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Everything posted by Marty

  1. The box is empty for sure. He is like a Victoria for Paulie. Hi Slim
  2. http://nowwatchtvlive.co/watch-cbs-channel-usa-live-online-cbs-channel/
  3. I can't stand him. I think in the final 4 or 5 NOBODY will take him.
  4. This guy burns your ears on the feeds. He is so so loud He is the Andy the Rat of this season. He spies and reports to either Paulie or Frank. Useless information really
  5. He is really a smart guy but he is not smart in the game of Big Brother. He is breaking all the Derrick rules he was taught. He is making himself the self appointed boss and expert and it will most likely make him a target soon.
  6. His loud mouth drowns all 4 feeds and you can't hear other conversations. He never shuts up He also has made himself the RAT going back and forth with information. He is like Andy the Rat
  7. Tiffany is planning to replace Corey with Da Lots of Tiffany and Da tension last night
  8. Last night Nicole crying because she thought Corey might be mad at her. I guess he walked out of the room and she thought he looked at her funny. She is putting to much into her Corey crush. I liked her a lot her season but this season not so much
  9. Don't like this little cabbage patch girl. He is a giggle mess
  10. I would like to see Natalie make it farther. I think she is genuine although not great at the game.
  11. James and Natalie are NOT working with Frank and Bridgette. He listened to Tiffany but he is not aligned with them at all. That being said I think James is playing a good social game and also keeping himself friends with all the players but sticking to most of the old 8 pack group.
  12. Franks can't be nominated for Roadkill. Neither can Michelle, Paulie and the Cabbage Patch kid.
  13. Nicole, Corey, Paulie and Z are getting a little too cocky Team James
  14. She seems to be too stuck on Paulie and I don't see reciprocation
  15. Right now James is my favorite. I would like to see James and his bestie Natalie to go far
  16. He doesn't seem to have a grasp on the game. He is just hanging with Nicole
  17. She is so so boring and her crying and wearing sunglasses in the house all the time is weird
  18. Yes she is not the same Nicole I liked in her season. Not rooting for her!



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