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Well it seems that Canada will be evicting a HG over the next few days. I can understand Canada nominating a HG - but come on - a full blown EVICTION? That just seems horrible to me. If I was that HG that Canada evicted I would be really really ANGRY! The idea is appalling.

Arisa Cox is not the greatest host. She does not have control over the live HOH competitions. She allows the HG's to take as much time as they need. There is no sense of urgency. Julie Chen would be all over them with "HG's, I need an answer NOW!". I thought they were fans of BB USA in Canada but it seems like she's never watched the show before.

I keep thinking to myself - "well they'll iron out the little production bugs" but they never do.

Four showmances? Eight people coupling up? WTF?

All cast members except Andrew are in their mid twenties. I feel like I am watching the teenage version of BB. Where are the older, slicker players who are cut-throat? It seems like they are all liking each other way to much. Way too friendly. Like a school of minnows playing a shark's game.

The constant reminder of the HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR PRIZE. Whoopee doo. (Don't forget the car and the 25,000 shopping spree at The Brick).

Well Suzette is finally gone, that's a relief. She added NOTHING. I could not believe that Canada saved her the first time. Maybe they liked the friction she had with Tom.

The live feeds, although free, are constantly off and besides, there's only one camera available!

Well we are down to cannibal time, where all the "popular" HG's are left to cannibalize each other. I count the days until either Jillian or Emmet go home. Have either of them ever dated before? They seem like two of the neediest people ever. Once they have sex all that will end. Enjoy it while it lasts suckers.

Thanks. I feel better now. Go Peter, you seem to be the only one really playing the game (besides Gary). Wake up Topaz - you're the "HOH" this week!



I disagree on Arisa. I am glad she is not as robotic as Chen, it is after all the Canadian version not US.

But yes Emmett and Jillian, my god they annoy the hell out of me. The whole couples thing is so stupid. Jillian seems fake as hell.

Topaz, yes, way to sleep away the game...useless


I like both Arisa and Julie. They just both have their own styles, and Arisa needs to be herself rather than just trying to be a copy of Julie. I frankly don't see a problem with Arisa letting the HG's take as much time as needed. The amount of time that she allows them to have doesn't really affect the end of the show. The extra time she let the HG's have yesterday was fine, she even had time to ask them questions after the competition. Plus, if they do take too much time it can just be edited down since the show just pretends to be live. So why is a sense of urgency even needed? I always thought that the only reason that Julie was so demanding of answers was because the US version is live, and they can't go outside of their scheduled time slot...hence urgency is needed then. And no, Arisa probably isn't the greatest host, however it isn't even halfway through the first season yet. Julie has had fourteen seasons since the year 2000 to perfect her hosting. I think we forget just how much the "Chenbot" has improved.

Do we even know if Canada has anything to do with this PowerShift? I don't think that there is voting or anything, so I thought that this PowerShift was internal and the HG's will decide who goes.

Why the complaining about the HG's in their twenties? I think most of the favorites and those who played the game the best happened to be in their twenties, at least in their inaugural seasons. I don't think that they all like each other way too much. Maybe those who are left do, but that's because they evicted all the HG's who they didn't like such as Tom, Liza, and Suzette. It almost always starts off meaner than it ends, I think. In BB12, for instance, how interesting was the season and how mean were the HG's after Brendon and Rachel were evicted?

The constant reason that they keep mentioning the prize, or at least the Trax and the shopping spree at the Brick is mostly because Chevrolet and the Brick are sponsoring the show and get perks such as much exposure as possible. Also, I am sure that's why Arisa always mentions that the "Big Brother Canada house was built with help from our friends at Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse". BBUSA most likely gets enough funding from CBS and doesn't have to resort to these kind of tactics.

Yes, Canada did save Suzette, but I think so many people are overestimating their like for her because of it. There were just two people to save, AJ and Suzette. Even if you dislike Suzette, I think most people would save her over AJ. While neither of them added much to the game, she at least added tension because few of the other HG's liked her and as a result the game could have become more interesting because of the save.

When it comes to the feeds, I am not sure what is better: the feeds being off for consecutive days or the feeds going FOTH every two minutes like on BBUSA. Next year when people are paying (most likely) they probably won't be doing this since the fact that they are free is their only defense.

I agree about Emmett & Jillian as well as Peter and Topaz. I think you are totally right about all of them.


I agree about Topaz. She just isn't very likeable. I don't, however, have any problem with the prize promos, as Slice is a small network and frankly, I'm surprised they managed to get as big of a prize as there is. If $100,000, new car and a furniture spree is nothing to you, lucky you.

I'm pretty happy that Slice brought BB to Canada, so I'm not holding the fact that they aren't CBS against them. And I think Arissa is doing a good job. She's friendly and has a good sense of humour.


I agree with you on Canada evicting an HG. I thought this show was trying to imitate BBUS, NOT BBUK! Evicting by public vote even once tarnishes the season for me. Yes, AJ was boring and I bet producers picked up on that and felt this was a great way to get him removed from the show since the other HGs didn't seem interested in getting rid of him. But not even giving him a chance to fight makes the game so unstrategic and shallow to me. The public has way too much power over this game when they are evicting and vetoing people. Can't they just choose what they eat and leave it at that? How are we supposed to respect the winner of the game when Canada did most of their dirty work for them?

I think Arisa is fine and will get better. It's definitely a very different, less polished style than Julie but that can be expected as Chen was really awkward her first couple seasons too.

I'd like to see more older people too but that's reality tv for ya. Other than age I'd say the cast is pretty diverse; I don't have too much to complain about there.

I personally like showmances as I find the dynamics of playing a ruthlessly selfish game while in a relationship kind of interesting.

The live feeds frequent down times and lack of essential features like flashback would be unacceptable to paying customers but we're getting what we pay for this season.

