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August 6, Live Feed Updates

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4:14BBT: Dick went outside to smoke, leaving Eric, Jess and Dustin are in the living room. Jessica talking about how she needs 5 alarms to wake up. They are trying to figure out how many days they have been there. Eric says "This is the biggest house of c*ck blockers in the house and even the people in the diary rooms are guilty of doing it too."

Dustin, Jess and Eric all agree that Dick is their number 1 target. (eric quickly follows up with "And Dani will soon follow the week after")

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It seems that Eric has decided to take the 'late night pillow talk" role as he flirts with Jessica in the dark, kneeling by her bedside. Off and on they tease about their upcoming marriage, who will do the proposing, and what flavors of foods they will serve.

"Do I seem like a macho man to you? Do you feel safe with me?"

Jesica says yes and Eric proceeds to tell her all about his macho self <see video>.

5:18 BBT

Eric's sense of style -- to Jessica:

"You f*king weird. I happen to like weird people. But you are just weird.... When I first saw you on the stairwell I said to myself, 'What's the weird girl doing there? I better go find out.'"

Fun facts about Eric: (as he calls them)

He loves cherry-flavored things but hates actual cherrries.

He loves strawberries but hates strawberry-flavored things.

He doesn't eat many vegetables.

(When he mentions all of the Thanksgiving foods he does eat and mentions stuffing, Jessica says, "that's a vegetable.")

He doesn't eat shellfish. When he said this (earlier) Jessica said she didn't either. But when he listed crab, lobster, and shrimp she said she'd have to think about that again.

5:30 BBT and the chit-chat is still going.

<this is like watching the teenage boy who wants to kiss the girl goodnight but doesn't know how to make the move.>

5:35 - Eric says "I'm going to run to the bathroom." Jessica snuggles into her pillow but then reassumes the 'propped up and waiting for you' position. Eric gets water and returns to his kneeling by the bed.

He declares it is time for him to go to sleep in his little bed. "So when you dream of me you'll know I'm just on the other side - practically touching you." But he keeps on talking.

5:45 - Moving closer into position, and swallowing hard into his mike, he crawls into bed with her. In the meantime Jessica typically keeps her face proected with her arm, hands, finger, etc. They rehash the same old who's going up next talk. Jessica spills her water glass so they both get out of bed and recover. With one more feeble and failed attempt to zoom in closer to her, Eric calls it quits and goes to bed. It's 6 a.m.

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9:20 Kail returns from BR and goes to Kitchen and makes coffee.

9:23am Kail heads outside and to the patio and sits down as she is reading her bible.

9:38am BBT Kail heads insidea and checks the coffee and then heads back outside to her bible on the patio at 9:40am BBT.

9:43am BBT Zack gets up and heads to BR.

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kail comes back inside goes to SR but cannot get in... she tries over and over but cannot open the door... she heads back into the kitchen and is looking through drawers and cabinets but is not finding what she is looking for... gives up and heads back outside, picks up bible and continues reading...zach is getting up... 944 am BBT

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9:45am BBT Zack gets out of BR and gets back into bed and heads to sleep.

9:53am BBT Kail heads inside and into SR and changes mic & battries & grabs some cans and heads to Kitchen and checks on coffe some more. gets something to drink in a cup( i think coffee lol) and heads outside onto patio and reads bible.

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Jenn is now up going to the washroom...

Kail still out in the yard staring into space. (Does she ever give a shout out to family)

Jenn still in bunnie outfit(check out POV punishment compilation of pics in pic link) kills time...

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10:50am BBT Kail heads inside to kitchen to get some more of her coffee and Jen does makeup in the BR mirror then does her hair and Kail heads outside and and sits on patio on coach on her coffee.

11:05am Jen talks to Kail outside on patio and tells Kail that Danielle wants Eric to go and that Dustin wants to go on the block. Kail says Dustin told her to go talk to dani about not putting Eric up. Kail says the replacement will be either Eric,Dick, or Dustin. Jen says Kail is 100% staying this week Jen says that she has Dick & Zack. but think they can either get Dustin or Jameka to switch cuz Kail says they like her alot. Jen says she feels bad she talk so bad about Eric and kept saying Kail & Eric are in a alliance. Jen says that Eric is close to every1. He has so many people with him. Kail says she will be shocked if she here next week. Kail says Eric will flip out worse then Dick if he goes up. Jen says that Dick & Dani say 100% they did not do and Eric did to get blame on Dick. Kail & Jen recall Eric saying right away after mustardgate they he dint do it. they talk about all the reality shows he says he watches. Jen & Kail says that Amber has been way to quiet since the banner calling her a liar.

11:15am BBT Jenheads over to laundry. then rejoins Kail. JEn & Kail discuss Eric and if he was working with people or just be friends.

