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Everything posted by Marty

  1. As a hard core Big Brother fan since season one I would say it is wrong whoever got the 3 chances. It is not fair to those in the house that worked hard not to be evicted. It is not part of the game ever in the history of Big Brother to give one HG 3 chances. They have never had 2 buy backs either.
  2. You think America should vote for someone that got 3 chances in the game. That would just be wrong.
  3. Because Corey always tried to stay in a guy alliance and being the weak one he is safe. He is now all bros with Paul and Vic and Nicole along for the ride.
  4. Nic and Corey are working with Paul and Vic Nicole has been convinced that James, Nat and Meech are their enemies
  5. Victor was so cocky last night saying that he should get a special medal and he is the most famous in BB history now by getting back in the house 3 times. Vic was also mad at BB for making him stay on slop. He said winning his way back in again should give him immunity to being a have not. I am really surprised that the Facebook online groups are mostly all rooting for Paul and Victor and cheering James maybe getting evicted. Oh well..... there is always next season.
  6. Paul and Vic in HOH hammering Corey and Nicole to put up James and Natalie. Nicole seems to be agreeing with them but told Corey later she wants to wait for the care packag before she makes a final decision. She really wants to work with Paul. ugh
  7. So all heck braking loose before the feeds went down. Various arguments . Paul called Michelle a F'ing (C word) Natalie and Meech and and Vic have James trapped in the Safari room. Meech and Natalie whining to James they want Vic to stay and Corey to go home. James is pacing the floor Then the feeds go down and we have Jeff until the show. I say 95% chance Vic goes home and 5% chance he stays
  8. The last few days Natalie has been acting manic. I still like her but she has dropped down a few pegs
  9. If you watch the feeds you see how gently and patiently James works to always reign Natalie back on tract. Natalie is in no means controlling James. That being said when James and Natalie are together talking game Natalie is very intuitive.
  10. Victor is getting 3 chances at the game. Not fair to the people in the house that fought hard not to get evicted. Victor did let Paul play his game. Victor was gun ho on putting up Natalie and Meech but let Paul talk him into putting up Paulie and Corey. Victor clearly is not very good at the game of Big Brother. He only follows Paul's lead. On his own he is not very intuitive although he is learning. He got to sit out 2 weeks of the game in jury and Thursday getting his 3rd shot at the game. As a lifetime Big Brother junkie I think the buy back is wrong late in the game. We are at the end of the game and bringing anyone back at this point is not fair. Victor did do the nomination ceremony with throwing beads at the girls and making them cry. CBS did edit out the worst of his speech. Victor has "integrity" not sure what you mean. Yes Victor is good at comps. Yes Victor is intelligent just not smart at the game of BB. Victor a HERO? No he is just a guy good at comps that is given multiple chances.
  11. I am not sure what you mean. What 2nd eviction? Anyway to be fair they need the 5 to do their quick crap shoot battle before the winner joins the other HG for an endurance challenge.
  12. My guess is that the 5 will do a quick crap shoot then that winner will be up on the wall with the others competing for HOH
  13. We are on the same team this year. Lots of quiet behind the scenes maneuvering but he is doing pretty good. Someone coming back could mess up his game but I am still rooting for him.
  14. At the end of the game coming up I think it is so wrong that Vic gets 3 shots at the game and everyone in the house only got one chance. I think BB did wrong on this one. Not fair to the people in the house that worked hard to never get evicted.
  15. True about Frank the only evicted HG to not get a chance back. To be fair I think that BB really needs to make the comp a crap shoot.



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