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Guest ranster627

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Guest Jillio

James told Yvette that if he was to stay and won HOH next week that he would put up Rachel and Howie for playing both sides. Yvette asked about Janelle and James says she is not a threat.

Yvette tells him to talk to Maggie and he asks Yvette to go with her. Says to hurry up because there isn't much time (until she has to pick noms?)

Yvette went in to talk to Maggie who was in the kitchen. All I could hear was Maggie saying "sure, sure" and they walked off.

James sitting in reclining chair with hands behind his head smiling an evil ha HA! grin.

Then came the fish.

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Guest Jillio

Maggie asked Janelle to talk:

Maggie: Where did we go wrong why can't we talk?

Janelle: It is not you it is because of Eric and Yvette. Yvette hates me.

Janelle: I felt like I didn't have a right to talk to you (because she was with Eric)

Maggie: That is weird to me.

Maggie: I heard you were the mastermind behind putting me and Eric up.

Janelle: *laughs* I feel like everyone hates me.

Maggie: Here is the thing, people can say what they want I judge people by what I see not what people say to me.

I am paraphrasing...

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Maggie and Janelle talking privately in the bathroom about the game in general and how they've interacted with each other so far. They both sound very sincere. Janelle feels like everyone that Maggie is friends with in the house hates her.

Janelle says "so you hate me" and Maggie says "that's not how this game works, Janelle."

Maggie says she sees Janelle's point of view. Explaining that she didn't think anything bad about Kaysar until she saw him do something with her own eyes, so she wants Janelle not to listen to what anyone else in the house says and wait til she sees things with her own eyes.

Maggie: "until you give me a reason, black or white, to feel a certain way about you..."

They hug, Janelle says she's glad she talked to her. Maggie leaves, Janelle still in bathroom doing her makeup.

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Guest Jillio

Janelle: You were part of the group that hates me!

Maggie: uh huh

Janelle: Sooo you are all talking about me when I am walking around and they (Kaysar and group) are whispering to me "oh they hate you so much".

Maggie: I just want you to know that until I see you do something I am fine.

Janelle: So we are friends?

Maggie: Janelle!

Janelle: So you don't listen to what Yvette tells you??

Maggie: Absolutely! Don't ever think I am not listening

Janelle: Ok

Maggie: OK

They hug it out and Janelle says she is glad they had the talk and she will be up there in a minute.

Janelle: I need to fix my hair so it doesn't fall out. lol

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Guest Jillio

James is telling Maggie his plan now about putting Howie and Rachel up if he gets HOH.

Maggie said she knows he is in a bad positionbut she takes what he says with a grain of salt.

Yvette sitting right there acting like she isn't. Weirdo

James: If you put me up against Kaysar then Janelle wins veto and takes Kaysar up I go home!

James: I would put up Howie and Rachel

Maggie: You are saying Howie and Rachel are a bigger threat than Janelle and Kaysar?

James: Yes

Maggie: Interesting, I believe you.

James: you would know if I was lying to you

Maggie: What false pretense are you working under? lol

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Guest Jillio

Maggie: If we were working under the same pretenses you would not be wearing those sunglasses right now. (she isn't buying it)

James: They will know I am talking about strategy (umm you are in the corner with her dork)

James: I am giving you my word that is the best I can do. I would like to play a fun strategic game instead of backstabbing.

Maggie: A lot of the fun for me has been removed from this game. Saying I will be playing this game in a fun way would be a lie.

Maggie: How fortunate for Yvette to sit here and listen to all of this.

Yvette: To be honest I am out of it today (bi*** please like you aren't taking mental notes)


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Guest Jillio

Yvette: We have had many opportunites to get rid of Kaysar and haven't taken them. We have to take it. Where is that jerk bag?

James: I really want to get some sleep my head is throbbing.

James: after leaving Maggie's room last night you would not believe the respect I have for her (barf)


Yvette: Howie always has to work out close enough to someone to hear but far enough to not look like he is listening.

James: he is evil (nice)

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Guest Jillio

April and Yvette talking about Crappy's departure.

April: Its ok that other people don't see how important he was to us.

