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Eviction Prediction: Week 1

Eviction Prediction: Week 1  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?

    • Annie
    • Rachel
  2. 2. Who do you want to be evicted from the Big Brother house?

    • Annie
    • Rachel

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Annie will go

Rachel since she was put on the block hasn't really asked to stay. She does mention time to time, that she wants to stay. She is just a lot more sudtle about that then what Annie has been. No one except maybe Lane has said anything to help Annie stay. Annie burnt the bridge when nominated with the comment about Brittany, so she loses Brittany, Monet and Kathy right there, she never had Brendon's vote. The way she went on after what Andrew did as a joke, (it wasn't right for him to do it), she never had that vote. That's five against her. That only leaves Kristen who she hasn't really talk to, Matt, Enzo, Regan and Lane. Hayden can't vote.

She hasn't asked to stay because she knows she's safe. While Annie is not a favorite of mine and I hate listening to her talk over and over she is at least trying to stay in the game. Rachel reminds me of Jessie's group last year in that they didn't worry about being evicted because they had Jessie and the numbers. If these house guests would grow a brain they would realize that leaving Rachel in the game is very dangerous for them especially Brit and Monet. They are the targets for next week. Annie is a number that these guys need.

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i wonder if someone or even saboteur will throw a sympathy vote just to mess with their heads :animated_bouncy:

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The saboteur can't vote this week. :giggle:

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I think Annie will go, and I don't care which goes, but the smarter move IMO is to take out Rachel. Every season they leave in the showmance and it always bites them in the ass. Plus I can't stand to listen to Rachel's laugh, or look at her stupid *trying to hard to be cutesy* faces any longer.

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