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First HoH Pictures [Spoiler Alert]

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CBS has just dropped huge Big Brother 16 spoilers on us! We now know who are the first 8 Houseguests in to the house on premiere night and by extension who will be the second group on Thursday. Not only that we get to see the first Big Brother Head of Household competition as well!


Julie Chen is there hosting the first HoH comp, an endurance battle, which is a repeat of the Bull In A China Shop comp from last season. HGs are playing it as “Go Fly A Kite” this season and it’s them holding on to a rope and walking along the rolling barrel. Last player standing wins HoH for Group 1. We still don’t know if they’re a “team” or not.

In Group 1 you’ll find Joey Van Pelt, Amber Borzotra, Frankie Grande, Nicole Franzel, Paola Shea, Donny Thompson, Devin Shepherd, and Cody Calafiore. The mix should confirm what I argued: no Battle of the Sexes on Big Brother 16.

That leaves the other half for Group 2 which will move in on Thursday night and battle in their own HoH competition. Then we’ll be seeing Brittany Martinez, Caleb Reynolds, Christine Brecht, Derrick Levasseur, Hayden Voss, Jocasta Odom, Victoria Rafaeli, and Zach Rance.






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i posted a short video of it in the two night premiere tv show thread :animated_bouncy:

Edited by JEDI
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I predict that the top 8 vote getters in the poll were put on the same team. I hate teams. Didn't like it with the coaches season cause it forced people to align that didn't necessarily want to.

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Thanks for the spoiler! I am curious to know how they determined the groups. If it was due to our first Team America vote, it appears our voting is already affecting the game. I'll take that. ;)

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I'm kinda agitated that this big of a Spoiler was put out so close to the first show.

It's really messed up the anticipation I was enjoying.

--- think I'll go sulk for a little while :-P

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