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jen up, went to loo... in bathroom putting on lotion and face makeup/ powder... kail was sitting in BY on couches is now getting up to go into kitchen... kail gets more coffee.. jen silently puts on makeup and moves to corner closest to loo door... kail gets her coffee and goes back to BY... bible reading again...

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Jen and Kail talking about if they got evicted that they would just walk out, no goodbyes..Laughing about it.

Lot of chatter about nothing....

Kail lets out a big sign, not ne, but two but three times...wow riviting!!

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11:10am bbt

Jen/Kail on the patio

Jen: Dick and Zach are definates, so we only need one more... Jessica said she would, but I don't trust her vote

Jen: I feel bad I told so much about Eric

Kail: oh you did? you have to do what you have to do!

Jen: I didn't have to at all... I was off(with the POV)... I think I was sleep deprived...

(more random talk about the game, kind of sleepy tired reflective... Jen seems calm about the talk, not being on the block, Kail has a hint of worry in her voice, knowing she still isn't guaranteed of staying Thursday night)

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Jen and Kail talking about Eric and the replacement nominations. Kail went up to talk with Daniele last night and told her she heard that if Eric goes up he is staying. Jen wanted to know who Dustin wanted her to put up. she said either Dick or Zach. Daniele is still putting up Eric (I think). Kail said Daniele has repeatedly told her she is safe, and that if Eric is up, she will still be safe. Kail isn't so sure. She said Eric, Dustin and Amber can all get HoH, so Dani needs to be careful. They ar really upset with her.

Jen is telling Kail that when she campaigns, she needs to tell people who she is going to vote for in the final 2. Next week starts the jury, so if she stays that will be important.

Very laid back....outside with no one else up.

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Zach is up in his bunny suit, in the SR. Kail and Jen are still outside, complaining about all the cups in the yard, and how it is disgusting.

Kail said Eric and Dick have hasd several confrontations in the hammock and jacuzzi. Jen said Dick thought Eric was with him, and found out differently, so he is mad.

Jen asked Kail if Dustin talks to her like she is five. Kail said no, but she is 15 years older than him. Kail said not to tell him, but Dustin is worried about Jen. she said he talks to her like she is stupid. Kail said Amber asked her if Dustin and Jen are close. Jen asked if she said no. Kail said no, she told her yes, they were. Jen asked why she said that(they aren't), and Kail said why not? Kail said she acts like she and Dustin are close, as well, just to mess with them. A plane flies over, and Jen suggests the next plane they go running into the house and say there was a banner.

Zach joins them in the BY. They ask what time it is, and he says 12:00. Jen is surprised she has only been up for an hour. Kail is practicing her speech for Thursday, saying she loves being there, she loves eating slop, she loves sharing a room with Evel...they laugh.

Jen said she is going to wear her bunny suit on Thursday. Then she realizes she will have it on for the PoV ceremony today, so now she isn't sure. She said the only thing she had to complain about was the black strap (for the mic) that didn't match the bunny suit. She is glad they got white ones. Jen is hungry, going to make a protein shake. Kail is going to eat slop first, then a shake. They go inside, and Kail ilooks for a vanilla shake.

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12noon bbt

Just before Zach got up, Kail/Jen commented that last season they didn't use the POV much. (Actually, the POV wasn't used the first two weeks in Allstars, but from then on it was won/used every week by one of the two nominees).

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Zach in kitchen and calls Jen an alien, a machine. He said she can eat more slop than anyone else, that she can take more heat than any other woman, he goes outside and said..an alien...a machine.

Dustin gets up, Kail said good morning to him and gives him a morning hug. Kail said they have honey, but they don't know if that is something that gets replenished. Kail said if not, maybe they should hide it.

Dustin takes Kail into the bathroom, to see what happened when she talked to Daniele. she said she heard Eric was staying if she put him up, and that Dani didn't want to be in the house with Eric mad. Dani told her that Eric is gone, she has the votes to get him out. Dustin said Dani was an idiot, and he is sorry Kail is leaving. He asked if she explained that if Kail goes home, Dani is breaking her word. Kail said she told her that, but Dani is convinced that Eric will be gone, not her. Dustin again said she is an idiot, and he is sorry. Kail said she was getting no where.

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Zach goes outside (Jen is already there with her bowl of slop). Zach is going to fix chicken and fish on the grill. He laughs about roasting a bunny...he is in his bunny suit. Kail comes out and eats slop with Jen.

Dustin is in the bathroom shaving, Jessica is in there, just came out of the toilet. She looks like she had a rough night. She washes her hands and leaves.