Yvette: if Janelle or Kaysar or Howie... it would be hurtful to watch them win you know?

April: You have to be careful because Maggie is here now and you need to show that love you had for him to Maggie (barf)

Yvette: (crying now) I made a strong bond with him from the second day

April: I got so tired of hearing people bad mouth him. That he was our leader. Kaysar was doing the same thing.

We have heard all this before...

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Janelle is planning to play for Kaysar in the veto competition and says she will "fight like hell to get you [Kaysar] off."

Kaysar says all the strong people are trying to take each other out. Janelle says she doesn't want just weak people left. That it wouldn't be fun to compete against like, April and Beau.

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Guest Jillio

Janelle to Kaysar: Do you think James made a deal?

Kaysar: We will find out later but it doesn't matter now.

James says he has no choice but to pick Sarah which guarantees his loss. Says Sarah cracks under pressure. He says everyone else will throw it. Janelle says he can choose Howie or Rachel and he gets aggravated saying they will throw it all because they do not want to bring attention to themselves plain and simple!

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Kaysar: What up? (to James)

James: What up? You and me dumbass.

James says Maggie's best move would have been to put Kaysar and Janelle up. Kaysar basically agrees.

James to Janelle, "You're the luckiest girl I know."

Kaysar says she's not playing strategically. She's only thinking one step ahead rather than 2 or 3. She's playing individually, not for the team.

What is the deal with Maggie trying to be my friend? She was so mean to me last week. - Jan

"The Democratic way out is to blame someone else." -James

We're down to 7-4 (girls to guys). -James.

"I'm sorry but I don't count Beau as a guy." -Jan

At least we know that we're all 3 playing (meaning Jan, Kaysar, & James) -Jan. James says he has to pick Sarah to play for him. Rachel and Howie would throw it so that they don't draw attention to themselves. They also wouldn't risk using the veto because then one of them might get put up. James isn't happy that he has to choose Sarah because she cracks under pressure. She also will blame herself the entire time if she loses.

"Like I told you from day one, I never wanted to get rid of you." -Kaysar to James

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Guest Jillio

James says this pick was all about revenge. She should have strategically put a pair up - Janelle and Kaysar.

Kaysar: So it is true about Maggie.

Jan: that she is a cop?

Kaysar: She is not a nurse!

James: Police or military

Kaysar: I go with military

James: No way she is not meticulous. She doesn't walk military not a good posture definitely a police. Oh mother f'r mother f'r.

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Guest Jillio

Jan: If Ivette (notice correct spelling) wins I will never watch this show again.

Kaysar: I will slit my wrists.

Howie comes out

Kaysar: What is the plan?

James: We don't have a plan one of us goes home.

Howie: We got to win HOH next week...

James: We tried that last week

Jan: The BB gods ....

Jan: Making fun of Maggie collecting turtles.. who collects turtles? I collect handbags. lol

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"James, you're so dangerous, Jan your so good, Kaysar, your so smart. You saved my butt." Howie to James, Jan, & Kaysar

Howie says that the HOH comp was mental because it was based on hand-eye coordination.

Kaysar disliked Eric because of the way he was in the house. He really, really, really dislikes April.

"I just want to know what it's like to be up there. Just kidding."-Howie

So the players for the veto competition will be Kaysar-Janelle, James-Sarah, and Maggie-?

James is hungry and goes inside. Then comes back out and says "What am I gonna do, sit in there with them?" (The other team).

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Kaysar, Jan, James, Howie, and Jen all talking about what they are going to do in the future, jokingly.

Howie wants a plastic woman that doesn't talk back to him. He says they cost about $2,000.

James likes a woman that talks back.

"Stick a big boobie in my mouth and I won't talk back."-Howie

Sarah: "Did you see how she put the keys in the box?" Howie picked Sarah's key, then Sarah picked Janelle's key (the last key in the box).

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BB:"Janelle, please put on your microphone."

Howie: "I've seen you before. Have you ever modeled before?"

Beau: "Not really."

Discussion about where Howie might have seen Beau.

BB"Janelle . . . Thank you."

Janelle starts singing so we get fish.

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