I mostly like the season other than the public having way too much influence on the game. I thought BBUS was bad but this is WAY worse!


I think that the public influence on the game is okay, it honestly to me doesn't seem as production staged at the US version with the "Pandora's Box" and the "Coup de-tat" or whatever they were.

We have to consider that the original concept of Big Brother involved the public voting out only, but the US went a different route because it's not as popular. Canada's version is good in that it is forming its own identity. Every version of Big Brother around the world is different and Canada's can't just be a copy of the US version, we just seem to think it should be because that's all we have been able to watch before.

We should give this a chance to the end I think.


I don't understand why everyone thought that AJ would be evicted by public vote. The public didn't even have a way to vote, so why so many people seem to think this?

Also, even with the twists and influence from the public, it doesn't seem like the producers are manipulating the game. In BBCA it actually seems like the twists are planned in advance, whereas in BBUSA it seems they are concocted when something happens that Grodner finds unfavorable.


Ha! I am so glad that I was completely wrong on the eviction! I have read all your comments. I liked the instant eviction. It turned out pretty cool. The one crappy thing was that BB totally showed all of Topaz's inner thoughts to the house. That was kind of mean, it might even seal Topaz's fate. I felt REALLY bad that the nominees didn't get a chance to play for POV. I'm going to make a new thread to discuss this (I hope it hasn't been done already!).


Someone was at the taping of the last eviction show. They stopped the HOH comp when they were down to Topaz and Talla. The host and production went and had a meeting for 25 minutes. The audience were entertained by someone from production.

Person said it was the fastest HOH comp so far. Host came back and asked the 2 ladies the tie breaker question.

Why a 25 minute break for a secret meeting? Did they want to make sure Topaz won to save Gary.

I'd like to hear from Topaz about the what happened during the HOH meeting with Arisa. Did they edit Arisa asking Topaz more questions or did they ask her talk out what she was going to do? BBUS during the Pandora Box the houseguests talk it out. Something that production gets them to do. It messed up her game and I do feel bad for her. Something they wouldn't do if they want to keep Gary in the game.

The production team has had how many seasons of BBUS to review. Problems with HOH / Veto comps. Errors should be happening since the show isn't down live. They have time to redo another HOH comp before it airs.


This sounds kind of fishy to me and I am not sure I buy it. What would their reason have been to stop the competition with those two at the end to have a meeting? If so, what did they ultimately accomplish by having this meeting? If they wanted to manipulate the outcome of the comp, they would have done it before it started. Plus, if they took a 25 minute break during the competition I think it would have been mentioned by the HG's.

I do think it was weird that Topaz seemed to know that she won before Arisa announced it though.


As I think about it I think it is possible that the HG's sitting in front them may have heard the answer, quickly realized that Topaz had won, and gave her some kind of indication. That's the best guess I can come up with.


That was the night the feeds and BBAD stopped until Sunday. There would be no talk about have to wait for 25 minutes.

The person said that Topaz and Talla had to stand for 25 minutes.

Topaz knew she won when the audience applauded her answer.

After the taping of the show the audience had to leave because they were using the studio for something else.

I think they wanted to make sure Topaz won to cause a power shift. It failed.


That was the night the feeds and BBAD stopped until Sunday. There would be no talk about have to wait for 25 minutes.

The person said that Topaz and Talla had to stand for 25 minutes.

Topaz knew she won when the audience applauded her answer.

After the taping of the show the audience had to leave because they were using the studio for something else.

I think they wanted to make sure Topaz won to cause a power shift. It failed.

Yeah, I totally forgot about the feeds being off. If they talked about it at all, we didn't see, and by the time the feeds came back up on Sunday it would have been old news.

But why would the audience applauding let Topaz know she won? They could have just as easily applauded for Talla. I think we figured it out above though.


I watched it back and I don't see anything odd - Topaz mimed a gun to her head for a second (because she couldnt make up her mind). I didn't see any acknowledgement from her that she knew she won until her name was announced. Somebody clue me in here please.


Hmmmm - this IS interesting......fishy fishy........she jumped off and celebrated when Arisa announced "before" for all Topaz knew it may have been a tie.......she was never told she won.......hmmmmmmm....you guys sure are observant

also it seems a little weird to ask a question based on what the host was wearing - I mean to ask how many liters were in the batter or how many pounds of this or that - but to ask a question based on what the host was wearing on a given night........kinda cheesy


This is the answer I came up and posted above: "As I think about it I think it is possible that the HG's sitting in front them may have heard the answer, quickly realized that Topaz had won, and gave her some kind of indication. That's the best guess I can come up with." Perhaps Alec or Gary figured it out and started cheering. It's definitely fishy, but there is probably an innocuous answer to it.


I'd have to see it again.

Usually, on the US Big Brother, the eliminated houseguests (and the outgoing HoH) are seated in a location so as they cannot see what the competitors are answering, nor can they influence their answers by giving hints.


You've absolutely got me there. I just rewatched it and the bench where the eliminated players and Alec sat was behind the stalls, so there is no way Topaz would have known that she won from cues given by the HG's.


Is it possible that the house guest on the bench behind Topaz could have congratulated her once Arisa gave the answer because they could see Topaz was standing on the higher step and Talla was on the lower?


Ok. So I just watched the competition again on my PVR.

After Arisa reveals that the correct answer was "before", the audience cheers.

This is what sets off Topaz's celebration, because she knows that she answered "before", and since the audience did not previously cheer, she figures that this means that Talla must have answered wrong. Simple as that.

(We know from previous houseguest conversations that they can indeed hear when the audience cheers loudly.)


Sorry Shinra, I read what you said above but in my haste it slipped my mind........ what you said makes complete sense - but Jedi also makes sense so I guess we'll never really know

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