Kail and Jen are outside talking. Kail is glad she brought her bible to read. she said she almost didn't bring it, and thought she could borrow someone else's. She was surprised, then said "what was I thinking" of course no one brought one. Jen said it is the only thing they are allowed to read. Jen said she is glad, because she hasn't read it since she was 12. Jen said she is the type of person, that she feels she is "that type" already. she reads it and says yeah, I do that anyway. Kail is still eating slop, Jen is laying down. Both have their bunny suits on only up to their waists. Kail said someone keeps lying to Amber, telling her that she was the real target the first week. She said they have had a couple of good talks, so she thinks she knows.

Dustin is in the kitchen and said it is 12:30. Jessica is in there. Zach comes in and said there is chicken and fish there if they want any. Dustin said not now. Zach said it is marinated in Italian dressing.

Dustin goes outside, Jen hits him in the face with her chapstick. They go at it (playfully). Dustin said he is fine with it. Kail said it is really getting red, and Dustin said it will bruise, but it's not like he looks in the mirror. Jen asks about abs class. He said it has been a crazy week, and it is cancelled until the bunny suits are gone.

In the kitchen, Jessica asks Zach who he voted for. He said he voted for Nick to stay. he said he keeps his word, he doesn't turn on his friends. He said he is trusting her with that info, she said ok.

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Dustin Kail and Jenn outside talking about Danielle not putting up Zack, Dustin saying that he told Dick yeah I told your daughter to put you up...(check front page of Mortys) Actually Dick called him out. Dustin and Dick had a heated discussion last night(blowup)

Dustin is calling Danielle a whore, scank, etc. That she was with Nick and had a boyfriend.

He (Dustin) said he could not go up to her and say it, but it is what it is.

They are all talking about her.

Dustin said that Nick was all about Jenn and then turned to Danielle, why?

jenn said she wasnt lying.(what check video) She said Nick tried to kiss her...daaaa..he called her out.

Jenn is still talking about Eric she is very clear and sure Eric is up to something. they all agree Evil is a Dick but has something with the Eric thing.

Dustin said well those are things that Dick said, not Eric(LOL) I cant wait till they find out..HAHAHA

Dustin is trashing Dick now...Kail sitting there, jenn agreeing.

Dustin is totally backing up Eric in all Jenns accusations. Jenn is not sure of how trustworthy he is. (smart)

Moment of silence from them or brain farts....hmmmmmmm

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Dustin and Jen talking about who is the replacement nom. Jen said she won't put up Zach or Dick. Dustin said with Kail going home, they can get HoH. Jen will put her and Dick up, and so will everyone else, except Dick. Dustin said she was always all over Nick, and once he left, she is all over Dick. She is hiding behind a man, and no one knows what that 21 year old woman can do.

Jen said she told Daniele she wouldn't mind working with her, but she can't work with her dad. Jen can't work with someone who smokes, cusses, screams at people, etc. Talking about the truce. Jen said she didn't call it, Dick did and she wasn't stupid and going to say no. Jen said she apologized to Dani for calling her a cheat. She said once everyone saw her pictures with her boyfriend, they all knew she was a cheat, Dustin said she was a skank. The pictures came from MySpace, so he doesn't know if her boyfriend would even send any.

Talking about Dick talking for other people. When Jen won HoH Dick was furious, and said if Eric won things would be different. Dustin said that was Dick talking. He was upstairs trying to talk for himself and Jameka. Dustin said they had to stop him and tell him that is not what they said.

Dustin yells into the house that he is getting his suit on. Jen asked what??? He said Jessica is probably getting her suit on.Dustin said his bathing suit. (she is really taking a shower)

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Jenn asks Dustin is Danielle awake, he said probably watching people upstairs.

Zack is up, Jessica in the shower.

Jameka is up..(wow, give her some makeup please)

They look very tired and worn out.

Dustin is now in the bathroom,

Zack said he made some shrimp and BBq Chicken if anyone is interested.(When, I dont know)

POV noms (replacement is soon I guess)

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Dick outside,

Kail and Jenn doing their hair,

Dustin sunbathing,

No sign of Eric and Danielle yet though, or Amber

The people wearing the bunny costumes are putting the entire costume on, probably for the t portion of the ceremony.

Eric and Amber told to change batteries.

Jessica still in the shower..(30 min so far)

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dick in by smoking, dustin in BY looking into sliding glass door putting on sunblock... dick doing his normal routine of spitting and squeezing out farts... dustin "ha ha ha" then goes to cabinet in BY and puts on chapstick... zach and jen sitting at kitchen counter, zach is eating and they are talking about shoes... jen put on bunny ears... kail now in room sitting at round table... zach says that the bunny suit was not too bad sleeping in... jen sais she took hers off... zach says that he is the type of guy that has to have the covers on when he sleeps... z: is this day 3 of slop? k: yes z: that went fast... just chit chatting...

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we had FOTH... jen goes upstairs to talk to dani, rings doorbell, dani doesn't answer... jam asks eric if his dad is a dentist, eric says yeah, jam has a question but says she will wait until eric is done eating... FOTH

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