what people think
  7. Yes Monte pushing hard to have Justin put up as I have heard Shelby wanted Justin up. Morgan thinks it might be a good idea but not have heard much from Alex except she is sure she wants Danielle out.
  8. Justin tried out for a cooking show and Big Brother grabbed him. He joked a lot and asked if Big Brother was like the Real World.
  9. Well the girls are mainly called the Plastics (they named themselves) and most media likes Justin and hates Monte. (I agree) usually i like people and dislike people against the grain but I seem to be in sync a lot this season. I like Dani but most people don't. I don't know why really. I dislike Monte, Scott (the snitch) and Shelby the coniver. I don't like Jason's mouth. He uses the C word and tired of him calling the girls bi+ches and Hoes. (Many like Jason) Chryssie I flip flop on.
  10. She is very beautiful. I think in the house only Shane and Justin like her. She is not popular with the live feeders. I think she is OK but I think she failed to connect with the other girls in the house. Kinda like Nicole.
  11. well is you have been listening to Monte the last hour up in HOH he will not let others talk and he interrupts. He is the expert. He mentions over and over the he and Shane are the power. He is talking to Scott now and keeps cutting him off. It is so weird you don't hear that. I have never heard anyone interrupts as much as Monte. He needs to tone down the ego. My guess is 100% that America will put up Monte next week
  12. Monte keeps saying he and Shane have Final 2 locked up and the first few days I heard him say a few times F*ck America. Then later he said America loves him. Monte makes comments that everyone in the house likes him. He said he is the KING and he loves the power. He talks over everyone. I guess I just like humble and Monte is not humble. Kryssie is my #2 to go
  13. His explaining to others the joy of anal sex and how to do it properly .... he lost me
  14. I never ever go with the flow but I have to agree that Monte is the most annoying houseguest in the house.
  15. I don't think we have a Jason thread He just won POV - I think Monte is going to put up Kryssie
  16. Because most of America doesn't like Monte and Cornbread is aligned with Monte. I don't like Cornbread but I voted Kryssie. I do have a feeling that Danielle will be voted out this week.
  17. America picked Cornbread as the 3rd nominee. It think it mostly was because he reports to Monte and seems to be snitching for Monte.
  18. OMG - Monte is the worst. He never lets anyone finish a sentence. He over talks constantly. If you look at social media they always talk about how Monte thinks he owns every conversation.
  19. I guess we are. LOL. I see him tell some funny stories but less then most of the other houseguests. Kryssie, Jason and Monte tend to be the biggest talkers and talk over everyone else
  20. Justin still my favorite in the house. I love hearing his stories (he tends to let others talk too) Monte has got to gooooooooooooooooooooooo. His head is going to explode. He has such a huge ego and already calling himself the winner this season.
  21. I voted for Jason to come back in but he came in the house really loud and talks about his season and how to play BB incessantly. He just smokes and talks and smokes and talks. I have no problem with him leaving. I was hoping he would learn from his last season to tone it down but I guess not.
  22. Well, I guess I am just used to paying for TV. (I am old and grew up without cable) I pay for NetFlix and have Prime TV and pay for cable and Internet and extra data and..... it is part of life now. I just retired and I love my TV options and Internet options.
  23. True and that really is not my forte. She loves to talk and never stop.... and the language. ugh
  24. No problems on my Windows desktop, Windows laptop and my iPhone
  25. Still my favorite but he does seem like a fish out of water.



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